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Betrayal and Manipulation

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While I was previously, on an intellectual level, aware that anyone could post anything at all and have it be eaten up by most everyone without any critical thought whatsoever, just so long as it provided new reasons to talk about how terrible the NPO is, it is still a bit alarming to see such a thing in actual practice.

Then by all means refute it, if it is a lie.

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Blaming mhawk? Damn you're on missions to have no allies left aren't you?

Alright, that is enough. I did tell moo that last night. Now to make this all well I guess I'll have to make a thread on this issue with logs for all. I'll get it up after I've had time to read what I'm supposed to respond to.

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As we see the honor of Pacifica dwindle like the light of day receding into twilight, we can only hope that this scandalous treachery of the highest order will ensure that only the just and honorable take the mantle as leaders in this game.

Well Played Athens. I wish GGA the best of luck.

Shameful conduct NPO. I am truly appalled.

Edited by Crushtania
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Alright, that is enough. I did tell moo that last night. Now to make this all well I guess I'll have to make a thread on this issue with logs for all. I'll get it up after I've had time to read what I'm supposed to respond to.

Oh ho, the plot thickens! Tell us though, did Athens gov tell you that they were pulling terms?

Oh the excitement!

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Then by all means refute it, if it is a lie.

Yea, $%&@ logical reading skills!

Are you people serious? I thought the first guy was just weird, but two in a row? Wack, man.

No I know nothing about this and maybe it could all be true, but I'm not going to believe an obviously spun story just for the sake of attacking someone without giving it any thought at all. And giving it any thought at all I realize "Hey, this is obviously spun, maybe I should wait to see some sort of response to try and figure out the truth."

Further, there is a difference between "EVERYTHING IS A LIE" and "this doesn't really paint an accurate picture."

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I'm kind of disturbed by a lot of this in more ways than I could convey. Did things really get that bad? And if so, why did you refuse my help?

Also, I really wasn't satisfied at all by that justification for why the removal of Scotch and KungFuHamster was legal. I would REALLY love someone to explain how you get past that needing a 2/3rds council vote to remove a Triumvir if you're removing 2/3rds of the council.

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It isn't whether it is a lie or the truth, it is just sad/pathetic on so many levels that you have to question the value of it.

I also get that impression a bit.

Is it possible that the GGA is just doing this and overreacting in order to get onto your good side Athens? I wouldn't put it past them personally. Either that or they are really incompetent.

Edited by President Obama
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o/ Londo

o/ Athens

I am proud to be apart of an alliance that is willing to stand behind there word to any alliance or person. Every one deserves a chance. Athens is an outstanding, courageaous, generous alliance that a vast majority,IMO, could learn alot from.

GGA is being given the greatest chance to turn there alliance around and be apart of the greater good of the planet.

Good Luck GGA and prove everyone wrong. You can and Will be a better alliance and grow and prosper with the rest of us on Planet Bob.

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While I was previously, on an intellectual level, aware that anyone could post anything at all and have it be eaten up by most everyone without any critical thought whatsoever, just so long as it provided new reasons to talk about how terrible the NPO is, it is still a bit alarming to see such a thing in actual practice.

Oh great elephant of critical thought and civility, if you believe in the ideals you espouse in the above quoted post, please don't hesitate to demonstrate it for us. Why don't you tell us why you believe the reactions to the OP are inappropriate (i.e. why the OP is inaccurate), instead of just insulting us for our behaviour?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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I'm both shocked...and not shocked. All I know right now is that some despicable things happened, to my allies.

GGA, and by GGA I mean Shane and Descepter, you have my full and unwavering support. We have had our differences, and issues with our relationship, like all relationships have, but what happened here is the kind of thing that should never happen. Good luck in righting your ship, but I'm sure you can do it. And good luck repairing the damages that have been done tonight.

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Having had Mhawk as a protector, I know many of his faults, however I do know he is also somewhat honorable. Too honorable to make up something like this. So either he heard it from someone else, or your blaming one of the only people to stand up and fight for you when you were attacked.

You took the words right out of my mouth, only your saying them a bit nicer than i would have!

Well, if I'm TPF I take that note to start looking to end their participation in this war. No need to fight for that.

I thought this war was BS when i finally found out what the heck was going on, Lets just say my thoughts haven't changed.

TPF Forever


Edited by Burning Glory
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It's laughable that the best GGA can hope for in a situation is for an alliance to take pity on them.

Any respectable alliance would be immune to such blatant foreign meddling in their internal affairs. GGA you should try to stand on your own for once in your existence. All you have done is accepted Athens as your masters instead of NPO.

Sileath, I declare you winner of this thread.

GGA was like an addict without a pusher, Good luck in your new roll Athens, make sure to screen all the GGA press releases.

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While I was previously, on an intellectual level, aware that anyone could post anything at all and have it be eaten up by most everyone without any critical thought whatsoever, just so long as it provided new reasons to talk about how terrible the NPO is, it is still a bit alarming to see such a thing in actual practice.

did you not read Moo's post where he pretty much states it is true but proceeds to blame Mhawk for the intelligence?

edit: question, was supposed to be a question.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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The ODN recognizes the legitimate government of the Grand Global Alliance lead by Shaneprice and Descepter. We continue to wish you the best in addressing your peace obligations and dealing with these unfortunate internal issues.

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Yea, $%&@ logical reading skills!

Are you people serious? I thought the first guy was just weird, but two in a row? Wack, man.

No I know nothing about this and maybe it could all be true, but I'm not going to believe an obviously spun story just for the sake of attacking someone without giving it any thought at all. And giving it any thought at all I realize "Hey, this is obviously spun, maybe I should wait to see some sort of response to try and figure out the truth."

Further, there is a difference between "EVERYTHING IS A LIE" and "this doesn't really paint an accurate picture."

Or you could employ those critical thinking skills and realize that given the NPO's 3 year track record of being lying dirtbags, and Moo-cows just throwing mhawk under the bus in this very thread, the OP, despite obvious bias (what would you expect?), is in all likelihood accurate, just as many of us have already.

Or you could not bother taking a holier than thou approach and in the same breath insult us all as easily mislead fools.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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Alright, that is enough. I did tell moo that last night. Now to make this all well I guess I'll have to make a thread on this issue with logs for all. I'll get it up after I've had time to read what I'm supposed to respond to.

Glad to see you aren't going to let it seem like Moo was trying to pin anything on you, classy as always mhawk.

As to everyone that is trying to say Moo is trying to pin this on TPF, I do not think that is what he was doing at all, He was simply saying that he got intel that was relevant to his allies and passed it along, I would expect that is exactly what mhawk expected moo to do with it and the fact that the intel was apparently faulty was no ones fault.

I also agree with Heft and Grub seeing this mob mentality in action is frightening.

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Alright, that is enough. I did tell moo that last night. Now to make this all well I guess I'll have to make a thread on this issue with logs for all. I'll get it up after I've had time to read what I'm supposed to respond to.

I think it was Moo saying "YOU"RE BACK IN WAR" which made it seem like desperation. Anyone saying otherwise clearly is biased and is unable to look at things clearly given the context and his approach in his efforts of conveying the message.

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