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A Year Older, But Still Superior

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You can always tell when ol magicninja touches a nerve.......

1. No, GATO doesn't care much for being "relevant". We make our friends and we fight alongside them when the time comes but you won't see us instigating wars or plotting big schemes. Its just not who we are.
2. I wouldn't give two !@#$% about MI6 if you weren't so full of yourselves. It's !@#$@#$ disgusting, especially considering the kind of people you were before......
3. 2 is exacerbated by the fact that you guys really ain't !@#$. DT seems to think that alliance ranking makes you relevant, some of you think activity does, or being allied to TOP.... None of that !@#$ matters. Can you move alliances? When you make a move does that change everyone else's plans? That is relevance. You don't have it. Deal with it and play your damn role...its the role you wanted. Quite frankly its a role that suits you....always has.

1. GATO doesn't want to be relevant? That's fine, it seems like you have succeeded at not giving a damn, you've succeeded so well, you've turned yourself into an irrelevant lapdog.


2. We have an ego, yes. But you know what, that's part of what makes us great. We do not accept anything less than the best, and it shows. If you put this much effort into your alliance, maybe you'd have an ego too. :)


3. This is an opinion, there are some who would disagree, myself included. What does DT have to do with us? What does TOP have to do with us? I can tell you that our allies listen to us, and respect us, can you say the same? Yes, we have a role to play, and yes, I agree, being one of the greatest alliance to have ever lived is a role that suits us to a T.

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Yeah apparently you do lack rudimentary comprehension levels mate. Tis kewl. Keep acting cool and no one will suspect a thing. FYI, a good spy's existence should not be truly known about. Thus, no evidence that one can see. A good spy manipulates from behind the scene and not out in public. But yes, keep acting as if you got us good with whatever crap post you put out trying to poke at our relevance. In one year, we have made ourselves more relevant than GATO has been in a long time and far more relevant than SRA will ever become.

Yes, I post crap, mindless hails and whatnot, but I'm not the one trying to swing at myself. You're the one acting like you "got me good" about something I never said in the first place, which isn't a wholly unamusing party trick given the right audience, but that fact that you're still talking, trying to dismantle some imagined argument that you've constructed might be a fine exercise, but in the end, win or lose, it's still you in the corner playing with yourself. So, yes, you've got a fine definition of spies going on, I don't deny it, I'd generally agree with it, but you're the one who started talking about spies in the first place, not me, and now you're the one who's pretty proud of reading what you said, almost as if you genuinely believe I said it. Not me. I never came here to poke at your relevance, and I never came here to act cool. That may be what you're trying to do, but don't project it upon me. Either you know me, or you don't, and you're acting like you don't, so I'll help you out. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I don't take too kindly to people falsely attributing things to me. I believe in honest mistakes and miscommunication, but if it's a malicious lie, don't. I'm not particularly concerned about relevance. If I were, I just might've joined MI6. I won't pretend your members haven't been amiable or your offers not tempting. They have been, and I'm very much flattered. Credit where credit is due. But with all due respect, I think you might stand to worry a little less about the matter of relevance yourself, as you charged in here so desperate to spit a counterargument about it, when it was never argued in the first place. At least not in our little conversation. So you can take your relevance, if that's what you're after, but please, take your argument, too. I'm not what you're shooting at, no matter how hard you try to dress me up to be it.
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Firstly, congratulations and happy birthday to MI6!

In other news, one year after reportedly coming into being, our planet still waits with baited breath for the alleged rightful saviours to make their first move. Or reveal themselves. Or be found. Any evidence of existence, really, we're not picky, but that's alright, we can be patient.



Yes, I post crap, mindless hails and whatnot, but I'm not the one trying to swing at myself. You're the one acting like you "got me good" about something I never said in the first place, which isn't a wholly unamusing party trick given the right audience, but that fact that you're still talking, trying to dismantle some imagined argument that you've constructed might be a fine exercise, but in the end, win or lose, it's still you in the corner playing with yourself. So, yes, you've got a fine definition of spies going on, I don't deny it, I'd generally agree with it, but you're the one who started talking about spies in the first place, not me, and now you're the one who's pretty proud of reading what you said, almost as if you genuinely believe I said it. Not me. I never came here to poke at your relevance, and I never came here to act cool. That may be what you're trying to do, but don't project it upon me. Either you know me, or you don't, and you're acting like you don't, so I'll help you out. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I don't take too kindly to people falsely attributing things to me. I believe in honest mistakes and miscommunication, but if it's a malicious lie, don't. I'm not particularly concerned about relevance. If I were, I just might've joined MI6. I won't pretend your members haven't been amiable or your offers not tempting. They have been, and I'm very much flattered. Credit where credit is due. But with all due respect, I think you might stand to worry a little less about the matter of relevance yourself, as you charged in here so desperate to spit a counterargument about it, when it was never argued in the first place. At least not in our little conversation. So you can take your relevance, if that's what you're after, but please, take your argument, too. I'm not what you're shooting at, no matter how hard you try to dress me up to be it.


Read the top quote. That would be you correct? You swung. I swung back. So yes, you are one of the ones I was shooting at. You dressed yourself and now in this post, you are backpedaling. Fine by me, but please you should take pride in your swinging. It was a good one to be honest. But don't claim I falsely did anything when your first post in this thread was mostly trying to swing at MI6. 


You could also read my reply to you and realize that I never spoke about relevance. I simply stated, and I quote, "Apparently you forget where spies do the most work mate." 


Whoah, hold on with the charging amirite!!!!! Then, there was more back and forth between us and yet not a damn thing about relevancy... So, not sure where I came in a charging ahead on that front... 


Now, if you were someone called magicninja, who pops into many threads spouting whatever crap happens to fill his pants at that moment, you would have something about relevance and me. 


I was joking around the first post and it seemed you took it seriously. So to me, that means you took your first post seriously (and according to you, you state what you mean) as well and thus the back and forth. Now, you attempt to turn the tables and act as if I started the whole damn thing... Yeah okay buddy. Frankly, if that is how you feel (your first post) about MI6, then I am glad you never came over. You don't deserve a spot in MI6. 


Why the fuck anyone in MI6 is going gaga over you right now is beyond me and quite disappointing. I don't want you in my alliance if you have such a negative view about it. 

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and MI6 PR is wrecked in one word.

Also, didn't you join like a week ago tops


Oh, I am sure that there are much worse things that could happen, my dear Rey.


Yes, I joined about a week ago, and have opened my eyes to new perspectives different to the ones I learned as a member of the New Pacific Order.

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I guess we're doing this.

Read the top quote. That would be you correct? You swung. I swung back. So yes, you are one of the ones I was shooting at. You dressed yourself and now in this post, you are backpedaling. Fine by me, but please you should take pride in your swinging. It was a good one to be honest. But don't claim I falsely did anything when your first post in this thread was mostly trying to swing at MI6.

Read? Let's.

Firstly, congratulations and happy birthday to MI6!

This was about MI6. Cheers.

In other news, one year after reportedly coming into being, our planet still waits with baited breath for the alleged rightful saviours to make their first move. Or reveal themselves. Or be found. Any evidence of existence, really, we're not picky, but that's alright, we can be patient.

This wasn't. But it seems you thought it was. Perhaps "in other news" wasn't clear enough of a transition. I'll work on that.

You could also read my reply to you and realize that I never spoke about relevance.

I could read. Perhaps you could, too:

But yes, keep acting as if you got us good with whatever crap post you put out trying to poke at our relevance. In one year, we have made ourselves more relevant than GATO has been in a long time and far more relevant than SRA will ever become.

I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best at math, but I'm pretty sure two relevants and a relevance don't cancel out.

I was joking around the first post and it seemed you took it seriously. So to me, that means you took your first post seriously (and according to you, you state what you mean) as well and thus the back and forth.

I suppose I might seem pretty serious. But I guess it seems I don't seem to be the only one taking things seriously, though.

Now, you attempt to turn the tables and act as if I started the whole damn thing... Yeah okay buddy.

I'm more than happy to turn tables if it helps others see things from a different perspective. I just won't go around moving the pieces.

Frankly, if that is how you feel (your first post) about MI6, then I am glad you never came over. You don't deserve a spot in MI6.

Congratulatory and happy makes me undeserving. I must be lacking in passion. That's a shame.

Why the $%&@ anyone in MI6 is going gaga over you right now is beyond me and quite disappointing. I don't want you in my alliance if you have such a negative view about it. 

There are many things that are disappointing. In this particular thread, I'm not sure which of us responding to the other is more so.
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Oh, I am sure that there are much worse things that could happen, my dear Rey.
Yes, I joined about a week ago, and have opened my eyes to new perspectives different to the ones I learned as a member of the New Pacific Order.

Perspective doesn't give you the right nor reason to say "we" 6 days into membership u no Edited by Neo Uruk
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Against my better judgement I'll step in this.  I assume I'll make everyone unhappy.


First to address the non-sequitor that has somehow been inserted into this thread GATO is a great alliance who are great friends to their allies.  They did just about everything possible for IAA at the end despite the fact it was an imploding mess.  TLR and LoSS too.  The extent that GATO went out of their way to help is probably unknown to most in Mi6 because unfortunately besides myself there are few in it who were there at that point.  That is truly unfortunate.


I know from being in CnG that GATO also has benefited their allies by doing some good FA reaching out to alliances on the periphery and supporting protectorates.  Generally a credit to their sphere.   They have some inactivity problems.  But so does just about every alliance in the planet.


To call Mi6 IAA 3.0 is in many ways fair.  From the fact it was planned to be an IAA reunion, to Chim being in charge, to the original url name.  My sole reason for joining is I viewed it as such.  But in many ways inaccurate as well.  Particularly if you want to tie IAA at the end of it's life to Mi6 now.  Dochartaigh for instance had left IAA I think more than a year before it's demise and was in alliances who were anti-CnG.  And was highly critical of both IAA and CnG.  That goes for a number of ex-IAA members who are now in Mi6.


But more importantly the majority of the membership of Mi6 has had little or nothing to do with IAA having not been a part of it.  And it's foreign policy was probably set in motion more than anything else by having a small influential core that came over from TOP.  Platysphere and all that.  So while I may get annoyed if people are critical of GATO since I have a lot of respect and gratitude towards them.  That is part of a past that unfortunately most members were not a part of. And of course people generally tend not to listen to me.  Which probably has done Mi6 far more good than harm.


As for "relevance."  I guess you are relevant if you are in with the group that makes the decisions of how things should be.  Or at the very least are an alliance with a large number of allies that respect your opinion.  The best way to achieve those goals I guess would be being on the winning side.  And in this world it's quite easy to go in and out of the winner's circle.  I actually don't care much about relevance.  And has never been a reason I've used for joining an alliance.  Neither has foreign policy.  Or how they present themselves on the OWF.


What has made Mi6 successful for the past year has been internal.  A good amount of activity.  People working together and not sniping and trying to tear each others heads off.  Despite widely differing views people do show respect for each other.  All the little things that come together to produce a greater whole.



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All I got from this thread was that mi6 is so full of itself that it tricked current and former gato members into sharing their feelings about us in our birthday thread.


Let's do it again next year.

Edited by IYIyTh
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Against my better judgement I'll step in this.  I assume I'll make everyone unhappy.



I'm glad you did old man, if more of your members behaved as you do I would literally have no issues with your alliance (besides Myth of course.) What grates on so many of us is the capricious ego your alliance has developed as a whole, one which most people believe is undeserved. As for this thread, I'm going to leave it at that.


PS- Gibs, you fight Umbrella (instead of spending most of last war in PM) and come talk to me about tech  :mad:  I'll catch back up soon enough.

Edited by kerschbs
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Yes it does. You will know as well when you join ;)

Maybe if you my idols would have let me :colbert:

e: why don't we have :colbert: yet ugh

I actually don't care much about relevance.

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I guess we're doing this.

Read? Let's.
This was about MI6. Cheers.
This wasn't. But it seems you thought it was. Perhaps "in other news" wasn't clear enough of a transition. I'll work on that.
I could read. Perhaps you could, too:
I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best at math, but I'm pretty sure two relevants and a relevance don't cancel out.
I suppose I might seem pretty serious. But I guess it seems I don't seem to be the only one taking things seriously, though.
I'm more than happy to turn tables if it helps others see things from a different perspective. I just won't go around moving the pieces.
Congratulatory and happy makes me undeserving. I must be lacking in passion. That's a shame.
There are many things that are disappointing. In this particular thread, I'm not sure which of us responding to the other is more so.


I will sum basically everything up with, "in other news" can mean many things dearie. If you are putting it in a post the way you did, it still 99% of the time, means you are discussin the OP. In this case, the OP would be MI6. Especially considering our DOE. So, I would wager that if you want to make some sort of joke, then ensure you have a disclaimer since yours was not very clear. 

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I will sum basically everything up with, "in other news" can mean many things dearie. If you are putting it in a post the way you did, it still 99% of the time, means you are discussin the OP. In this case, the OP would be MI6. Especially considering our DOE. So, I would wager that if you want to make some sort of joke, then ensure you have a disclaimer since yours was not very clear. 



Your attitude in this thread has confirmed for me that not joining MI6 was the best decision I made in my 6+ years here.  Saved by a Dre4m. 

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I'm glad you did old man, if more of your members behaved as you do I would literally have no issues with your alliance (besides Myth of course.) What grates on so many of us is the capricious ego your alliance has developed as a whole, one which most people believe is undeserved. As for this thread, I'm going to leave it at that.


PS- Gibs, you fight Umbrella (instead of spending most of last war in PM) and come talk to me about tech  :mad:  I'll catch back up soon enough.

Umbrella's a bunch of softies.

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