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I'll miss the excitement Vox brought, the hilarious comments that Vox was "irrelevant", the terrible videos to let Vox know "your gonna die under are jackboots" or some such nonsense.

I suppose now I'll just have to laugh at the irony of things like Dilber changing his nation's alliance affiliation to "The Black Knights" and all the other "Hegemony" types who believed they're somehow the oppressed underclass.

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Guys, your sarcasm meters need a tuneup. A really big tuneup.


I suppose now I'll just have to laugh at the irony of things like Dilber changing his nation's alliance affiliation to "The Black Knights" and all the other "Hegemony" types who believed they're somehow the oppressed underclass.

You could always laugh at Karma for not being exactly as you want. Seems to be what the cool kids are doing now.

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With all due respect to the former Vox Dei, Wednesday is not Thursday. So, depending on your perspective, here we are either one day late or on time: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2852645/the_futility_f_vox/

It's not Spielberg, but I made it as harrrrrrrrd as I could.

ffffffffffffff we passed that charter amendment about the Vox Dei changing days with the spoken word.

Awesome Video, I see you took my advice and went into syndication, now with all this behind us check your nation, there will be much more where that came from, I thank all of you for the most fun I have had in this game since GW2...

As of now Freelancer officially goes into Retirement, my nation will remain among The Brain for as long as they choose to exist.

Shatt its been a pleasure watching you work.

Edit, Damn Shatt I'll hook you up as soon as an aid slot opens :P

Edited by Freelancer
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To those who posted here, you are correct. I would never, ever want a former Voxian in my government. They are instable and, quite frankly, rather smelly.

On a side note, a part of me wishes Vox would publish a list of their spies, because I just KNOW there will be formerly loyal puppets of Pacifica who will claim they were only being asses to Vox to "keep their cover".

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Soon there won't be any 'Voxians', only former Voxians. Do you not want former members of Vox Populi in your government, Cheyenne?

Cheyenne is a "Vox 11" founder.

I'll miss the excitement Vox brought, the hilarious comments that Vox was "irrelevant", the terrible videos to let Vox know "your gonna die under are jackboots" or some such nonsense.

I suppose now I'll just have to laugh at the irony of things like Dilber changing his nation's alliance affiliation to "The Black Knights" and all the other "Hegemony" types who believed they're somehow the oppressed underclass.

Speaking of terrible videos http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2852645/the_futility_f_vox/

Nothing has changed except that they're dancing for a different crowd.

I'm dancing with myself, woah-oh-oh, dancing with myself, woah-oh-oh, well I'm dancing with myself.

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To those who posted here, you are correct. I would never, ever want a former Voxian in my government. They are instable and, quite frankly, rather smelly.

On a side note, a part of me wishes Vox would publish a list of their spies, because I just KNOW there will be formerly loyal puppets of Pacifica who will claim they were only being asses to Vox to "keep their cover".

That would be impossible. Not even Senators were given access to the identities of spies other than those they referred themselves or who revealed themselves at the Ministry of Science. Even if we all got together to create a list of th eones we know personally, there are about a dozen that are not known to any of us--they just came to the party and brought their own beer. It was the good stuff, Schloss Eggenberg Urbock 23, so we let them come on in.

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Your actions fighting on the other side in the war from MCXA helped the MCXA lose roughly 65% of its total nation strength, while you lost about 28% of your own. You can possibly justify your actions, but saying that you would have died for MCXA is kind of belied by the fact that you didn't, while having an excellent opportunity to.

I gave MCXA every opportunity to join the good guys. That's why they saw the need to get rid of me.

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When I first came here as the green leader of Brackwaters, I wanted nothing to do with Vox or the NPO. Now I have learned that even ghosting Vox Populi could be rewarding, especially as a nation leader who is not especially fond of alliances, since most are not very respectful of individual member-states' sovereignty.

Vox was tragic to see form and sad to see go, but both entrance and exit seem to have been necessary evils. The colorful personalities and the great works they produced, which forwarded many great principles, will be missed.

Though I never even visited their forums and can't even say I "know" them since I spend so much time tending to my poor struggling citizens, I grew quite fond of the musings of Doytzel, Scwhatt, Nintendo-derek, ElectricalSponges and Megaflaros here in this great forum, and I know there are others I am missing. Starflax surely deserves praise too for his unwavering dedication and staying on their messages behind the scenes.

Edited by General Specific
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oh yes I am sure Francesca copied as much as she could from mcxa's bunker and gov't areas...

On the Francesca thing. I was Dep. MoFA, while she was MoFA and I was working closely with her. Some say that her goal was to steer MCXA towards Karma. But that wasn't my goal. My goal was keeping MCXA neutral and letting MCXA members decide which part of the war they want to join. Also, MCXA wasn't ready for war. And everyone in the Gov't. knew it. It's pretty damn impressive what MCXA did, and how MCXA rallied it's members for the war. However, we knew MCXA wasn't ready for war. If an alliance isn't ready for war, the best thing to do is to buy time and prepare.

When I expressed my sentiments to Francesca, she accepted them. She didn't fire me as Dep. MoFA, even though an agent on acting on behalf of Vox wouldn't want to sit this war out. Was she working for Vox or MCXA?

As for the trials. Out of the four people tried, I was the only one that lasted throughout the entire trial and was found not guilty due to lack of evidence. However Francesca had the exact same evidence against her. Yet she was impeached. As a result she resigned. Shall I mention your trial thread Maxfiles? How I caught you lying red handed? How I posted your logs, that contradicted your qoute? The other members' opinion of what you did? Or would simply stating that you resigned and re-applied because you lost your trial be enough?

BTW, I resigned as a result of Maxfiles being readmitted and restarting the drama. I was tired of drama by that point.

Francesca also used intel acquired from Vox to help MCXA. I didn't know she was Vox when I was in MCXA and she said the intel came from a friend. Using that and similar intel, the Foreign Affairs Dept. was able to formulate the exact sides of the war that major alliances would take. How is posting this intel in the General Assembly, in any way, shape or form a betrayal of MCXA?

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I still haven't forgiven Vox for stealing all the wind from the sails of The Imperium, and for redirecting so much of that potential elsewhere. You're lucky the sequel to The-Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named sucked hard, otherwise I'd really hold it against you for stealing most of my members' interest! :P

But seriously, I respected what you stood for, even if I didn't like your methods. Vox Populi made their mark as one of the most influential alliances of their era.

Edited by Lord Swampy
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Disbandment threads usually bring out the vultures. I'm actually a bit surprised there hasn't been any of that so far.

Dear Former Vox Members: Join Nordreich

I did all my Vox vulturing ahead of time.

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Well with all of these high fives for vox I now say to you all. Take in those members you praise so highly here, put them into your govt. (for as you all so clearly state here, they are men of honor) let them help guide your alliances in the direction that best suits their needs.

For those of you who think they are done, welcome them into your home, feed them, share with them all the information that fuels them.

We have Lord Valentine, his position in our alliance is as yet undecided but both myself and Mr_White would welcome him to our .gov if that is his choice.

I am not here to recruit but our door is open to Ex-Voxians.

Vox have been the catayst for change that was sorely needed, I am sad to see them disband as I lose a great ally but I am happy to see the circumstances that allow for this disbandment.

o/ Vox

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