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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1350798535' post='3043593']
Implying that I'm arguing that we've been wronged by a 10K infra guy with a 20m war chest.

Let's read your post again.

[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1350797706' post='3043589']
He wouldn't have been 'put through the ringer'[b] if he hadn't spent his time making threats instead of actually working to resolve the problem.[/b]

Yes, you were arguing that you've been wronged.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1350798057' post='3043591']
Man, what an evil guy. Responding to violence with mere threats. I mean, it wasn't like his alliance was attacked or anything.

Your attempts at playing the wronged party, while amusing, are incredibly stupid.

I'm not sure if he's serious at this point.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1350786387' post='3043518']
Oh EM it's not that you raid. It's not even that you raid alliances with 7-8 people with no ties. That's all fine. However, when they fight back or get an alliance on their side, have the damn decency to say fine it was a nice little raid while it lasted...and then just cut them loose. Instead you guys come out here act all high and mighty and end up looking like a bunch of damn fools when the people calling you out are completely destroying you with their arguments. Learn to quit while you are at least ahead. Until then, every time something like this happens you make yourself and everyone around you look like !@#$. I don't know how many times you've been told by your allies but as someone who may as well be directly tied to you I'm tired of it myself. If you don't care then fine continue as you are. Just remember our common allies can forgive a whole lot easier than I can so I guess you guys will be fine in that regard but even members in those alliances are starting to grumble.

There is a great deal of majorly hypocritical irony coming from one of the premier members of the Thriller nonsense. Get the eff over yourself Magicninja.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1350800593' post='3043602']
Not really. Thriller was formed to do one thing, they did it, then they backed out before it became too big of an issue for them. GOONS has been botching raids and making asses of themselves like this for years.

This is ridiculous. The only difference was, everyone knew Battallion, and nobody liked him. In this case, nobody really knows these guys, so everyone wants to pretend to be up in arms. Reading through the Thriller DOW thread, there are a minimum of a dozen hypocrites in this thread.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1350802919' post='3043611']
This is ridiculous. The only difference was, everyone knew Battallion, and nobody liked him. In this case, nobody really knows these guys, so everyone wants to pretend to be up in arms. Reading through the Thriller DOW thread, there are a minimum of a dozen hypocrites in this thread.

So are you trying to say GOONS are pulling a !@#$ house move as bad as Thriller but for the umpteenth time or that Thriller was awesome just like GOONs and we are all getting upset over nothing?

Just wanted to clarify your position.

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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1350799480' post='3043597']
Let's read your post again.

Yes, you were arguing that you've been wronged.
Please explain how that was saying that GOONS had been "wronged". Not trying to resolve something amicably is not "wronging" someone. You don't have to feel "wronged" by someone in order to continue to kick someone's *#(& in.

If Doornail had been acting or talking reasonably I would be sympathetic to his (and his alliance's) plight but that's not the impression I got from reading this thread at all. You don't get peace in the kind of situation he was in by being threatening and belligerent.

Edited by Azaghul
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[quote name='DoorNail' timestamp='1349849558' post='3039361']

No, my attempts to stop the raids were well before the drunken rant on your forums, let's not get away from the facts now.[/quote]
Oh boy, Mercy boards call :D

[quote]Why you feel like we have to run out and find a treaty/protector, just to conform to your Charter is just plain silly.

You guys didn't raid my nation, we all know why..but don't make out like you didn't start the fight and then run to cry to your bros in UMB for protection, once I started slapping you down.

All we want is to be left alone from your continued raids, that may have discouraged our new people from staying and building with us.

you stop, I'll stop..we don't want any reps from 2 maybe even 3 rounds of your multiple raids..Is it that hard for you to grasp, that if you peace out your raids on TSL, we can all go about our way?
boo hoo

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I always find it funny how 50% of CnG defend DH no matter what, while the other 50% say they hate DH in embassies and now here, but still bend over backwards to help them out when the crap flies. Even though we're allied to the half that say they don't like DH, I have no doubt where the bloc would be dragged if we found ourselves opposite DH, no matter what sparked the war. The chain for CnG seems to be DH>>CnG>>non-DH allies*. Has DH really did that much for TLR/ODN over the years?

*if not opposed to DH, then you're screwed

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1350789932' post='3043552']Regardless, we are not entirely without mercy, I am sure we will be able to work our a purchase price with somebody, and doornail will be free to go about his business again. If he wanted to make a reasonable offer for his removal from our list, we would be happy to consider it.

I don't think that "mercy" and "purchase price" when applied to nation leaders really belong in the same sentence.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1350789932' post='3043552']

It's not about badgering, it's about maintaining policy. Regardless, we are not entirely without mercy, I am sure we will be able to work our a purchase price with somebody, and doornail will be free to go about his business again. If he wanted to make a reasonable offer for his removal from our list, we would be happy to consider it.
So, you'll charge reps despite GOONS being the aggressors against TSL? Very classy.

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I like how everyone is getting up in arms over this. Lets face the fact, GOONS raid a lot of people. Some of them get put onto EoG's lists when they attack back as per standard GOONS protocol. Many of them just do the mercy boards and get off fairly quickly and easily. No one hears about these stories. One retard on the OWF starts whining about it and everyone gets up in arms over it. Hell Sardonic was even willing to talk to this person on IRC to resolve it so he didn't have to go to the mercy board. GOONS are not unreasonable. This is being made into a bigger deal than it really is.

If someone attacked any alliance, any real alliance wouldn't let that person go until they paid some kind of reps. GOONS offers a way so people don't have to pay reps. The Mercy Boards are only as terrible as you make them. You can have lots of fun doing Mercy Board terms. This seems to be more an attack on Tech Raiding and you are targeting GOONS when many alliances allow Tech Raiding. It's fun for smaller nations, and eats up the boredom of initial nation building so they can take part of the greater political element that many of us take part in.

So quit your crying and get over it.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1350802919' post='3043611']

This is ridiculous. The only difference was, everyone knew Battallion, and nobody liked him. In this case, nobody really knows these guys, so everyone wants to pretend to be up in arms. Reading through the Thriller DOW thread, there are a minimum of a dozen hypocrites in this thread.

Like herm Edwards said - be a man and put your name on it

Who are the dozen hypocrites or are you just a liar who made a statement up just to defend the undefendable

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1350715395' post='3043269']
Goodness me I am really getting tired of being a treaty away from you people. Hell we may as well be treatied and it pretty much makes me sick at this point. I could care less who you raid but you really are a pathetic bunch. It's unfortunate that our CnG pals can't see reason to just leave DH to their fate. It's the stupidity shown in any number of GOONs posts here that has most of our alliance despising you. CnG has the ties to be just fine without DH. I guess it's all fine and dandy not to want to be seen as leaving during the "tough" times.

Keep messing up though. Those voices in those CnG forums calling for us to cut ties will just get louder and start making more sense.

well said

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1350728439' post='3043300']

So the rats are now advocating in public how CnG should abandon the boat, like all that's wrong with GOONS behavior started just now and not 3 years ago. :laugh:
[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1350789932' post='3043552']
It's not about badgering, it's about maintaining policy. Regardless, we are not entirely without mercy, I am sure we will be able to work our a purchase price with somebody, and doornail will be free to go about his business again. If he wanted to make a reasonable offer for his removal from our list, we would be happy to consider it.

Your AA's policy that is being maintained seems to be "general !@#$%baggery", you view the defense of ones alliance as unreasonable, and apparently think "mercy" is synonomus with "successful extortion".

All this is news to no one, but you are judged by the company you keep, and your inaction or silence can be read as somewhere on the spectrum between enabling and endorsement.

Edited by Kubla Khan
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1350810548' post='3043629']
I always find it funny how 50% of CnG defend DH no matter what, while the other 50% say they hate DH in embassies and now here, but still bend over backwards to help them out when the crap flies. Even though we're allied to the half that say they don't like DH, I have no doubt where the bloc would be dragged if we found ourselves opposite DH, no matter what sparked the war. The chain for CnG seems to be DH>>CnG>>non-DH allies*. Has DH really did that much for TLR/ODN over the years?

*if not opposed to DH, then you're screwed
3/4ths of C&G is allied to a DH alliance.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1350841106' post='3043706']

3/4ths of C&amp;G is allied to a DH alliance.

All that means is some of your allies have members clamoring to cut ties as well, not exactly a huge difference.

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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1350825694' post='3043650']
If someone attacked any alliance, any real alliance wouldn't let that person go until they paid some kind of reps. [/quote]

I'm sure if GOONS agrees to pay reps, Doornail will be glad to let them go. After all, GOONS are the ones that attacked another alliance and started all of this.

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