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Tom Litler

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Everything posted by Tom Litler

  1. [quote name='Roadie' date='09 February 2010 - 03:16 AM' timestamp='1265685376' post='2169620'] If your side of the fence wants to cheer on a gangbang of a tiny alliance, have fun with it at least. [/quote] Well I hate to be [i]that guy[/i] but your argument [i]does[/i] lose any affect it might have had the moment one sees your alliance affiliation.
  2. [quote name='Roadie' date='07 February 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1265582542' post='2167514'] For being the 4th alliance fighting tiny little ML? [/quote] I don't see how their strength or numbers exclude them from relevance to an agreement between Nordreich und das Dark Templar that states in plain words that an attack on any one of the undersigned mandates assistance from the other. Do carry on, however.
  3. I'll see you in Valhalla (which in this case appears to be the battlefield). Also, I am not appreciating some of the humor I'm seeing in this thread from some parties.
  4. What about the warchests of Nordreich? Here's mein warchest.
  5. Greetings, friend. I see you've taken the time to write a well thought out response to our announcement declaring the victors of Nordreich's elections (gasp), and others' promotions. Let me take a moment now to personally thank you for your congratulations, and to assure you that I hold you and your system of beliefs in the highest regard. Heil Nordland!
  6. The title made me think of a Star Trek movie of the same subtitle. The immediate picture in my mind was Andaras meets Chief Savage Man or some other \m/ leader. What fun that would be. On a more immediate note, I christen the 'eras' as such: 2006: Founding fathers or something cheesy to that extent. 2007: Baby boomers, because that's when the game really took off, as it would seem. 2008: Hippies, because those days were all about Vietnam and LSD. 2009: Generation X, because the Karma war that 'freed' the world actually just replaced your shackles with a more discreet variety, but you don't care because pop music and trendy clothing occupy 99% of your time and energy. Hope this was of help.
  7. We've got a good government lineup if I say so myself.
  8. I believe that like myself, among more than a few others, he is confused by the paradoxical nature of signing a contract that does not demand compliance. Congratulations on your treaty.
  9. The Sitzkrieg "war" has left me eagerly expecting a rivalry of 'epic' (as 'epic' as an internet nation simulation game can get, at any rate) proportions between the former(thank me later, Archon) 'Karma' as embodied by Archon, and the so-called 'Coincidence Coalition' with LiquidMercury as its spokesperson. I don't know if anyone else felt the same satisfaction from seeing another coalition to rival what "Karma" once was, now with its own titular 'leader'. This isn't necessarily because I support one side or the other. It's simply because it makes for a good story, and this is a sort of role-playing game.
  10. Why do you need a treaty to confirm your sovereign right to make a decision?
  11. I like the analogy, Sargun. I support the addition of :Polly: but not the removal of :turnip:
  12. Unfortunate that a war that would have yielded the eventual buildup of two coalitions of somewhat equal strength (the first such war in as long as I can remember) was averted out of fear for spilling a little blood. True warriors do not fight from behind an invisible safety barrier.
  13. This is a truly bigoted attitude. I believe the smiley should be kept because if we start to remove whatever we don't like, I foresee a culture of intolerance and discrimination beginning to fester in this community. First they came for the turnips and I sat back; I was not a turnip. Then they came for me, but there were no turnips around to stop them. Honestly, I don't care. If someone wants to use the smiley and look like as idiot, that's their choice.
  14. I think it's absurd to suggest that calling you "Karma" makes anyone look "evil" by implying them to be the "hegemony". These names are nothing more than that: names. You, TheNeverender, as well as Londo Mollari, had taken it upon yourselves in last summer's war to represent the coalition you dubbed "Karma". You continue to lead and represent a coalition in this war consisting of many former elements of Karma, and you are ultimately dictating what Karma was, and what it is not. Would it be more acceptable for us to refer to you as "the artist coalition formerly referred to as Prince Karma"? Overtly, the common observer will see you as members and figureheads of what Karma once was, as will refer to you as such, ESPECIALLY when you go after one of the alliance you had attacked in the last war for reasons stemming from animosities from those times. Furthermore, simply because you once called yourselves Karma does not mean that someone else referring to you as such, even in a derogatory fashion, has to necessarily fall within "the hegemony". This is even true for the simple reason that I can create an alliance called "The Coalition of Tolerance and Social Justice" and proceed to cleanse the ranks for the unaligned from certain minorities. Basically, what I'm implying with this analogy is that just because I might refer to you as Karma, because you called yourselves that at one time, doesn't mean I necessarily believe you to embody the meaning of the word. In short, if you can understand my inane ramblings (I am rather tired from last night's festivities), you will gather, my dear Neverender, that the logic of your entire message hangs on loose straw.
  15. TOP could beat them in a one-on-one unfortunately.
  16. Just because you say it's not, doesn't make it so. Unless you can prove it isn't, please don't insult the public's attention. I still think the name I made is a keeper.
  17. The Leftover Christmas Turkey Dinner War because this is a sort of continuation of the Karma War (hence, "leftover"), because the conflict is taking place shortly after Christmas, and because the cooked turkey is now being finished off (phoenix, turkey, whatever). I like my idea. You may immortalize me now.
  18. Now what is this talk of me being uncivilized? Could Comrade Craig, who'd implicated me, please point out where and how I have acted with anything less than coherence and politesse, lest his accusations be unfounded. Furthermore, he seems to imply that I'm hypocritical for pointing out the obvious fact of the International taking advantage of an opportune moment to strike back at a longtime enemy. Again, I implore him to show me the hypocrisy in my remarks. When have I ever taken advantage of anyone's misfortune to satisfy a craving for vengeance? And thank you, zimmerwald. I'm happy for your appreciation of my artwork.
  19. I'm interested to know what Wolfpack did in order to diffuse the tension that lead to war on their protectorate. Although I think I might know the answer ahead of time...
  20. You chose to protect an alliance at war with the Norden Verein in their moment of weakness. By extension, you used coercion under threat of military action to spite NoV while you had the upper hand (or more accurately, while they were down). Not only is that more than "just words", it is devoid of class.
  21. If the conflict isn't nuclear then there's no reason to target our nukes, is there?
  22. Has anyone else noticed how TheNeverender's tone has changed into a rather over-confident and authoritative one ever since the Karma war? I have to say that I miss the powers that once suppressed such groups as Athens and MK. That Athens, an alliance that freely attacks and intimidates those who are weaker, is being protected with a vicious "don't series-of-asterisks with us" proves that "Karma" is much much worse than whatever the "Hegemony" once was. And does anyone else notice the growing trend of them (the formerly so-called "Karma" coalition) now justifying their hypocrisies with the fact that they "didn't repeatedly do this" and should therefore not be held accountable for their criminal actions? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
  23. I think, Bob, that to earn the right to complain about the NSO aspiring to "advance our position" you'll need to not be part of one of the leading alliances in the de facto "hegemony" of today. It's pathetic how outraged you seem to get while sitting there on top of that impermeable ivory tower.
  24. The caliber of your wit astonishes me. So how is the "Dark Fist" these days? I see the Dark Fist alliance remains irrelevant as always since its existence seems to be justified only by its leader's endless posturing. I don't think I've seen anyone besides you from the Dark Fist even posting, Starcraftmazter. But we're not talking about that. This is a celebratory discussion about the Power Rangers' liberation from the CADRE's corrosive influence.
  25. Yes, applications are always open to those who love freedom.
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