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Pontoon party on the river Styx

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1338905385' post='2977478']
I feel like we should have reformed Athens and fought for a week in honor of this day.
Now that's love the TPF way. Thanks Rush & thanks everybody.

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1338887884' post='2977396']
Congrats to our Progenitors in TPF.

The labor pains were a bit rough, but it was worth it to have the cutest, least mannered baby on the planet. :awesome:

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Yay us! TPF has been a great home to me and my friends. Whether I was under their protection, fighting alongside them as an ally, or hanging out as a member, TPF has been a group of people I could always count on. Here's to another 5 years!

o/ TPF

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Hi all...I'm sure you all have missed me the last 3 years. Ah, good times. Totalfarkistan, the Cold-TF! merger to TPF. Good times with people like Edward Curella, Rach86, Sir Wellington, Hail Satan, Jbone, Auto98, Quiz, Chinatownbus, Desperado, TheBigBad and OneBallMan. Allies like Moo, Dilber, Philosopher, Bama, ChefJoe, BigWoody, Dark Mistress, Lysdexia, and Bilrow. Enemies like Virillus and Ephiphanus...frenemies like VanHoo. I had the epic run of going rogue not once, but twice on Electron Sponge...selling off infra for a 2nd round was soooo sweet.

Folding in BANG got us sanctioned but didn't work out so well other than people like Kilkenny and Vol Navy. Joining the Initiative, setting up OPP then the cold war with Atlantis were probably the high points of my reign. I remember before Atlantis folded up shop that we had totally outmaneuvered them with OPP and had locked up all the Senate seats in preparation for war. The epic DoW against GPA (screens posted below) were some of our highlights during my time. By the time of UJP, I was pretty burned out and searching for a replacement. Elysium and mhawk would have been good about 6 months earlier. I remember working the scam against Vox Populi with the fake spy...writing up fake forum posts that I was pissed at TPF and looking to split off. Spongebob bought it hook, line and sinker...we all had a good laugh at that. Can't say I miss running an alliance...but it was a good ride. I never would have imagined that TPF would still be around.

[b]Congrats to all TPF members...current and past...you've all been a part of something that's been great and unique.[/b]

As for those enemies of mine from years past...flame on dudes.

Memories and Milestones:

First Flag after Sanction:


From the GPA DoW:

EC's TPF Fairly Tales:

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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1339125217' post='2979187']
Wow, talk about rising from teh ashes!!!!

There were a lot of great times in TPF, Glad to see you are still standing strong.

Congrats for the past 5 years and here's to anothr 5 more!!!

sup Slayer

It's been too long since I've spoken with KK, I'm coming over and crashing your new place.

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