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FAN Announcement


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Our goals consist of taking over the world, killing all emos, and drinking lots of rum.

Oh wait, maybe thats just me....

HOLY CRAP. I remember you!

You're like one of the few FAN people I know and remember and have actually worked with in the past.

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Mpol does need his groupies, his groupies are people like you who've come out of the woodwork when it's most convenient to show your "support" for them. Please.

Yes of course my dear friend, cause I've never supported FAN, or never gave a critic note about NSO, ever. I'm a coward like that.

Really, I thought you knew me a little bit better GA.

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I think the fact of the matter is that BoB and hippies are no fun. FAN should start a Bloc named "Go $%&@ yourself because we like war, booze and naked strippers crying because their cooters are raw and nasty from grinding on your jagged denim jeans with metal studs bloc."

Just sayin

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But with Ivan is it's hollow, empty posturing and annoying rants. With Mpol it is serious, you will know he will do something crazy and will defy all odds. Ivan will just wait till the odds are on his side and then do something about it.

Also Mpol doesn't need all his groupies to make a point across, sadly, Ivan does.

Ya, like how he threatened a sub-1 mil NS alliance. What a badass. That's so crazy, and I placed so much money against someone threatening an alliance that's 1/4 the size of their own, but he just defies all odds.

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Dear Mpol,

U mad?

By the same tone of this announcement, I couldn't care less if you have an issue with an alliance posting milestone threads or something else. That's their right, just as its your right to come on these forums and whine about it.

Edited by scythegfx
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Yes of course my dear friend, cause I've never supported FAN, or never gave a critic note about NSO, ever. I'm a coward like that.

Really, I thought you knew me a little bit better GA.

Whatever your "actual feelings" were, whether or not you were an OG on the FAN bandwagon or not, it doesn't change the fact that it's a very convenient time for you and just about everyone else to profess your love.

You're like a bunch of schoolgirls, you were following the first cool kid and they said "FAN sucks guys, like, seriously. gag." and you were all "totally." But now that the cool kids of yesterday aren't the same as today, you're all "like, yo know what FAN? We totally never hated you. You believe that, right? We were totally just pretending. We really hated NPO the whole time."

It's just pathetic.

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But with Ivan is it's hollow, empty posturing and annoying rants. With Mpol it is serious, you will know he will do something crazy and will defy all odds. Ivan will just wait till the odds are on his side and then do something about it.

Also Mpol doesn't need all his groupies to make a point across, sadly, Ivan does.

I laughed out loud.

Please, feel free to point out any point in time where I have not been just as outspoken standing alone or with an army.

But you are correct. Some people (not the OP mind you, he has earned my respect more than once - but yourself perhaps) speak with a flourish of rhetoric and empty threats. In the end, however, when push comes to shove, I have always spoken with tanks. The real question, at the end of the day, is whether my tanks are stronger than yours, but the actions behind those sorts of words remain the same.

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speaking of pathetic

OOC: On April 22, 1999, Pippen was detained under suspicion of driving while intoxicated, but the charges were later dropped due to insufficient evidence.

IC: I'm not entirely sure what your point is, but if you're trying to make yourself and your alliance look really bad, it's working.

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This was epic. Sums up my thoughts perfectly. Someone really needs to shatter this harmony.

I propose FAN attacks NPO while demilitarized, right before their terms end, for great justice, and I'll lend my pixels.

I'd be ok with that. They'd lose. You'd lose. We could kill both FAN and Starfox in one war. It'd be glorious.

Edited by Geoffron X
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I do not believe FAN should (if that is on their table, I wouldn't know) attack the NPO. That is too expected. If they wished to really piss off the "powers that be" they would sign a treaty with them instead.

Given the history between them, I suggest metal detectors, bomb sniffing dogs and armor plate backed chairs at the treaty signing ceremony.

I would also expect both sides to have a team of e-lawyers and an electron microscope on hand to inspect the treaty before it is signed and a spirited debate lasting several days regarding what is meant by the word 'treaty' that may or may not end in gunfire.

tl;dr: some things are best not done

Edited by ChairmanHal
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OOC: On April 22, 1999, Pippen was detained under suspicion of driving while intoxicated, but the charges were later dropped due to insufficient evidence.

IC: I'm not entirely sure what your point is, but if you're trying to make yourself and your alliance look really bad, it's working.

Just giving you reason to talk and as if I am worried about how my alliance looks to you.

Besides you need super secret 3-d decoder goggles to understand the subtle undertones of the post.

OOC: On April 22, 1999, Pippen was detained under suspicion of driving while intoxicated, but the charges were later dropped due to insufficient evidence.

OOC: looky looky what lots of cash and super power legal team does for you!

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That was a threat? No, that was just a statement. If Sir Paul starts making actual threats, it will be far too late to halt your inevitable demise.

And letting FAN attack Pacifica while under your agreement to protect them will only serve to damage the your reputation and by extension, that of Athens. Of course FAN doesn't care about what others think of them, but I don't think they'll be attacking if they know you'll uphold your words.

If Sir Paul continues making threats and trying to intimidate Karma, it won't be us that meets "demise".

Do I believe you? No, because it's all too convenient to profess your love for an alliance that's a complete and utter waste of space, now that they're not being held down by "the man."

My actions throughout history speak for themselves.

I'd be ok with that. They'd lose. You'd lose. We could kill both FAN and Starfox in one war. It'd be glorious.

Dream on man. :P

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Whatever your "actual feelings" were, whether or not you were an OG on the FAN bandwagon or not, it doesn't change the fact that it's a very convenient time for you and just about everyone else to profess your love.

You're like a bunch of schoolgirls, you were following the first cool kid and they said "FAN sucks guys, like, seriously. gag." and you were all "totally." But now that the cool kids of yesterday aren't the same as today, you're all "like, yo know what FAN? We totally never hated you. You believe that, right? We were totally just pretending. We really hated NPO the whole time."

It's just pathetic.

I'm not concerned about what you just said since it doesn't apply to me. Also, it is pretty easy to make a point that everyone, who is remotely positive about FAN, is a 'schoolgirl'. That kinda kills this thread doesn't it?

The real question, at the end of the day, is whether my tanks are stronger than yours, but the actions behind those sorts of words remain the same.

The actions might remain the same, it is just the planning of said actions that make me doubt the 'hardness' of your words. I predict that we will see a whole other NSO, once you gain a little more power. I already know you will state that your current level of power is sufficient to do whatever you want to do at this point, but it doesn't matter how much you repeat that line. You can't fool me, kind sir.

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Your arrogance let you down last time and I'm guessing it won't do you many favours with anyone with 4 or more brain cells this time around either.

That said I find some of your post quite fresh. People do talk non stop smack here these days.

FAN's arrogance had nothing at all to do with their downfall. They fell because they simply made a series of bad decisions. Polaris, for example, never had any problems with FAN's arrogance. If anything it made us natural allies. We had problems with, and declared war on them for, their decisions.

I'd be ok with that. They'd lose. You'd lose. We could kill both FAN and Starfox in one war. It'd be glorious.

NPO killing FAN... I've heard that one before. Didn't you try that like, twice? How'd that work out for you in the end?

The actions might remain the same, it is just the planning of said actions that make me doubt the 'hardness' of your words. I predict that we will see a whole other NSO, once you gain a little more power. I already know you will state that your current level of power is sufficient to do whatever you want to do at this point, but it doesn't matter how much you repeat that line. You can't fool me, kind sir.

And I predict you are wrong. Ivan is the same all of the time. When he has millions of NS, or just his own nation. There are many people who could claim to change based on their environment, but Ivan is simply not one of them.

Edited by RandomInterrupt
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I'm not concerned about what you just said since it doesn't apply to me. Also, it is pretty easy to make a point that everyone, who is remotely positive about FAN, is a 'schoolgirl'. That kinda kills this thread doesn't it?

If it doesn't apply to you, congratulations. Everyone now thinks they're in the "bandwagoning? no, that's not me" category, so you can forgive me if I'm not quick to believe you. Not saying you really don't belong there, you may very well be an OG on the bandwagon, but there are so many people on that bandwagon now, and so many of them were nowhere to be found when it actually mattered, and so many of them only made themselves known now that the NPO has been marginalized.

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Comparisons between Ivan and Mpol are in some ways insightful, and in others, completely off base.

It all really comes down to the diplomacy thing.

People can enjoy Mpol's rants because everyone knows that his cards are on the table. He looks/acts/sounds cool, and FAN is very easy to quantify. If it ever comes, you will know what is coming. If you sign a treaty with them, you know what you're getting.

Ivan's rants/posturing (like Sponge or Blackadder) are dangerous for two reasons:

  1. Their cards are *not* on the table. You will not see them coming. Sign a treaty with them, you won't know what you're getting.
  2. If you listen to them, even for a moment, you will start to be convinced.

The only way that you can deal with Ivan/Sponge/Blackadder rants is by completely disregarding them, and encouraging others to do so as well while at the same time realizing that not everyone *is* disregarding them, and preparing for the unknown. I've seen in more forums/irc channels than I can count the common admonition that is too telling, "Do not listen. It is Sponge."

Edited by WalkerNinja
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Comparisons between Ivan and Mpol are in some ways insightful, and in others, completely off base.

It all really comes down to the diplomacy thing.

People can enjoy Mpol's rants because everyone knows that his cards are on the table. He looks/acts/sounds cool, and FAN is very easy to quantify. If it ever comes, you will know what is coming. If you sign a treaty with them, you know what you're getting.

Ivan's rants/posturing (like Sponge or Blackadder) are dangerous for two reasons:

  1. Their cards are *not* on the table. You will not see them coming. Sign a treaty with them, you won't know what you're getting.
  2. If you listen to them, even for a moment, you will start to be convinced.

The only way that you can deal with Ivan/Sponge/Blackadder rants is by completely disregarding them, and encouraging others to do so as well while at the same time realizing that not everyone *is* disregarding them, and preparing for the unknown. I've seen in more forums/irc channels than I can count the common admonition that is too telling, "Do not listen. It is Sponge."

This implies that I lie, which is untrue. If I state it, then it is Truth as I see it. If others fail to interpret my words correctly I can not be held responsible for their incompetence. ;)

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