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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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These are logs from all of the GGA member and Gov rooms from the time DJ was made Tri over a year ago. I don’t even remember what all is in them or what was said on any given day at any given time. Even when he was not there his Bot was so he has more logs than I do :wacko: . So we felt it would be good to let our allies and the rest of PB know we are sorry if there is something in there that may not be happy sexy time. :ehm:

You know if you guys didn't burn your bridges with ex-gov members with such enthusiasm you might not have to worry about these things.

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You know if you guys didn't burn your bridges with ex-gov members with such enthusiasm you might not have to worry about these things.

They could not put people on target lists for making a joke as well.

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I realize that last time you had a public relations problem I was one of the ones suggesting that swift action would help minimize the damage. However, admitting that you have incriminating logs from your backchannel that may give your allies cause to doubt you before they are released is not exactly what I had in mind. We all know that Derekjones is now going to get a hundred queries begging him to release the logs. He may even be so insulted by you bringing this issue up that he'll release the logs out of spite. For your sake, I hope he doesn't crack.

Edited by Penguin
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Perhaps both are ZIable offenses. But yes, GGA, someone suggested you try to explain things for yourself. If these logs are truly that incriminating, perhaps you should try explaining them. Throw the first punch. I mean, for the most part I expect them to be crimes of past Triumvirs. I'm sure all will be forgiven with an honest word from you fellows.

Yes, I had a feeling they were leaving something out. The poor edit of the log in the OP kind of made that obvious.

Coming out ahead of any misinterpreted logs seems to me like throwing the first punch. The "Usual Suspects" will come out anyway to troll the GGA regardless.

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Oh god that makes it even worse than if they had just made this announcement because they didn't recognize what was in the OP as a joke.

This is just getting sad now.

Edit: Clarity

GGA's worst enemy is GGA.

Agreed. I guess these real men can sleep beside their wives without fear tonight.

Quick edit; Unless DJ gives in to the pressure of the community.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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Ironchef, GGA in general: People have opinions. Good alliances debate, vent, and hash out how they feel about this or that. Yeah, I'm dead sure there's a ton of insulting, trollish crap in those logs, including shots at allies. As for me? I don't care. I don't think you can be a decent alliance if you don't bring stuff up in general, and you can't expect everyone to act polite all the time.

Private channels are a sanctuary away from the overbearing, rigid moral standards of public and they should stay that way. I wouldn't worry about it, I'd worry about salvaging your reputation, getting some growth going, and getting yourselves organized.

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Coming out ahead of any misinterpreted logs seems to me like throwing the first punch. The "Usual Suspects" will come out anyway to troll the GGA regardless.

With a generic "oh my bad"? maybe if saying something specific was stated you could say first punch. But this? Not so much.

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So let me get what you're saying here.

"These logs are worthless. They contain nothing. Also, sorry guys. But remember, there's nothing in those logs! Did I mention we're sorry? Because we are. Really. Though there's nothing to be sorry for, we just like to say that we're sorry. Night everyone."

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I doubt things need to be taken out of context in order to make you guys look bad. But yes, the last two years. GGA hasn't exactly had the best track record so I'm not exactly sure why you're worried. There can't possibly be anything that can make GGA look any worse, can there? I mean, I think all of GGA's are already known by now, or at the very least we all know what to expect from the GGA.

Even if the logs are old, they would still add fuel to the fire and people will go after the GGA for what was said. Considering the past threads regarding GGA, this is a better move IMO. They could've kept quiet about what DJ said, but if he posted or sent the logs to someone, the backlash would be worse than if they made this thread. The GGA witchhunters would have a field day.

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Coming out ahead of any misinterpreted logs seems to me like throwing the first punch. The "Usual Suspects" will come out anyway to troll the GGA regardless.

You could save yourself some small amount of time if you just called us "everyone." Few keystrokes.

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I realize that last time you had a public relations problem I was one of the ones suggesting that swift action would help minimize the damage. However, admitting that you have incriminating logs from your backchannel that may give your allies cause to doubt you before they are released is not exactly what I had in mind. We all know that Derekjones is now going to get a hundred queries begging him to release the logs. He may even be so insulted by you bringing this issue up that he'll release the logs out of spite. For your sake, I hope he doesn't crack.

Moo knows all and sees all :awesome:

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Even if the logs are old, they would still add fuel to the fire and people will go after the GGA for what was said. Considering the past threads regarding GGA, this is a better move IMO. They could've kept quiet about what DJ said, but if he posted or sent the logs to someone, the backlash would be worse than if they made this thread. The GGA witchhunters would have a field day.

We're going to have one anyway.

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Coming out ahead of any misinterpreted logs seems to me like throwing the first punch. The "Usual Suspects" will come out anyway to troll the GGA regardless.

DJ never intended to release any logs. He was trying to prove a point about your attitude towrds the whole subject. Not only is he right you guys actually give credence to what he is saying by putting this out there.

This is a big mistake guys. I've had a lot of good dealings with GGA. I like all of those I have had the pleasure of talking to so it really pains me to see this kind of repeated behaviour from you all.

You better get a grip GGA. You're losing it fast.

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Coming out ahead of any misinterpreted logs seems to me like throwing the first punch. The "Usual Suspects" will come out anyway to troll the GGA regardless.

No, you're leaving us begging us for more. We all want to know what exactly you fear so much to try and make this preemptive PR strike? What could possibly harm GGA's PR at this point? Can it even get any lower? Listen, if this was that bad you should have gone about it in private channels. Instead you placed yourself in the arena, and the crowd is screaming for blood.

Also, the "Usual Suspects" may as well include all of Bob at this point.

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