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SLCB Harboring Rogues?


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Hopefully get SLCB to back off their stupidity.

Then Invicta needs new political advisers because publicly calling people out almost never convinces them to agree to your demands. Generally speaking, it just upsets them and makes them less willing to cooperate with you.

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SLCB i expected better from you guys colbert.gif

I have no idea why you would expect better from an alliance of boxes.

Reps are considerably high compared to damage done

Go back to the iFOK/Invicta aid scandal. Reps were high there too.

Reps are partly to repair damages, but also to discourage further offensive actions.

Because we are iFOK?

No, but you are what amounts to their closest ally and share much of the same attitudes.

Also, you are in the same FA boat when it comes to purple.

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6 million seems like an effort on Invicta's part not to entirely waste SLCB aid slots on anything less than that. Hell, CD offers 3 million when a member goes rogue, regardless of who it was against.

This thread has a point, it's not uncommon in the world today to portray idiots as idiots when they're being idiotic. I appreciate Jorost for posting this, my list of "people never to bother talking to" just got a little longer. Tis a public service.

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6 million is no longer what Invicta wishes to receive. that was the original statement of Invicta, however in talks held with them Waltar has stated that the damage done would be acceptable to them.

Hopefully get SLCB to back off their stupidity.

Maybe i misread the OP but didnt it state they want 3 million per nation?

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If SLCB refuses to take responsibility for the rogue, then you, by all means, reserve the right to attack him. If SLCB wishes to retaliate, then they will have their own decisions to blame when they are clearly viewed as aggressors.

Hmmmm well that is an idea. But surely SLCB would not fall for something like that :unsure: .

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Then Invicta needs new political advisers because publicly calling people out almost never convinces them to agree to your demands. Generally speaking, it just upsets them and makes them less willing to cooperate with you.

Preach it. Im glad Im not the only one saying the obvious.

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6 million is no longer what Invicta wishes to receive. that was the original statement of Invicta, however in talks held with them Waltar has stated that the damage done would be acceptable to them.

Hopefully get SLCB to back off their stupidity.

Are you saying Invicta didn't demand 6 million? Because they did.

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Reps are owed in my opinion, but $6 million total for, if I recall correctly, a few GAs and CM attacks at such a small size? Seems a bit excessive.

I heard through the grapevine that $9 million was being asked for, is this true? If so that's an awful lot of rounding up and extra tacked on (if not it's still a lot of rounding up).

Perhaps a lower amount is in order then, no? In any event it's sad that a matter as potentially minor as this couldn't be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties without bringing it to the big boards.

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Those reps are high for a 5k ns and if POSEIDON or whatever they are really didn't want conflict they'd just drop the issue as the damage for a 5k ns nation isn't worth that much. However, if POSEIDON truly believes in what they just posted, then perhaps they should grab something and man up. Stick up for what you believe in, no matter the costs.

Edited by youwish959
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5k NS nations can do 6 million in damage? shoot im 75k and i dont think i can do 6 million in two days of attacks

You're kidding right? The nation of AncientGreece is 70k and can do 6m in damage in one attack... please don't mock the intelligence of the members of this community

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Well done Invicta for taking the high road. o/

Poor show, once again Stickmen.

Ahaha. Sorry, I must have missed the shift in CN politics where childishly calling out someone for defying you instead of resolving it yourself became the high road.

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If this leads to war, I'm going to laugh at Invicta. Seriously, people have dealt with more before, and not gotten this angry about it.

Edit: Not to say this isn't a completely valid CB... because it is.

Edited by Lord of Destruction
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Well, I don't like Invicta much ... or at all really. This thread is also pretty laughable. I mean, why post if, you know, you're not going to really do anything. If they are requesting an inflated rep amount just because they dislike SLCB ... well, shame on them.

On the other hand, while I like SLCB, if they truly are refusing to pay reps for rogue attacks ... that's a pretty crappy thing to do. I would be pretty let down by my little seaworthy buddies .. especially if it is just because they dislike Invicta.

I'm so confused. WHAT STANCE SHOULD I TAKE HERE!!?!?

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What I don't understand is why they sent the 3m to Legion (just found this out) and didn't talk with us about it when I was actively trying to pursue communications with them. And why I had to find out from a third party that the reps were paid to Legion to begin with.

agreements reached between SLCB and The Legion were business... and none of it was yours. keep your nose where it belongs.

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They hand you a CB on a silver platter, and you decided to attack their PR instead?


Because SLCB handed them said CB in the hopes that Invicta would attack, allowing Stickmen to use it as an excuse to roll Purple.

That has always been the plan of Stickmen. Bait Purple into attacking them, then call on their allies to help roll Purple.

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Maybe i misread the OP but didnt it state they want 3 million per nation?

It does, as I have stated Waltar told me in query that they will accept damages as reps, instead of 3mil.

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Then Invicta needs new political advisers because publicly calling people out almost never convinces them to agree to your demands. Generally speaking, it just upsets them and makes them less willing to cooperate with you.

Transparency in these arrangements can be helpful Delta.

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