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A True Enigma


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Simple enough. GATO keeps me here in whatever small or big capacity. I couldn't give less of a !@#$ about the rest of the alliances in CN, with the exception of the IAA and some people in other alliances.

The game itself is largely !@#$ as well. It's the community itself that gives it any real attraction and staying power.

This is essentially my reason as well.

CN, as a game, has lost its value to me. I keep track of what goes on, tried to get immersed in GATO internal politics again (failed due to lack of willingness to overly exert myself), and so on, but really I just enjoy being in GATO. Partly because of the people, but also because of the nostalgia effect. I have been there for quite a while, and have been through so much as a GATOan, that I don't think I could leave. Now, it'd be a lie to say that I haven't at some times considered rerolling as a new member and not telligng anybody who I was, join some other alliance, imbued with new energy and CN political desires... but I couldn't do it. GATO is what keeps me in CN, even though I've never really been important in GATO. Heck, I'm actually really bad at this game. I can't understand anything beyond basic game mechanics, and apart from just chatting with members of other alliances, I do not possess the skills to be overly involved in foreign affairs. But, I enjoy it, even when I'm not really doing anything

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I play in the vague and distant hope that I can escape being a tech farm and make it to the big time.

I had a goal on day 1 and that was to own nukes, I am still working towards that goal 700+ days later.

Everytime I get close something happens and I have to reroll to either continue to supply tech or to avoid EZI.

When I get to my goal I shall probably enjoy it more than anyone else has ever enjoyed having nukes before.

There shall be a major party on the day I buy nukes, I honestly have no intention of using them but they are a status symbol that has been eluding me for years.

Everyone plays for a different reason, I play to reach an certain strength level have nukes. Then I shall work towards owning every wonder after that.

In short I want to be big. Not the largest, but large enough not to be considered insignifigant.

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For the lulz. Also, who doesn't enjoy some good old fashioned drama?! Lord knows I don't get enough of it in my real life.

Really though, I play cause it's something to do, and it's a bit deeper than most games, and I like that I only have to log in once a day for 5 min (hell, once every 20 days if need be) and I lose no ground on anyone else.

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"Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight

Why am I trying to see, when there aint nothing in sight

Why I am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try

Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die"

Seriously though, I play for a few reasons, the main one being that I still have a debt to pay. I also enjoy the economic aspect of the game and chilling with other people on IRC (building warchest, very exciting),

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Not entirely sure. It's a distraction when I get bored. Few people I enjoy the company of on IRC etc and I love being in the alliance I'm in at the moment. The only other one I've been in with a community like it was different, I knew the vast majority of the people in it before we joined the game, and it's gone now anyway :(

Also waiting for a few friends to get bored as I've been promised I'll be rogued on :awesome:

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I hate to see everything I put into this game go to waste. Thus I waste even more time. Makes sense, right? ;)

"I've wasted alot of time in this game. If I were to leave now, all of that time I wasted would be wasted time."

Sounds like something out of Catch-22 :P

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I find the game highly adictive... really it should take me 5 minutes a day to play but some days you can loose hours between different forums etc.

Im not sure why its so adictive... i have come from the world of console gaming so this was very very different for me and has hooked me.

I have run government positions... tried to build an alliance from scratch and maybe got a bit jaded along the way too... at present im enjoying just relaxing in a larger alliance where i can hang out and be part of it all without feeling the weight of expectation i have had in the past.

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I play because I like the people in my alliance and because it's interesting to see the politics and power shift in this over time. It got a little boring when it was just a few factions that were still tied to NPO stomping one alliance at a time, but the buildup to the major wars is where CN really becomes interesting.

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Even after 2 years I still enjoy the politics. The community keeps me here. I find the game interesting, while it will never be totally like RL politics its not far off. The reason i started playing was that I was away from my family 5 days a week and needed something to do. I stay because even though this world is full of pixels an accomplishment is still an accomplishment. I have goals here that I have yet to meet. So I stay and continue to play and enjoy it.

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I continue to come here, day after day after day, and i do it for a mixed bag of reasons. Some of those that are already being talked of here. Reasons of what i can only describe as loyalty to the people that took me in as a fledgling nation ruler who had all of 300 NS at the end of 2 weeks into the game, and was already facing a probable ZI sentence that was passed then repealed, then repassed and then i dont know what.

Reasons of genuinely enjoying the non political banter that goes on in the private channels of Ragnarok, enjoying the company and the routine "Sup?" stuff that goes on there. Of course now there is the added reason to stay the course, and to improve upon that which you inherited, the recent war has set that off track a bit, but eventually, yeah.

Another thing, insomnia.

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However, in retrospect I would say that this chase I undertook was a bit foolish; because in all honesty nothing anyone does or has done here in this game carries any meaning. I was once immersed in this game, as many others have been and continued to be. Thus this game and it's politics was something I wanted...or better yet needed to excel in to gain a sense of accomplishment was misplaced. As in all reality, the accomplishments made here can be wiped away in an instant; there is no real long-lasting accomplishments in CN.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-10

1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

3 What profit hath a man of all his labor which he taketh under the sun?

4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.

6 The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.

7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full: unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

8 All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

We are here because we are seeking salvation.

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Ecclesiastes 1:1-10

We are here because we are seeking salvation.

I'm not terribly religious...so I can't really decipher the meaning behind the passage you've listed. I'm sure there are others whom cannot either; could you explain what the meaning behind that passage?

Edited by Owned-You
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I came for the pixels but I stayed for the people.

Also, I like buying 50 tech every ten days during peace time so I can stay up late and rip nations apart with my WRC during wartime.

Also also, I teach government and it's fascinating to observe how things roll in this game, as they have direct parallels IRL.

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I'm not terribly religious...so I can't really decipher the meaning behind the passage you've listed. I'm sure there are others whom cannot either; could you explain what the meaning behind that passage?

It's basically saying that nothing you do (in RL) matters or lasts either. Pretty much the exact same thing you said about CN. And it's quite true if you think about it. Yet here we are, and there the entire human race is. Why?

Edited by Londo Mollari
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It's basically saying that nothing you do (in RL) matters or lasts either. Pretty much the exact same thing you said about CN. And it's quite true if you think about it. Yet here we are, and there the entire human race is. Why?

Damn that is deep. I must reflect upon this further. :unsure:

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CN is a young-man's (figuratively speaking as I myself am only 17) game and much like competitive sports does not reward the old with continued success.

Old and experienced members command respect. Or, if you're Zigbigadorlou or Banned Member or Baseballer or somebody of the sort, you command hatred and lulz.

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