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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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NpO has since been defeated in the NoCB war, and Electron Sponge left that alliance since.

Jonathan Brookbank has since been placed on several EZI lists, including IRON's, and I believe the NPO's and perhaps a few others.

He worked to get off of them, however i honestly don't know the status of that anymore.

JB was released a while back.

The pre terms are included in these terms. Mainly by having the people come out and fight. :-p Since they're going to come out and fight, it's a bit silly to charge NPO a bunch of money for having them parked in PM for a bit, isn't it?

This is good to see.

I gave you my word that these terms weren't designed for that and that I wouldn't allow it to happen.

And I would definitely back up Londo's word as reliable.

10% of it were monsters, 5% of that ten percent are located elsewhere on Bob now, the remaining 5% perpetuate those mistakes. Some of us haven't been here long enough to even qualify as monsters or participate in the "great atrocities". We only know the benevolence the NPO has shown us in our time here since. The policies were not implemented in an ideal fashion which could make us monsters to those who opposed us yes, but what worth is an alliance that isn't able to defend its own interest? Our system lacked grace. Will Karma's?

It's quite clear at this point that Karma will not be installing a system. The system that arises will have to wait for the next war before we see it.

I repeat my belief that this is little more than a rebalancing based on geopolitics. Sparta will likely be the next target of all this war mongering.

Based on posts on the forums, I would say the next target is probably someone else. Sparta's war performance does not recommend it as a threat.

How the hell do you lose 450 million in 2 weeks? Were you buying land and infra as it was getting destroyed?

Ever heard of the term turtling?

He was probably buying navy.

The NPO should be booted out the Sanction Race and be kept out for a month or so.

Wait, out of the sanction race?

You do realize member count is a pretty big factor in score, right? As in, they would have to drop to around 975,870 NS in order to pass below the drop line right now?

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It's not any different in principle. Fortunately, that's not what's being done here.

You just contradicted yourself in two sentences. Principle is the foundation for the Anti-EZI movement. So don't be trying to tell me with a straight face if the principle is the same, the actions are ok, Give me a break.

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I was nearly shocked when I began reading this announcement because I thought for a moment that the New Pacific Order might have stopped the propaganda presses for a moment and decided to put a stop to this conflict.

They call it negotiations because you are supposed to negotiate. Has not the NPO requested that their enemies commit more fully to a war before offering peace to them? I strongly believe that a more sincere effort should have been made to negotiate with Londo as many have stated he is a fair and just man. I only hope that the NPO has not slapped away its only saving hand. How can peace be extended to an alliance whose members will not abide by the decisions of its government? How is Karma to trust that you will honour your monetary commitments if so many hard-working and loyal members refuse to abide by the surrender terms?

This announcement can be summarized as this: NPO is not yet ready for terms.

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You just contradicted yourself in two sentences. Principle is the foundation for the Anti-EZI movement. So don't be trying to tell me with a straight face if the principle is the same, the actions are ok, Give me a break.

That's not what I said. What I meant was that no one was trying to pin all the evils in the world on you. Not sure where you got the action/principle thing from.

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Question, you were a part of the NPO for the part of the last two yrs if by only a few months at this stage. Does that mean you will be helping us with reps? Also if you try and pin all the evils of the world on us, how is this any different from EZI?

I was a part of the NPO at one time. And sure, I'll save an aid slot for my contribution to your reps.*

My terms: You must remove that image in your sig with that moronic 'rallying cry'.

Actually, don't. I'm enjoying making fun of it.

* - $1, 1 tech, 1 soldier....all this could be yours! Offer void in UT, RI and any other location with a vowel in its name.

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Its more than that, they need to be active to defend themselves.

OOC: Also as in college myself right now I can say this, being on here even for update is an hour one could be doing some work for classes.

I agreed. We all understand how difficult nation editing is at this time of year. So continue to take a beat down till the time of year is more suitable for visting the nation edit page. Or is that a logistical nightmare too.

Which season suits best?

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That's not what I said. What I meant was that no one was trying to pin all the evils in the world on you. Not sure where you got the action/principle thing from.

Action and principle are scientific theory parallels as in Neuton's 3rd Law, can't have one without the other. As for them not trying to pin the evils of the world on us, have you read some of the stuff they have posted over the past two months, it beyond pinning its being judge, and jury all in one.

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That's not what I said. What I meant was that no one was trying to pin all the evils in the world on you. Not sure where you got the action/principle thing from.

It sure seems that way as this topic is full of NPO should man up and pay these reps for their past evils, etc, etc ,etc.

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Action and principle are scientific theory parallels as in Neuton's 3rd Law, can't have one without the other. As for them not trying to pin the evils of the world on us, have you read some of the stuff they have posted over the past two months, it beyond pinning its being judge, and jury all in one.

Forgot executioner.

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Action and principle are scientific theory parallels as in Neuton's 3rd Law, can't have one without the other.

Fascinating. Still not what I said nor what I was responding to. I'll pretend it's just a misunderstanding rather than a rather pathetic attempt at putting a spin on things though.

As for them not trying to pin the evils of the world on us, have you read some of the stuff they have posted over the past two months, it beyond pinning its being judge, and jury all in one.

You missed an 'all' in your quote. There's a difference between judging you for your crimes, and blaming you for everything that is wrong with this planet. Or what you did to Polar.

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I agreed. We all understand how difficult nation editing is at this time of year. So continue to take a beat down till the time of year is more suitable for visting the nation edit page. Or is that a logistical nightmare too.

Which season suits best?

There is more to war then just being a meat shileld and taking a beating. You don't expect them to want to fight back?

OOC: Try getting anything 90% active in any RL group, almost never happens.

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o/ NPO, you do have friends.

Karma, if you're interested in my opinion (don't worry, this is just rhetoric. I harbor no delusions that anyone even knows who I am, let alone cares what I think) just look for my posts in several of the KARMA DOWs, multiply by a few orders of magnitude, and extrapolate.

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Forgot executioner.

For the love of, you can not kill an alliance, it has to be a choice and willing given up. So with that in mind, we are not dead, Karma can not kill us. Please stop this point as I have asked and say in this thread many times, it is beating a dead horse already.

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After reading the last few posts by NPO, I can see the propaganda presses are still open, and thus I am very disappointed in NPO, not only for rejecting the terms and choosing to keep fighting a war they will never win, and by once again trying to manipulate the public mind about what Karma is.

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KARMA POW is always recruiting Kristo ;)

Leaving my alliance for refusing unrealistic terms is not going to happen. I remained a part of the NPO throught the past 2 years and I shall remain. Individually surrendering is the weak way out of this situation, it's admitting I don't want to be a part of these reparations.

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For the love of, you can not kill an alliance, it has to be a choice and willing given up. So with that in mind, we are not dead, Karma can not kill us. Please stop this point as I have asked and say in this thread many times, it is beating a dead horse already.

oh hey nice sig. Brothers till the end eh? Well sorry to say but that "end" is right around the corner. Id say another week or 2 till NPO reaches its end. You guys dont have the coordination, strength, willingness, and closeness of FAN to stick it out. You will come back begging for peace. Just wait.....

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