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What do you think is the most influential event is Cybernations history?

Emperor Whimsical

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GWII. I was almost temped to say ODN and Legion not joining in on GWII but we all saw(well those of us that were playing at the time) how the Legion preformed in GWIII so the only difference would have been ODN..

I would tend to disagree, I mean you here it every time this discussion comes up. If The League would have launched their nukes they could have had a better shot, but I'm pretty sure that Legion and ODN would have tipped the scales in GWII also they were very difference alliance during those two periods of time.

So I still stick with the most fun time of CN which was GWII.

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i'd have to say the Unjust War.

the Creation of the Unjust path proved many conspiracy theorists right in their "OMG WUT civil war" stuff, and then the war stemming from that, (ie the Unjust war) showed just how easily allies could flip flop on which side they were on. in my opinion it made alliances search more independantly for a secure spot in the political world by searching out treaties with alliances who they felt secure with. not necassarily because of their friendship but because of their power and ability to fight.(this dosn't apply to all treaties, just seen as a rough overveiw)

The Unjust war changed the way people veiwed MDP's and the way the political players went about creating CB's and how treaties themselves were written and acted upon.

wars before that such as GW2 and 3 were more two sided, in which there was the league vs WUT, or Aegis vs the Coalition because at that point in time, although less evident for GW3, there wasn't as much of a tangle in the MDP web, and alliances couldn't use the "conflicting interestes" excuse as readily as it was used in the previous war.

the Unjust War in my mind set a standard for the dominant side of the MDP web. and thus brought out many more of its enemies within the shadows. breaking up those alliances such as Genmay, GOONS and \m/ also allowed for their former membership to dispurse and join various other alliances whether to bring about more of a "opposition" to the current order, or to stabalize the battered and broken side of the MDP web.

since then the lines have been blured and much harder to distinguish who is gonna be on what side, and what not.

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Yaridovich woke up one day and decided to quit CN. The echoes of this thought can still be heard today.

He didn't wake up one day, he slowly descended into insanity and then snapped that night.

That night, or the formation of LUEn, is the most influential event in CN that still reverberates to today.

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None of these things would have happened if GWI didn't end the way it did, ladies and gentlemen.

I'll One-Up you in this regard.

(The other, unspeakable, nation game)* and The GameFAQ's forum.


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I'll One-Up you in this regard.

(The other, unspeakable, nation game)* and The GameFAQ's forum.


That other game didn't really effect CN too much.

Now LUEn affected CN a lot. Changed how everyone played the game.

Admin loved us :D

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That other game didn't really effect CN too much.

Now LUEn affected CN a lot. Changed how everyone played the game.

Admin loved us :D

The other game was the source of the NPO (and thus numerous other alliances) and the ODN.

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I'll give the same three answers as I did last time, as I still believe them to be correct:

- Second Polar War

- First Great War

- Failure of the Spectrum Defence Accords, but the success of the Think Of The Children Pact, i.e. The Legion and ODN remaining neutral and the absence of nuclear warfare in the Second Great War.

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I'd say that the single most influential event was the first Great War and its aftermath, but the second and third Great Wars were also pretty significant if only because of the way in which they altered the game's political situation. The second Great War provided the only real chance the League had at winning against the Initiative, and its ultimate failure destroyed that. The third Great War resulted in the utter destruction of most of the prominent Aegis/League alliances and a convergence of the game’s politics which we’re seeing still today.

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