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So, uh, Athens...


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Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

K, so that makes Athens and their allies dog-washers, Got it.

Edited by shahenshah
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Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

Listen to this man, for he is wise.

They call you bullies, I call them hypocrites. At the very least, that is.

"Same taste, different names"... Don't make me laugh.

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Over in the alliance ratings thread, I said that I was always uneasy about you and couldn't put my finger on it, and invited you guys to come talk.

Please don't. I feel bad for our allies in MK and Vanguard, because your completely ridiculous behavior has put them in the awkward position of having to stand up for you, when they know what you did is wrong. How awkward for them!

You've also managed to singlehandedly lower the general world view of your bloc about 20 notches in less than 24 hours. That's really unfortunate, because there are some really amazing alliances there, and they most certainly don't deserve this ding to their record on your behalf.

For shame, Athens.

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Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

Ok, thats NPO. As someone never in NPO, in an alliance never treatied to NPO, who never installed a viceroy (indefinite or definite), who never drove anyone anywhere, Never used PZI,EZI or regular ZI, who never used my might to make anything right and never washed NPOs anything how does this relate to me?

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What I am getting from this thread is because NPO and co did some wrong things in the past we are now never allowed to have a negative opinion when someone else does the same thing, mmk. Also I forgot when the thread was changed from "Athens raiding 40 man alliance" to NPO and its past crime, back on topic everyone.

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Acta, non verba

If you are all so morally correct, why don't you stand up for this alliance? and actually do something about it. Would be more useful and exciting. :)

Problem is, most people complaining in this thread aren't in any position to do something about it, and if you really expect someone to abandon their alliance just to engage athens and fob over this, then that's pretty dull of you.

When I was actually government during the popcorn war, I did, "Do something about it"

Edited by scythegfx
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Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

You know using the logic "they were bad, so we can be too" is just as hollow as "don't be bad, even though we were when we could".

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No, but grandstanding by certain people is.

Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

That they are hypocrites doesnt mean they are wrong.

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Simple, NPO and their dog-washers have no credibility when they try to complain about the might makes right nature of tech raiding when they used might makes right to justify everything they did, including EZI to (OOC) drive players permanently from the game (/OOC), indefinite viceroys, and the like.

Can't argue with that, but then similarly you guys have no credibility when you come out with the sames lines that NPO and co. would use when it came to defending themselves.

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What I am getting from this thread is because NPO and co did some wrong things in the past we are now never allowed to have a negative opinion when someone else does the same thing, mmk. Also I forgot when the thread was changed from "Athens raiding 40 man alliance" to NPO and its past crime, back on topic everyone.

NPO was brought into this when Moo posted relating this to NPO.

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The fact that anyone is even trying to justify this kind of conduct is just pathetic. There is nothing brave or honorable about picking on an alliance that has done nothing to you. This isn't a tech raid, this is a war perpetrated on an alliance for no reason other than that you can. If this is the brave new world that Karma has created, then forgive me for not celebrating.

Read up on your history, Athens. This kind of conduct is what caused many alliances to turn against GOONs and \m/ and we all know how they turned up. I can only hope that the wheel of karma turns around again and runs over you.

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Did you know? The alliance being attacked can also fight back. Also all these "moralists" in this thread can fight too!

Who knew?

Funny. Everyone who fought for Karma could have done the same thing (i.e. fight for what's right) for all of the time that NPO was being incredibly evil while destroying all those purely innocent alliances. :rolleyes:

Now to be completely honest, this is simply another example of "Might makes Right." Poor show.

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If I was Athens allies, quite frankly I wouldn't touch this thread with a 99 and 1/2 foot poll. The longer this drags out the worse you all look. The same could be said for Athens. You're already the CnG alliance that people like the least, and you've just made yourself look like a bunch tools through this raid and what you've said in this thread. Don't fuel the fire anymore.

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Let's reverse the question cause it seems you don't understand what Tromp is asking. How are the ex-hegemony folks right about this? Just because you think they are right?

I dont really get why this is even a question. Of course im mostly only posting my opinion.

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The act of losing a war shows that they failed as an alliance.

Lets go through this list (Excluding disbanded alliances):









































Carpe Diem




Old Guard

















Molon Labe




That is a long list of failures, according to you.

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Acta, non verba

If you are all so morally correct, why don't you stand up for this alliance? and actually do something about it. Would be more useful and exciting. :)

You should really be more careful with what you wish for.

How are the ex-hegemony folks right about this?

Because this action is equivalent to those that Hegemony did, and that was a major reason for the support for Karma.

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So much posturing, so much chest thumping in this thread, people are indeed bored. I trust KoN will be ensuring this raid isn't profitable for Athens, whether they have help to do so or not. The only way you can prevent raids on your nation if you decide not to seek out foreign protection, is to ensure everyone knows you will not profit from raiding them. KoN have the ability to do this, and if they don't have the fortitude to do so then truly they are not an alliance imo.

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