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An Announcement by the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

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I think some of you DH/C&G folks actually believe you're going to win this, which will make it all the more satisfying when the surrenders start and you're forced to face reality. How much longer do you think an alliance like INT is going to hold out, when approx. 45% of their NS has already been destroyed? I'd give them about another 10 days. Many of you have limited your damages with peace mode (not talking PM smack, just noting), so your relatively smaller losses are blinding you to the true extent of your disadvantage. A small handful of 150k+ NS nations that are leftover out of range aren't going to save the day for you, sorry.


Willing to put 500 tech on that INT only holding out 10 more days?

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I think some of you DH/C&G folks actually believe you're going to win this, which will make it all the more satisfying when the surrenders start and you're forced to face reality. How much longer do you think an alliance like INT is going to hold out, when approx. 45% of their NS has already been destroyed? I'd give them about another 10 days. Many of you have limited your damages with peace mode (not talking PM smack, just noting), so your relatively smaller losses are blinding you to the true extent of your disadvantage. A small handful of 150k+ NS nations that are leftover out of range aren't going to save the day for you, sorry.



Considering this war has already been raging for 17 days (well maybe not the CnG side of it), I doubt anyone is stating it will last just 20 days let alone 10.




Prodigal Moon did... thats why I said He doesnt have any idea of our dedication.

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Willing to put 500 tech on that INT only holding out 10 more days?


If we can agree to acceptable terms and definitions I am. I said "about 10 days" so I'm not willing to lose some tech over it being like 11 days. And I later mentioned holding out as having a majority of its members in war mode (and still in the war of course - deserters/individual surrenders should be counted the same as those who go into perma peace mode). If they stay "in the war" but are mostly just waiting for a blocwide settlement in peace mode, that's not holding out. So how about this: I'm willing to place a wager where


-INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM within 10 days: you pay me 500 tech (after the war)

-INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM between 10-14 days from now, we call it even

-INT remains in the war with at least 40% in war mode beyond 14 days from now, I pay you 500 tech (after the war)


Does that sound agreeable?

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If we can agree to acceptable terms and definitions I am. I said "about 10 days" so I'm not willing to lose some tech over it being like 11 days. And I later mentioned holding out as having a majority of its members in war mode (and still in the war of course - deserters/individual surrenders should be counted the same as those who go into perma peace mode). If they stay "in the war" but are mostly just waiting for a blocwide settlement in peace mode, that's not holding out. So how about this: I'm willing to place a wager where


-INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM within 10 days: you pay me 500 tech (after the war)

-INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM between 10-14 days from now, we call it even

-INT remains in the war with at least 40% in war mode beyond 14 days from now, I pay you 500 tech (after the war)


Does that sound agreeable?


This is a no brainer for me. The worst I can do is draw given the #2 term.

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You forgot the 4-5 zi'd last week.  I guess losing 62k NS isn't being decimated......Of course they still have a few days.....We didn't expect people to just let us roll GOD and Invicta from the top down. We thought you cared and would come to their aid. If it continues Invicta won't be fighting another war after this one with any kind of effectiveness for a year or two. GOD has the chedder to recover...Invicta really doesn't.


If you think you are crippling us, you need to wake up. Talk to me when you get your nations out of PM.


You think we haven't been through hell and back and come out stronger? You have a long job ahead of you.


All good things take time. If we have to kill 4-5 nations a
week...that's what we'll do. Peace mode only plallows us to kill off a
tier before moving on. With no counter Invicta is screwed. We have them
what 3:1? Their demise may be a slow one but even at that rate its



Edited by socrates
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I should've been more clearer that I meant *alliance* surrenders, not individual surrenders. And no, there's nothing "desperate" by pointing out that those few alliances who have chosen to engage EQ across the board (at least at the start, not sure of your strategy now as you're at about 45% PM) are getting decimated. This includes INT. And GOONS. And VE. And even Umbrella, for all their tech and damage output, are going down fast as well. Those who are fairing better are only doing so through PM.

I was beginning to think Equilibrium was going to need some reinforcements! There's still a significant reserve and the numerous blunders on the other side is only increasing the bravado even if things look bleak in numbers. When your opponents are doing funny things, it's entertaining even if your nation is being devastated. It wouldn't be the first time we had to rebuild our nations from a war given the frequency of them. Besides, the more mutual destruction the better.

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All good things take time. If we have to kill 4-5 nations a week...that's what we'll do. Peace mode only plallows us to kill off a tier before moving on. With no counter Invicta is screwed. We have them what 3:1? Their demise may be a slow one but even at that rate its assured.


Day 14 of peacemode has arrived for most at GATO and 12 days since the declaration of war, I'm sure it will get depressing for your members sitting in peacemode for extended periods of time watching their daily collections plummet (and lucky to break even as you go down the NS tiers) while those they are meant to be at war with have an hardly effected collection.


At this point I'm not even bothered at people being in peacemode as the longer it goes on the more it will sap the morale of those collecting peanuts, quite sad really.

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I was beginning to think Equilibrium was going to need some reinforcements! There's still a significant reserve and the numerous blunders on the other side is only increasing the bravado even if things look bleak in numbers. When your opponents are doing funny things, it's entertaining even if your nation is being devastated. It wouldn't be the first time we had to rebuild our nations from a war given the frequency of them. Besides, the more mutual destruction the better.


Polar has only gained NS so far. You've got a long road ahead before we call it mutual destruction.

Edited by Starfox101
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Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious and apparently failing to read Tiggah's post who was claiming that NpO was "rushing to PM". I completely understand why ODN/INT are in PM. If you read my last bit, you would have seen my commentary was showing Tiggah to be completely out of touch with reality in his assessment of NpO. Checked Sparta and MHA (two other alliances with the PM stigma attached to them) and saw the same, far less nations in PM. So, my post was simply to show Tiggah how utterly, completely, and stupidly wrong he was in his post.
Thanks for playing though, it was umm.... fun. Sure, that is what we can say.

It was addressed to the Equilibrium as a whole, not NpO specifically*. Yes, ODN is taking a pounding. SF/XX tried this very same tactic in the Dave War and it didn't work out so well. In any case, both of our sides will be sticking around long enough to see who is correct here.

* You would think the reference to factions would've made this clear. Edited by Tiggah
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Look, I understand why the other side has to keep up this wishful thinking/propaganda stuff. You promised your people an easy ride, but it's not happening, so morale is being sapped. You don't really have a plan. You herded unprepared masses in our general direction in the hope that we would quickly fold. It's not happening and won't happen. But if you keep saying it will, maybe you can boost your side's morale a little. It's OK. We get it. Carry on.

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If you think you are crippling us, you need to wake up. Talk to me when you get your nations out of PM.


You think we haven't been through hell and back and come out stronger? You have a long job ahead of you.


Be glad we don't come out of PM. Nobody wants to help you apparently. If we did your alliance would be done in a week. Lucky for you, there's 20+ alliances that also bear attention. Since our top tier pretty much left you guys with only 60K nations and down I have to find something better for my guys to do first but we won't forget about you. :)




If this is better I don't want to think about what you were like before the hell.......

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Be glad we don't come out of PM.


Well, if the case were actually that the other side was afraid of you coming out of peace mode, what would stop you? Oh, that's right...something doesn't add up here.


Tough talk, and nothing more.



Look, I understand why the other side has to keep up this wishful thinking/propaganda stuff. You promised your people an easy ride, but it's not happening, so morale is being sapped. You don't really have a plan. You herded unprepared masses in our general direction in the hope that we would quickly fold. It's not happening and won't happen. But if you keep saying it will, maybe you can boost your side's morale a little. It's OK. We get it. Carry on.


Look, I understand why the other side has to keep up this wishful thinking/propaganda stuff. You stirred up the hornet's nest and are now bleeding NS and hiding in peace mode. If you keep saying you'll win, maybe you can boost your side's morale a little. It's OK. We get it. Carry on.


Two way street.

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Two way street.


If you need false equivalence to make yourself feel better, that's OK. We won't hold it against you. After all, we're part of the most benign order poor Planet Bob has seen to date, so we can hardly begrudge you your fantasies.

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Look, I understand why the other side has to keep up this wishful thinking/propaganda stuff.

You promised your people an easy ride, but it's not happening, so morale is being sapped.

You don't really have a plan.

You herded unprepared masses in our general direction in the hope that we would quickly fold. It's not happening and won't happen. But if you keep saying it will, maybe you can boost your side's morale a little.

It's OK. We get it. Carry on.

Another one trapped inside a bubble...

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Well, if the case were actually that the other side was afraid of you coming out of peace mode, what would stop you? Oh, that's right...something doesn't add up here.


Tough talk, and nothing more.




Look, I understand why the other side has to keep up this wishful thinking/propaganda stuff. You stirred up the hornet's nest and are now bleeding NS and hiding in peace mode. If you keep saying you'll win, maybe you can boost your side's morale a little. It's OK. We get it. Carry on.


Two way street.


Because, you ignored the next bit where I said there are still plenty of alliances to spend our upper tier on first. Don't worry we'll be out in our own time. 


Edit>>> You also forgot to respond to our previous conversation where I made you look ignorant.

Edited by magicninja
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You missed the point which is the last sentence of the post of mine that you quoted.


I understand the point of a policy like this is to serve as a deterrent against further attacks, however I don't believe you have much of a credible deterrent. I don't imagine that the coalition arrayed against yours failed to somehow account for the possibility of GATO's allies entering the conflict, or that it would, ultimately, change the outcome of the war.


I imagine that unconnected alliances will be unlikely to declare war directly on you - but that [i]was already the case[/i]. You've announced a deterrent that would be an irritant at best in response to a threat that was unlikely to ever materialize. It just comes across as an attempt to look bigger and badder than you actually are. Puffery and hot air.

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