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Imperial Decree

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- National Alliance of Arctic Countries -

- Orange Defense Network -

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- FARK -

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Enough. This ends now.

I think your missing a few, like one of my personal favorites, GOLD.

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3 Hours after it starts, NPO asks OV for a ceasefire?

It's hopeless.

And this is why I suggested that NPO members do themselves a favor and knock off the bluster, perhaps even avoiding this thread completely.

Did they listen? Well no, they did not. And now we have this 70+-page humiliation of the NPO.

But now that it's out in the open....pretty crummy thing to do to one's supposed 'ally', don't you think? (Especially since Moo didn't see fit to talk to TORN first.)

I've seen a lot of dire NPO warnings about how those on the other side will turn into the very thing they hate. However, I cannot imagine the circumstances under which those alliances would turn on an ally so completely on the very first day of a conflict.

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I have no sympathy for TORN. Look at TORNs Wikipage.. and look at all of their "victories" TORN has been happy being the NPO bully boy for a long time.. now they are getting what they deserve..

So goes the master.. so goes the puppet.

Edit to fix typo

Edited by Damon Sriv
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- National Alliance of Arctic Countries -

- Orange Defense Network -

- LUEnited Nations -

- Global Alliance and Treaty Organization -

- League of Small Superpowers -

- FARK -

- Coalition of Defensive States -

- Global Organization for Liberty and Defense -

- Viridian Entente -

- Organized Nations of Superiority -

- Federation of Armed Nations -

- Goons Order of Neutral Shoving -

- \m/ -

- Green Protection Alliance -

- Confederacy of Imperial States -

- Imperial Assault Alliance -

- Norden Verein -

- Overclockers UK -

- TDSM8 -

- New Polar Order -

Enough. This ends now.

You guys always forget Golden Sabres. Just because we were small and wanted to be left alone and to have stability on the Yellow sphere. I guess that wasn't good enough for TORN and NPO. May they get what they so justly deserve.

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I'm so glad this war is being fought for alliances that are gone. Problem is, NPO wasn't responsible for all of them.

For example, didn't GOLD disband because of Thomas20, who was elected by the members of GOLD, wanted to either aid FAN or attack NPO during the Unjust War?

I thought the GOONS were responsible for FARK's months-long war. Guess NPO makes a great scapegoat since the peanuts have already driven GOONS from PB.

Speaking of GOONS, wasn't a certain member of a "resistance" group one of the driving forces behind GOONS being destroyed? I think Electron Sponge also has a little culpability in the disbanding of \m/.

NoV - that was mainly TPF. Glad to see everyone care now that they are in the majority. Funny, I don't remember all these alliances coming to the aid of NoV during their war. Guess it was bad but just not bad enough to stand up for your principles then.

Finally, NpO. I'm pretty sure that ES was primarily responsible for that with his behavior. Doesn't everyone remember that the member of NpO couped him? ;)

I'm sure I could rack my brain and come up with more but, I got better things to do.

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I wouldn't have had a problem with the NPO had their members not so fervently insisted that their alliance was "the only Socialist alliance" in the world. Had they not chosen such a despicable label for themselves, I might have supported them in this war. Had they not destroyed my deutschen kameraden in der Norden Verein, I might have been more forgiving.

Alas, goodbye Pacifica. I can't say that I will miss thee.

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I have no sympathy for TORN. Look at TORNs Wikipage.. and look at all of their "victories" TORN has been happy being the NPO bully boy for a long time.. now they are getting what they deserve..

I'm not TORN. I've never been TORN and I'd never presume to speak for TORN; however, I really feel like I gotta say this.

TORN doesn't get into treaties lightly. There's a certain respect and friendship that has to be there for them to consider signing a treaty. Tossing a bully boy label on them and walking away is not understanding who they are or why they do the things they do. If they feel that they're your friends, they'd go to the depths of hell with or for you. What you describe as bully boy behavior, I've always seen as TORN sticking up for and with somebody they felt was their friends, despite any public opinion.

That's one of the reasons I never lost respect for them, even if they and the RIA never got to that point and even considering what's going on; I always have a healthy respect for someone/someones who say "To hell with everything, we're gonna do what we think is right."

Whether you agree or not I'm sure will vary. I won't try to tell you different.

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NPO declared on OV - the rest of CN is telling them it was a mistake. That's the whole thing in a nutshell.

NPO attacked OV during ongoing negotiations without a DoW. Afterwards they posted the weakest DoW possible, showing appalling doublestandards and lack of common sense.

Then they spent the next 60 pages trying to defend that DoW and the way they delivered it against pretty much everyone else who is telling them either that they are idiots or cowards, or some other suitable insult.

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