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Since apparently that didn't make people happy

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[quote name='Exige' timestamp='1340186204' post='2989909']
oh boy, I hope you will post a lot in this topic. Maybe I'll get to laugh as much as that time the NPL MoE came charging into Vlad's "GOD war update"-thread.
The kid just got his first nuke, give him a break.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1340180268' post='2989887']
A bit early to be giving out terms or asking for them.
we've already had a large number of people request terms actually. it's because the inactives etc didn't get the chance to go into PM, this often happens in these pre-empts. one of my guys doesn't appear to have logged in yet.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1340173830' post='2989848']
Yeah, well, you would say this because you long since spent all the PR capital you had. There is no value in it for you. There is, however, new value in it for me, as it allows me to point out your historical lies and demonstrate that MK is and has always been, objectively, garbage.

We can't move past that. We still live in the MK-dominated post-Karma era. And all the !@#$ we always said would happen has, unsurprisingly, come to pass. Over and over and over again.
the post-karma era must be longer than the pre-karma era by now.

Edited by Banksy
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1340169418' post='2989803']
Do we even have actual members that small?

tbh, I'm thinking he might actually be threatening to do us a favor and get rid of our tiny ghost problem.

wow excuse me but i exist!!

so do approximately 2 other non-ghosts below 6k ns (at best)

please do not attack me or i will definitely rage quit and delete my precious infra, thus ruining mk's war effort

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1340173825' post='2989847']
Everyone is still laughing that C&G let GATO in. Be sure to last more than a round or two, please.

So when NPL still hasn't entered in yet and GATO is still fighting in two weeks, then what? Because this is the path we are currently following.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1340171176' post='2989828']
Oh my god [i]please[/i] stop making the people protecting me look so bad.

Like GOD needs anyone to make them bad.

Also lol @ NPL trying to act hard on here. Hopefully no one conducts any spying missions soon.

Good policy, MK.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1340169418' post='2989803']
Do we even have actual members that small?

tbh, I'm thinking he might actually be threatening to do us a favor and get rid of our tiny ghost problem.
Nation Strength: 4,938.067

:unsure: well help now i'm scared!

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[quote name='DemonSpawn' timestamp='1340203271' post='2990025']
Im actually not against there not being any peace talks until all leaders are out of peace mode and fighting alongside their nations. With that said, give em hell R&R.

Same, I always figured that the leader should stay on the front lines for their alliance but i guess others don't think the same

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1340206608' post='2990064']
Care to explain why not?
i could tell you about dave or i could tell you that we dont like them, take whatever reason you want

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1340207623' post='2990071']
It's true, otherwise half their alliance would be gone already. You're welcome, CSN.

See, we can agree on something, let's be friends and sign a treaty? ^_^

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1340207443' post='2990068']
What people(may be MK itself) fail to realize is that by refusing to give individual surrender terms MK is doing a favor to CSN.
The way I see it, this is of mutual benefit. We get to continue to tech raid their inactives and terrible fighters that would surrender and, as mentioned, they get to keep half their membership.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1340207797' post='2990073']
See, we can agree on something, let's be friends and sign a treaty? ^_^
tbh, I still think we should sign that MADP that only applies to wars against WAPA

Edited by flak attack
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1340208016' post='2990075']
tbh, I still think we should sign that MADP that only applies to wars against WAPA

Being a relative new member of STA I don't hate WAPA that much but I'm sure my fellow comrades and my [s]n00b[/s] dear leader would love the idea, now if you change WAPA for TOP you and me can have an agreement, don't need to be right now though, I can wait until one of you stab the other one in the back.

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