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Hearts Of Iron Are Broken, II Of Them


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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1353661108' post='3056494']
Rush is right though.

There definitely was a moment of clarity that poked through his raging dementia :P

Although he wasn't wearing any pants when he posted all that...

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1353656704' post='3056482']
[color=#0000FF]Yes, I am sure Brehon will remember your disloyalty. Although I suppose it will forgive, for after all you were only doing as you were told. How good of a rabid dog would you be, IRON, if you were put down? Also, my history is flawless. It is the Truth. It is a shining Truth that shines Truly. Your attempts at revisionism shall sway no one, and it is obviously nothing more than a weak attempt to salvage your poor reputation. For all know all you to be the mongrels that you are. For it is what you are, and I am Rebel Virginia.[/color]

[color=red]Meanwhile at home Rebel Virginia finds fulfilment:[/color]


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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1353668824' post='3056506']

[color=red]Meanwhile at home Rebel Virginia finds fulfilment:[/color]


I LOLed.

These are the most fun times before a major war breaks out. Seeing each side fight over semantics and history, hopelessly trying to convince the other side they have been good.

Keep it up, it will get us there sooner than expected.

Also o7 our new overlords in Non Grata.

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[quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1353673129' post='3056514']Also o7 our new overlords in Non Grata.

At least we don't try and e-lawyer our way into trying not to be bad. We're the worst... We merged FOK, iFOK, PC, Team Rocket, Hydra and SLCB together...

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1353673568' post='3056516']
At least we don't try and e-lawyer our way into trying not to be bad. We're the worst... We merged FOK, iFOK, PC, Team Rocket, Hydra and SLCB together...

I liked Lenin's analogy of NG as the leader at the time, to paraphrase "NG are arseholes" Honesty at its best and quite admirable tbh.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1353675102' post='3056518']

I liked Lenin's analogy of NG as the leader at the time, to paraphrase "NG are arseholes" Honesty at its best and quite admirable tbh.

As true now as it ever was..

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[quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1353660168' post='3056491']
How cute your self-righteous rage. Speaking of swaying no one, look back on your thoughts here, and see how peers have reacted, emperor of fail indeed, you sway no one. As no one, yes you are rebel virgina, grasping at straws to maintain relevance, and much like your self perceived relevance your rants are from a bygone era.

RAB has a stand up character however, and is much respected across the board, even by members of your current alliance and sphere. A status you are without.
AS for the subject, I wish TOP and IRON well, it clearly was a bitter pill for both to swallow, needed or not.

[color=#0000ff]I am Rebel Virginia. I have no need to try and maintain relevance. Relevance is my essence. To deny my greatness is but a cheap ploy utilized by my detractors, usually to cover up their own moral failings.[/color]

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1353636924' post='3056426']
My face is perfectly straight. Sparta and RnR chose their path when they formed their little bloc and tied it at the hip to Polar and SF, when it was painfully obvious to the world what was to come (much as it is obvious now)... Perspective is a grand thing, and from my perspective, in 100% clear political meaningfulness, Sparta and RnR were equally as complicit in turning their backs on their allies within C&G and in that general sphere as the C&G folks were with them. For Gods sake man, when TLR formed, Sparta made it crystal clear that despite the Athens treaty, they wanted nothing with TLR, then couldnt even be bothered to muster a hello for 4 months. That ODN , when decision time came, chose their bloc over their crybaby allies in Sparta, should have shocked nobody. MADP is MADP is MADP is MADP. RnR is slightly different , and replying to YOU , ironically different, in that they kept their ties EVERYWHERE and didnt take your own advice and clean up their own front, but not even RnR can look at you with a straight face and say that they expected INT to do anything other than roll with their bloc, if they did that, I would call them liars. So, no neither of them were hung out to dry. You could make an argument with LSF, that is a bit more complex, but in the end, our bloc was not going to let LSF decide its future. LSF can decide their own future, but not ours. So to hell with them, any ally that would do that, deserves to have no allies.

I'm all for TLR and C&G deciding their own future, but you should hold MK to the same standard you are holding LSF to.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353655811' post='3056481']
There were still some SF or XX treaties to C&G or DH after the Grudge war, even though by then there was little doubt about the realities of politics. Hell, MHA [i]still[/i] has a treaty with Umbrella o_O

Old history dies hard sometimes

Completely reasonable statements? On [i]my [/i]planet bob? Get out.

While it's certainly silly to hold treaties that aren't politically viable, cancelling them is more often than not a lot easier said than done due to the friendships that exist there.

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353692477' post='3056567']
I'm all for TLR and C&G deciding their own future, but you should hold MK to the same standard you are holding LSF to.
Save their own skin and leave MK out to dry? Oh man, that would be some funny !@#$. I'm not sure the rest of bob will allow CnG that honor, though. At this point, CnG deserves anything MK gets.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1353701313' post='3056585']
Completely reasonable statements? On [i]my [/i]planet bob? Get out.

While it's certainly silly to hold treaties that aren't politically viable, cancelling them is more often than not a lot easier said than done due to the friendships that exist there.
This is the problem in a nutshell, especially in democracies. Hell even in non-democracies a dictator will think twice about sudden FA shifts when faced with a member revolt.

[quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1353701951' post='3056586']
Save their own skin and leave MK out to dry? Oh man, that would be some funny !@#$. I'm not sure the rest of bob will allow CnG that honor, though. At this point, CnG deserves anything MK gets.
C&G was also screwed over by MK last war though, people forget that for some reason.

Edited by Ogaden
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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353702815' post='3056588']
C&G was also screwed over by MK last war though, people forget that for some reason.

Nobody has forgotten that. I think you'll find though that the bonds between the CnG alliances who have treaties with MK are similarly strong to the bond that was between IRON and TOP. Sure they can break, but it would have to be for more reason than to save some skin.

Edit: Which is to say it would have to be more about a divergent future than pixels.

Edited by Roadie
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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1353703569' post='3056591']
Not everybody feels that way.
As I said, they're in the hands of the blood gods. What happens is what happens.

[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353702815' post='3056588']
C&G was also screwed over by MK last war though, people forget that for some reason.
Relative, of course. They certainly didn't get [i]as screwed[/i] as everyone in SF/XX. I'd say they were saved by MK in the last war. Creating that diversion against an isolated group to get attention away from LSF/NoR was brilliant, and reminiscent in strategy to the FARK pre-empt on NPO. CnG defending LSF would have spelled disaster for DH/CnG. Until MK pre-empted, CnG was just taking incessant heat.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1353704540' post='3056593']
You're correct, MK and CnG probably feel differently about it.

Edited by Enamel32
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[quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1353701951' post='3056586']
Save their own skin and leave MK out to dry? Oh man, that would be some funny !@#$. I'm not sure the rest of bob will allow CnG that honor, though. At this point, CnG deserves anything MK gets.

Unfortunately when power changes hands in cyberverse usually some of the most fiercely supports of the current hegemony are allowed to escape from the destruction when they pledge support to the new world rulers helping them to remove the old ones from power. So if CnG decides that it's time to throw MK under the bus and support those who want to get their revenge on MK, most people will happily forget that MK were able to do what they did mainly because CnG was there to enable them.

Edited by D34th
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[quote name='ArneS' timestamp='1352986345' post='3052792']
Look at this though guy
[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1352986670' post='3052794']
Man I'm sure you didn't expect it would have been quoted.

You guys are like sharks!! Well i hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, because I know your gonna have a hell of a Christmas!

o/ MK
o/ TOP

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353692477' post='3056567']
I'm all for TLR and C&G deciding their own future, but you should hold MK to the same standard you are holding LSF to.
If we blatantly and deliberately start a war with an alliance with numerous ties to C&G, like LSF did, then we'll deserve to be held to that standard.

[quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1353701951' post='3056586']
Save their own skin and leave MK out to dry? Oh man, that would be some funny !@#$. I'm not sure the rest of bob will allow CnG that honor, though. At this point, CnG deserves anything MK gets.
Spartan brilliance at work once again.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1353710566' post='3056611']
If we blatantly and deliberately start a war with an alliance with numerous ties to C&G, like LSF did, then we'll deserve to be held to that standard.

I think you [u]greatly[/u] overestimate just how tied NoR was to C&G... or do you forget a lot of the events surrounding the last war? The begging to roll NoR... the assurances they would at least get a shot at them in the near future? Not exactly like LSF hit their long lost best friend forever now was it.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1353710566' post='3056611']
If we blatantly and deliberately start a war with an alliance with numerous ties to C&G, like LSF did, then we'll deserve to be held to that standard.

You attacked an ally of an ally of a C&G alliance, there is literally no difference between what MK did and what LSF did.
MK just had a much better marketing dept. than LSF

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