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Brotherhood Without Banners DoE


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Brotherhood Without Banners

Preamble -


This charter serves as the guiding hand of the alliance and therefore has been agreed upon by all nations.

Article I - Government

Chief Executive Officer (5*) (CEO):

- The leader of the alliance, has the authority to act unilaterally in the best interests of the alliance.

- May, but is not required to, also hold one or more Gov’t positions.

- May appoint or remove any member to any position in the alliance.

- May choose to take direct control over any office, for the best interests of the alliance.

- Is expected to, but not required to, discuss all major decisions that are not time critical with the other 5 stars.

- Has final approval or rejection of all treaties.

-  Is the only one able to declare the alliance at war.

- Position is permanent, except for retirement or removal. If the CEO is lost or remove from office the five stars simply move up and replace.

Chief Administrative Officer(s) (5*) (CAO):

- The heads of the 4 departments; Defense, Foreign Affairs, Finance, and  Internal Affairs

- May appoint staff as needed to effectively operate their departments.

- Are expected to assist in other departments as needed to maintain alliance operations.

- When a seat is vacant, new Chief Administrative Officers must be approved by majority vote of other 5 stars..

- May be removed from office by unanimous vote of other 5 stars.

- Expected to discuss and vote on all alliance matters that are not time critical.

- May willingly retire to a High Advisor position.

Deputy Administrative Officer(s) (DAO):

- May be appointed by the CAO of there respected department, or CEO to any department.

- May be replaced if proven to be ineffective in there respected department.

- Multiple Deputies may be assigned to there respected departments on the approval of the CEO.

- May or may not have moderation abilities in there respected department. This is solely base on the policy of the CAO of that department.

High Advisor:

- May be appointed by the CEO upon approval of the CAOs.

- Has the same access as the CAOs, but lacks moderation abilities.

- May take part in discussion of Gov’t, but lacks the ability to vote.


-May be appointed by CAOs, upon approval of the CEO.

-Has the same access as the DAOs but lacks moderation abilities.

Article II - Official Color

Currently the alliance will maintain a Multi-Colored policy. This is expected to change however in the future.

Article III - Raiding

Raiding is strictly forbidden. Any attacks on members will be treated as a defensive battle and orders will be issued to attack the nation who attacked our own.

Article IV - We’re Totally Not Done

This charter will be replaced in 30 days or less.


Redhavk1 - Chief Exective Officer

Edited by redhavk1
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Terran Empire - Brotherhood Without Banners Protection Pact


With longstanding friendship as well as the belief that older alliances should assist in the development of smaller alliances, Terran Empire (TTE) extends its protection to include the Brotherhood Without Banners (BWB) effective immediately upon affixing signatures to this document.

Article I

Both TTE and BWB recognize, that while the spirit of brotherhood is strong, each are separate and sovereign entities in any and all matters not outlined below.

Article II

Both alliances mutually assure that neither signatory will defame, physically attack, spy on the other, or provide aid to a known enemy.

Article III

The Terran Empire, does hereby extend protection to our friends and brothers in BWB. Terran Empire pledges to offer both diplomatic and military aid in defense of any threats to the safety and security of our BWB brothers. As such, any unwarranted foreign attack on any nation or nations flying the alliance affiliation of "Brotherhood Without Banners" will be considered wholly to be an attack on Terran Empire itself, and will be dealt with accordingly.

Article IV

Should Terran Empire come under attack while this treaty is in effect, BWB is not required to provide any measure of defense. In such a situation, BWB will be permitted to make their own determination as to their course of action.

Article V

Raiding will not be permitted by any nation of the Brotherhood Without Banners for the duration of this treaty.

Article VI

Brotherhood Without Banners shall neither sign nor announce any diplomatic agreements, nor go to war, without the consultation and approval from Terran Empire.

Article VII

Other specifics have been detailed and accepted in private.

Article VIII

This treaty shall remain in effect until BWB feels it is capable of providing for its own defense. It is the intent of both parties to establish a relationship that will last beyond this treaty.

Article IX

Should either party wish to terminate this treaty, a notification of no less than 72 hours prior to dissolution must be received.

Signed for the Terran Empire:

Yuurei - Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
Michaelboy88 - Chancellor of Administration
CheezDood - Chancellor of Defense
Orikfricai - Chancellor of Internal Affairs
Century - Chancellor of Finance

Signed for Brotherhood Without Banners:

Redhavk1 - Chief Executive Officer
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I like the fact you guys waited a month to post a DOE, show's patience which is always a good trait if your trying to do this right.



Also cause I hate to brake a chain...


I and all of the Nuclear Proliferation League wish you luck and such :awesome:

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I'd like on the behalf of my allaince to thank everyone who has posted so far (expect for the meme comment :P... I don't really like memes. Was too bored to make a avatar though :P).




A big shoutout to Terran Empire!!

Edited by redhavk1
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I and all of Valhalla wish you and your allies the best of luck on your venture.

Didn't you just join Valhalla? Isn't it a bit premature to make yourself the spokesman?

Good luck, surprised the protectorate isn't optional given that it's TTE. Edited by Neo Uruk
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how the hell can this alliance not be protected by House Baratheon?! Kesselring dropped the ball on this one!


also flag:




wonder how you guys will do. good luck

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No need to jump on them so soon, allow them time to show what they bring to the table as a new alliance.


Pbbtt, they are protected by Yuerri, doesn't that tell you anything you need to know?



lol, just kidding Yuerri, don't hurt me.


Looking good all around, good luck to the TTE and BWB in this noble adventure.

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how the hell can this alliance not be protected by House Baratheon?! Kesselring dropped the ball on this one!


also flag:




wonder how you guys will do. good luck


To be fair, the Brotherhood never received much in the way of protection from the Baratheons.


Good luck with this alliance and try not to be taken over by Ladies with stony hearts hell bent on vengeance. 

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