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I've been trying to think of what to say all day. For once, I'm baffled. So here goes.:

Vox Populi was the only home I've really had after \m/. It pains me to see it disband, just as \m/ did. The only difference is why and how. I'm very pleased that Vox was never forced to disband, and is doing so freely. Vox Populi brought back that little rebellious spark back to CN. Hands down, Vox Populi had the best propaganda. I really am going to miss that. Good luck to all the members of Vox Populi, thank you for bringing my faith back in CN.

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Second, that is pretty low Francesca and you shouldn't be proud of what you did. Your members trusted you and you constantly betrayed them. You sacrificed nothing but enlarging your ego and betrayed all those you held dear so you could fight the ghost in the darkness that existed only in your perception of your own ally.

She joined Vox Populi for the good of MCXA. Once the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance impeached its pro-VE government, the cause was lost. Since I've no more to hide, I will admit, while I was in the Orange Defense Network, I had planned to align the two alliances while Fran and her friends worked to steer MCXA away from the Hegemony. Sadly, only half of the goal was met. I just want to voice my admiration for ODN's membership and government. It's a slow, democratic, messy thing at times, but it has its own mind, to be sure. That alone can count for more than everything else.

MCXA, in all honesty, I hold little hope for you...but little is greater than none. I only regret that you bore the punishment of the real criminals in Sam and The Sweet Oblivion. Godspeed.

But hear this...do not question Fran's loyalty. She truly did care for MCXA, and still does, in a way. It was her sole home for the first 500 days of her existence. She may have had an odd way of showing it...but she was loyal.

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Vox, you did something no other could have done. You truly started the process that led us here and your unrelenting spirit kept the movement alive until the day where your goals could finally be realized. I am proud to have fought alongside your alliance in two wars.

I will miss you guys. I would have joined you when TDSM8 but for my desire to help keep the alliance alive. I almost joined again when TDSM8 got ready to disband. I don't remember who I told but they talked me out of it. I would have been honored to call you brothers.

Good luck.

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May your insurgence never be needed again...

However as history will tell us, You will be called back into action.

Tyrants never die. They Are reincarnated.

Todays Freedom Fighters, Tomorrows Tryants.

The Cries of Bob Will Awake You Again

And when that Happens

You will have my Spears

Until The Next Life

RIP...For Now

Edited by DeadPolitics
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I'll always resent the clear Floyd-bias in your various publications but you had big brass ones and liked to swing them at our delicate house of cards. I cannot agree with everything you did, but like all people on Bob you deserve your freedom and I wish you well with your new endeavors.

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A few points. TPF recognizes that Vox has disbanded and thus the state of war with them is considered ended. As we have no EZI, PZI, or ZI list as Doitzel might claim, we hold no further hostilities against any of them.

Second, that is pretty low Francesca and you shouldn't be proud of what you did. Your members trusted you and you constantly betrayed them. You sacrificed nothing but enlarging your ego and betrayed all those you held dear so you could fight the ghost in the darkness that existed only in your perception of your own ally.

If I had wanted to cause damage to MCXA, I would not have put everything into serving it, from the mundane tasks like the endless masking and embassy creation, to repairing relations with former BLEU alliances and moving towards blue unity, repairing friendships with current allies where communication had broken down due to my deeply inactive predecessor as MoFA, and trying to get MCXA to take the righteous side in this war. I would have died for MCXA, and I suspect that even the people there who dislike me know it, too.

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I'll let you point out the fallabilities of your own statement. I do know TPF holds no P/EZI lists whether it was with Slayer or mhawk it's irrelevant. I can gaurantee it. Being at war is different, chasing rerolls is a dispicable practice that was picked up by cowards who used to run this game. I'm not here to pick a side, I'm making rational statements to help Vox better understand where TPF stands. I promise any Vox nation out there that TPF isn't actively seeking to PZI, EZI, or ZI any Vox nations out there.
Yeah anyone who believes TPF has or had any kind of ZI list is a fool who don't know what they are talking about. What TPF had was an "Attack until the person comes by to make things right list" In all my time at TPF I don't remember any individual even Nuke rogues taken to even 1 ZI.

Hi, I'm a person who TPF PZI'd (though it was called that, at the time people still called EZI PZI, so it was the other in truth). I was forced to reroll and then prevented from telling my friends who I was. Nice to meet you both, please tell me of this fictional TPF that never had a P/EZI list.

Now, to be fair Slayer did give me a private agreement not to track me or search for me if I rerolled. However, if he found out who I was he promised he WOULD come for me. Mhawk honored this agreement and after a misunderstanding in which I mistakenly believed myself off this apparently non-existent list and put my old name on my profile, he threatened me with renewed war if I did not remove the name from the profile.

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Though I fought with the revolution for just a round two weeks, I can honestly say that it was the crowning achievement of my CN "career" (for the lack of a better word). I still remember when Pacifica was going on about how Vox would disband quickly (especially in this thread). But lo and behold, Vox is victorious.

A toast to those who have fought the entirety of the revolution and have been successful. A toast to the brave and to the honorable.

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If anything, I hope that Vox Populi has allowed you to see through the double standards and NPO exceptionalism that has allowed them to dominate for so long. Francesca, ignore everybody who is trolling you for spying for us. NPO has spies. Continuum has spies. We've spied on NPO, they've spied on us. Life goes on. Should NPO tolerate spies in their midst? Of course not? Have we? No. I just hope that in the future, people can see through the psuedomoral blustering about spying and see it what for what it really is. I just want for the announcement to read "We caught your spy, so and so, let's go to war." not "THIS IS A DISHONORABLE AND TREACHEROUS ACT, YOU'VE BETRAYED YOUR BROTHERS, ROT IN HELL." That's all I have to say about spying. Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground because you don't. Nobody will give up that advantage of espionage. War might be declared when spies are caught. But War =/= Hatred. It doesn't have to anyway.

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Starfox joined Valhalla, Sponge formed a new alliance taking members with him, I can only assume Schat and Doitzel will stay in CN as well.

They will both be staying in CN. I don't want to give too much away, but they both have future plans.

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If I had wanted to cause damage to MCXA, I would not have put everything into serving it, from the mundane tasks like the endless masking and embassy creation, to repairing relations with former BLEU alliances and moving towards blue unity, repairing friendships with current allies where communication had broken down due to my deeply inactive predecessor as MoFA, and trying to get MCXA to take the righteous side in this war. I would have died for MCXA, and I suspect that even the people there who dislike me know it, too.

Your actions fighting on the other side in the war from MCXA helped the MCXA lose roughly 65% of its total nation strength, while you lost about 28% of your own. You can possibly justify your actions, but saying that you would have died for MCXA is kind of belied by the fact that you didn't, while having an excellent opportunity to.

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You always had my respect Vox Populi if not my AA, i wish you all the best of luck in your individual journeys.

Also some specific shout outs are in order:

MegaAros, one of the nicest anti-ODN trolls i have ever had the pleasure to converse with :wub:

SciHobo, Well done Comrade B)

Paint Your Target, i thought you had departed from CN altogether so i was mighty happy to find out you had infact ended up in VP.

Starfox, i know you were mega-disappointed in me for returning to ODN after the GATO-1V war but my respect for you never wavered. Best of luck mate ;)

Gatherum, the nicest spy i have ever met, take care Vettus ^_^

EDIT: and i forgot ES, for being the handsome devil he is.

Edited by Cataduanes
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Your actions fighting on the other side in the war from MCXA helped the MCXA lose roughly 65% of its total nation strength, while you lost about 28% of your own. You can possibly justify your actions, but saying that you would have died for MCXA is kind of belied by the fact that you didn't, while having an excellent opportunity to.

They lost 65% of their NS because they fought on the Hegemony side of the war. I'm not knocking them for that...they, specifically Dr. Fresh, were the ones who got the rest of the Coward Coalition to come back and fight. But you can't blame Fran for their strength loss. That's rather unfair, wouldn't you say?

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Congratulations on achieving your goals, Vox Populi. I also offer my thanks - it is likely that the odds of the Karma war would not be so skewed in our favour if not for your tireless efforts.

I wish all former Vox members the best of luck.

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Fran had left before the war anyway, MCXA driving itself into the wall wasn't her responsibility.

I do have a question though. Vox are well known to have been spying on several alliances (including Citadel). Do you expect those alliances to simply pardon the spies it they find out who they are?

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Fran had left before the war anyway, MCXA driving itself into the wall wasn't her responsibility.

I do have a question though. Vox are well known to have been spying on several alliances (including Citadel). Do you expect those alliances to simply pardon the spies it they find out who they are?

Why do you think some chose to remain anonymous?

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