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Cybernations Fantasy Draft

Kim Jaym Il

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From time to time, I un-ignore your comments to see if perhaps your attitude toward me has changed at all. This is fun thread in an OOC part of the forums. There is no call for the above comments. None.

If you have some sort of personal beef with me as a player, and it's apparently you do, let's take it out of these forums and resolve it, ok? Your whole demeanor here reflects poorly on you IC and OOC.

I figured you might sneak a peak at my posts. ;)

Indeed it is a fun and OOC part of the forum. Hence me stating I thought your fantasy government was hilarious and that you perhaps over-state your abilities quite a bit.

As for a beef with you, not especially. I just find you talk a lot of crap and take yourself extremely seriously which as a combination is just too funny for me to ignore.

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Hmm... Tough one

President: Alfred Von Tirpitz

Vice-President: Almighty Grub

Internal Affairs: Van Hoo III

Foreign Affairs: Dajobo

Military Affairs: Tautology

Recruitment: CommanderCato

Finance: Penguin

Advisers: Zbaldwin, Rishnokof, QuiteTheUserName, Random

For Lulz

Minister of Trolls: Magnum T Gundraw

Minister of Corn Flakes: v0.0v

The Chairmen: Barix9

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Instead, Essenia was in charge (he was the Master Maurader at the time I left iirc), did nothing while I was active. I go inactive for two months, and still nothing is done.

He may be great for talking about how to do things, but the truth is when it comes down to actually implementing anything he's either lazy, a procrastinator, or incompetent. I like him as a person, and is great to bounce ideas off of, but I wouldn't trust him with running an alliance myself.

It's nice to hear someone who disappears for an extended period of time from a high level position without giving any notice talk about reliability. To put it bluntly, when you have an alliance with oodles of rerolls, with a good number of banned players and ZI listers along with lots of mass recruited scrubs, it's not the greatest idea to pump all their slots with aid. In addition to this, military discussion took pre-eminence for the obvious reason that a major war was bound to happen soon and we needed to be prepared for it. BC styl aid programs for reliable members had gotten rolling by a couple weeks before the war. We were able to get a nice aid BC thing after the war as well. Currently, NSO's slot usage is around 12 (raw) percentage points down from what it was at its peak, so I wouldn't exactly call my tenure there a total failure, though your disappointment at failing to achieve anything whatsoever may cloud your perspective some.

And, to add to that, you should ask some people in Umbrella about the idea that I don't actually do work on the econ front. :D

Edited by Essenia
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I figured you might sneak a peak at my posts. ;)

Indeed it is a fun and OOC part of the forum. Hence me stating I thought your fantasy government was hilarious and that you perhaps over-state your abilities quite a bit.

As for a beef with you, not especially. I just find you talk a lot of crap and take yourself extremely seriously which as a combination is just too funny for me to ignore.

My self evaluation is actually what I've been told by others--ask those that have worked with me in an alliance. I've never officially held the title, but I've done the work of an ombudsman in every single alliance that I was a member.

So it's not really me taking myself too seriously. If I wanted to do that, I'd have made myself God Emperor or something.

My first inclination when addressing this thread was to create an all-female alliance leadership post. Truth be told, I should have completed that thought instead.


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My self evaluation is actually what I've been told by others--ask those that have worked with me in an alliance. I've never officially held the title, but I've done the work of an ombudsman in every single alliance that I was a member.

So it's not really me taking myself too seriously. If I wanted to do that, I'd have made myself God Emperor or something.

My first inclination when addressing this thread was to create an all-female alliance leadership post. Truth be told, I should have completed that thought instead.


Not sure there is a conflict to warrant a truce. At least, not from where I stand. Not really going to derail this thread by continuing this discussion. I just thought your fantasy gov was crap and that you talked yourself up way too much. Opinions are like arseholes afterall.

Edited by Tygaland
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I'm using the MK system minus the advisors category. It's fairly biased.

King: Archon

Prince: Tygaland

Lord High Vanguard: ES/Liquid Mercury

Lord High Envoy: Stumpy "Mano" Jung Il

Lord High Treasurer: Londo

Lord High Communicator: Whoever types up FARK's announcements

Lord High Inductor: LJ Scott

Castellan of the Keep: Bros


Kamichi, Doitzel, Xiphosis, Airme, Van Hoo III, and Dilber

Target Practice: Panfilo

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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I'm using the MK system minus the advisors category. It's fairly biased.

King: Archon

Prince: Tygaland

Lord High Vanguard: ES/Liquid Mercury

Lord High Envoy: Stumpy "Mano" Jung Il

Lord High Treasurer: Londo

Lord High Communicator: Whoever types up FARK's announcements

Lord High Inductor: LJ Scott

Castellan of the Keep: Bros


Kamichi, Doitzel, Xiphosis, Airme, Van Hoo III, and Dilber

Target Practice: Panfilo

Head boss man of that would be Yak, but its mostly a collaboration of some people they have locked away writing that stuff 24/7. Also, Hyperion321, i see alot of wars in the future for that alliance if you put me in charge of FA

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Tri of War: SovietCanuck or MrCyber, it's a toss up. I can see myself getting along better with SC over a longer period of time, so he'd probably win out.

Why did you place MrCyber at war?

I think he could do it, but it is not really his position IMO.

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Using TFD's Govt structure as a foundation with slight changes, because it works so well:

Speaker: Firebolt (one of the best Speakers TFD has ever had)

Senator: raasaa (a good Senator has to know his stuff - and you can't get alot more experienced than raasaa)

Senator: Iskander (energetic, not too old, but still knowledgeable)

Senator: Anu Drake (excellent FA mind)

Senator: The Parasite (a great decision maker)

Minister of Internal Affairs: Tamurin (he knows how to run a ship)

Deputy of Recruitment: Samwise (this girl knows IA, and can run it good too)

Deputy of Education: Cadieness (Cadie rules Education and organization :D )

Minister of Economic Affairs: Basileus (One of TFD's good ex-MoEAs)

Deputy of Tech: Kine Rage (A total tech guru)

Deputy of Trades: Captain Canuck (the CwC of TFD)

Director of Bank: Eivind the Great (The best organizer I've ever seen - he knows how to keep the Bank in line)

Minister of Security: GearHead (uhm...)

General of the Army: Sam (he knows his military stuff, that's for sure)

General of Intelligence: Italgria (by far the craziest yet best MoS TFD has ever had - and he has connek-shunz too!)

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lusitan (Probably my biggest role-model. FA is his home.)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ogden (Another awesome FA guy with his head screwed on right. :D )

Alot of these people are either ex-TFD or people who I have seen do their work firsthand. None of these people were picked based on what I've heard, but from what I've seen. Thus, I did end up going over the limit of allowed people who are in TFD's current Govt, and alot, if not all of the people on that list, are people who have had direct contact with TFD. The best thing about this list, however, is that it's pretty realistic. It could pretty easily work smoothly, and all of the people on the list know how to do their work extremely well. :)

Edited by GearHead
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Screw structure, a list of people for my dream-team government of the alliance next in line to probably get rolled by everybody:

Stumpy, Sponge, Josef Thorne, Uhtred, Grinch, lolibot, Xiphosis, Archon, babyjesus, Schatt, mpol, lebubu, Commisar and that guy that has the current Fark thread in World Affairs.. Chysil?

Sounds good.

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Three picks for governments using the standards of some of the alliances I've been in.

1. NpO Style

Emperor: Crymson

Regent: mpol

MoPax: WarriorConcept

MoT: dilber

MoPlenty: Azaghul

MoL: domisi

2. TOP

GM: Roquentin

GH: Dr. Dan

GC: Random

GI: Myself (nostalgia)

GT: Penguin

GD: diskord


Tri: Fallen_Fail, Daemon_Vower, Heft

Edited by Essenia
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NPO-style is probably easiest, so I'll go with that:

Emperor: Archon

Regent: Dilber

Econ/$$$$: Jenko, Millionario

FA: SeasonsOfLove, Coursca, Triyun

IA: Lord of Destruction, DrDan

Media/Propaganda: Sir Paul (The man, the legend)

Military: VladimirStukov, LiquidMercury

And... I'm probably undeserving, but god knows someone would need to keep people from killing each other, which I'm great at.

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Francesca? Off her rocker? Don't know what you're talking about.

Let me see.....

Emperor: Arsenal from ODN.... I've known him for a long time and trust him completely. He's also got the experience and contacts to make an effective leader. I wouldn't want to be supreme leader because it's a thankless job.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: why myself, of course.

Minister of Defence: Jofna... he's a brilliant military mind, plus having him in government would be completely hilarious.

Minister of Interior: like Kent said, in a perfect world Banned Member might be a decent and mature human being, if so I'd give him Minister of Interior. He's a very hard worker and obsessed with all that interior stuff that I find so revolting.

Minister of Finances: bryn1030 probably, or perhaps Elegarth. Both trustworthy and experienced people.

Minister of Media: Schattenmann or Vladimir, probably Schattenmann if I wanted the government to have any cohesion.

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I love banned member in any postion. No, but really, Stumpy in everything. :ehm: One man AA, perhaps a little Opethian and voila the perfect gov. Sharkcat Edition anyone?

Target Practice: Panfilo

I not agree this target!

Edited by The AUT
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I'm using the MK system minus the advisors category. It's fairly biased.

King: Archon

Prince: Tygaland

Lord High Vanguard: ES/Liquid Mercury

Lord High Envoy: Stumpy "Mano" Jung Il

Lord High Treasurer: Londo

Lord High Communicator: Whoever types up FARK's announcements

Lord High Inductor: LJ Scott

Castellan of the Keep: Bros


Kamichi, Doitzel, Xiphosis, Airme, Van Hoo III, and Dilber

Target Practice: Panfilo

The advisory department for this one would make for some hilarious meetings.

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An anarcho-syndicalist commune ruled by the collective through mandatory bi-weekly membership meetings where all alliance matters are voted on after being discussed vigorously for a minimum of two hours. Aid would be given according to ability and requested according to need. Land would be redistributed to the peasants and proletariat. Technology would be quarantined in the name of luditism and to ensure factories won't need to close in the name of innovation. Alliance security will be handle by a secret police unit headed by myself to investigate members for ideological purity. Those found lacking will be purged, sent to gulags, and eventually shot after they adequately confess to their crimes.

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