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Rush Sykes AMA(IC)

Rush Sykes

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Any regrets? what are they?




how very [ooc] Andrew dice clay

I have very few regrets. One of my biggest regrets is not advocating more on GR's behalf when their allies that ended up on the other side, got a pretty shit treatment and deal from our side. I regret advising =LOST= to not press Polar on their issue about 2.5 years ago. =LOST= deserved better in that instance than any of us gave to them. I regret not being more conciliatory when the Athens leadership debacle (3 Archon Eponymos' in 48 hours) happened. I regret not holding out in the Grudge War on terms that would force Sparta out of peace mode. I regret not getting to post the wonderful DoW on STA in VE-NpO, Athens-STA needed to happen, we were given them.... then the target  got switched because we had an exposed ally with nobody else to call on and didnt want to go through the bother of chaining people in with 3 oAs(a lesson EQ could use I think :) )


Which of your allies surprised you the most, positively and/or negatively?

The only negative experience for me in this war with my allies has been Hooligans  exit. Not that they exited, that we were left out of the loop. 


The ally that most positively impressed me is  Ogygia. Those guys are straight beast.

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What do you think is more likely in C&G's future after the war? 


Adding a new AA to the bloc or ceasing to exist as a bloc?


If I were a betting man, based on CN history, and with targeted wars tending to run in 2's.... CN history would lead me to believe there will be very little change between the end of this conflict and the beginning of the next one.


If I had to pick one... Id says the block dissolving is much more likely than adding someone. Not to scare anyone... Im not saying there is even a movement to dissolve... just that there is literally nobody we are looking to add... so the chances of adding someone is 0. Therfore the other has to have more of a chance.

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4) Worst poster.. .this is SO hard. So many worthy contenders. Enamel32.... shaneshanshah... Krashania (even though CSN is not technically in the war)... the one thing that all of these people have in common is that the party line is all they know. They are bereft of the ability to think critically.


Why I'm not between the worst posters? I am hurt that you forgot me :(

I regret not getting to post the wonderful DoW on STA in VE-NpO, Athens-STA needed to happen, we were given them.... then the target  got switched because we had an exposed ally with nobody else to call on and didnt want to go through the bother of chaining people in with 3 oAs(a lesson EQ could use I think  :) )


I made propaganda sigs to STA there never were used because you didn't declared on them and the pieces were beautiful.

A serious questions: Don't you think that CnG passed expiration date?

Edited by D34th
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A serious questions: Don't you think that CnG passed is over expiration date?

Hate to speak for rush, but....he's probably going to want you to rephrase that more clearly before he answers.

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If I were a betting man, based on CN history, and with targeted wars tending to run in 2's.... CN history would lead me to believe there will be very little change between the end of this conflict and the beginning of the next one.


I've been predicting terrible boredom also.


I've mentioned a couple times that the only way to change the overarching political dynamic is to roll both NPO and MK at once. Do you think such a move would result in a change or still be more of the same, just with different alliances at the top?

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has your alzheimer's caused you to forget about this thread


I came here to post this, except I was going to go for "senility", since one can't confirm a diagnosis of Alzheimer's without an autopsy, and Rush keeps on not quite dying.

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do you like me


Of course I do. I didnt used to though. But I think you know this. 


If you had to kill one alliance in this game, who and why?

Id kill MHA. Seriously, they wont even defend themselves. They should go neutral, it suits their playstyle.


I've been predicting terrible boredom also.


I've mentioned a couple times that the only way to change the overarching political dynamic is to roll both NPO and MK at once. Do you think such a move would result in a change or still be more of the same, just with different alliances at the top?

It would be nearly impossible to forge a political path that leads to MK-NPO being on the same side and that side being the losing side. It is pure fantasy. 

 As for the top of the game, it does not matter who is there, everything they do will always be wrong.

has your alzheimer's caused you to forget about this thread



If you had to cancel one treaty that TLR currently has, which would it be?


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