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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1323387527' post='2869717']
If a discussion erupted every time an MK member threatened an alliance, there'd be no room on these forums for an actual DoW.
This is the most insightful and accurate statement ever put forth by any member, past or present, of the Phoenix Federation.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1323387769' post='2869720']
Argent is next. You have irked us for too long.

We don't want sloppy seconds. [img]http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-colbert.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1323387527' post='2869717']
If a discussion erupted every time an MK member threatened an alliance, there'd be no room on these forums for an actual DoW.
This sort of thing applies to most alliances. It's not exclusive to MK.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1323379280' post='2869577']
No, pre-empting CSN was like pre-empting CSN. I'm fine with it, really. There was absolutely no reason to think CSN would be staying out. TTK and CRAP, on the other hand, is a completely !@#$%^&* move. They were quite obviously staying out due to treaty obligations.
Fair enough.

Obviously there was enough of a feeling they were not going to stay out that the decision was made to pre-empt them. If it was a mistake, our bad. If it wasn't a mistake, I'll be expecting your apology after the war :D

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1323388076' post='2869728']
I fully understand that this was the point that he tried to make, but it implies that alliances aren't allowed to logically change their views and their style of doing things. So the 'contradicting themselves" argument is useless.
I don't think MK has any principles to contradict. Whatever is most convenient at the time is what they believe and have always believed, until next week.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1323388265' post='2869731']
This is the most insightful and accurate statement ever put forth by any member, past or present, of the Phoenix Federation.

You're wearing me out. The, not the. Don't make us threaten MK over this.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1323388423' post='2869739']
I don't think MK has any principles to contradict. Whatever is most convenient at the time is what they believe and have always believed, until next week.

You and the Aloha guy above nailed it.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1323388323' post='2869734']
Fair enough.

Obviously there was enough of a feeling they were not going to stay out that the decision was made to pre-empt them. If it was a mistake, our bad. If it wasn't a mistake, I'll be expecting your apology after the war :D
Looks like we already got the answer to this. :P

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1323322517' post='2868547']
Actually if I'd known your intent I wouldn't have authorised the attack, not that you'll believe me on that but take that it as you please.

Right, it was only in the best interest of the cause, cause TTK, CRAP and NPL clearly were going to change the result of this war..

[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1323363951' post='2869291']
SF needs to learn how to lose a war with integrity. This whining is just annoying. There wasn't nearly this level of whining by NPO when they was pre-empted.

But then again no one is whining over SF being preempted either. Only 1 SF alliance [b]is[/b] being preempted. Instead of preempting all of SF before this conflict even started or right after, while even being called out to do just that (Leet Guy: The MK does not engage preemptively), instead they go for smaller yet loyal allies and only after most (if not all) their allies are already engaged.

I disliked the DH preempt on Pacifica. But NPO know how to take care of its own and in a way will always be a threat to a conflict seeing they still have some weight to throw around. So i could see some sense in it.
I voiced my opinion against Fark preempting NPO, but Fark knew it was gonna get one hell of a pounding by doing so. So i can still have some respect for that.

This preempt.. there's no strategical value that justifies the preempt, there's no honor in stomping these alliances. It's just a cowardly act set up by people that had their feelings hurt when they couldn't get at GOD. And they can spin it however they want, it's a cowards attack and nothing else.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1323378759' post='2869571']

Surely as an ex-goon you're familiar with shark week. Goons can smell stupid from miles away.

And then join it?

[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1323383509' post='2869655']
I never said anything about unreasonable terms, in fact as far as Valhalla is concerned atm were prolly going to opt for none or just some tech deals or somecrap(may change that stance as time goes by and attitudes emerge but yea), but you chest thumping and going on about how you will intervene in order to force us to do something just makes the other side(us and friends) want to dig in our heels and say FU as no one likes to feel they are caving in to demands Impero(not even you im sure)....

So imo quit thumping your chest as none of us care or are afraid. Let us and GOD/SF handle our !@#$ and get on with getting on.

Just win the war first before dreaming about any terms, k? ;)

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1323382061' post='2869624']
I'd like to think you are aware that I'm a little more genuine then that.

In simplest terms, this is a two sided war and we are in a bloc that has a supremacy clause and like 15 treaties on one side and 3 treaties on the other. It's a common rule of such situations that you go where your bloc holds the preponderance of their treaties, and in fact one of the reasons we have so much distaste for Rok is that they broke (albeit in the absolute most !@#$ manner possible) that rule to the determent of us and everyone else. Given that GOD was aware of this fact when they threw their lot in with Polar and fully understands the nature of such things, both us and them have agreed that this is the best way to proceed with this issue.

That being said, as you noted they are our oldest ally so there is a breaking point and arrangements were made to ensure the front stays copacetic from our point of view. Hence the little spat you saw between myself and Ardus a few pages back. For clarity, the core of it is as follows: First, we will hit anyone who comes in on them aside from the predetermined group of alliances, who were chosen to be a moderate but not overwhelming force and are already all engaged. Second, we will hit anyone who tries to impose what we consider to be unreasonable terms upon them as well.

For the record, I have never had anything but the utmost respect for BN so even though I don't know the others well I doubt the latter of the two will be an issue.

Upfront enough?

More than fair enough.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1323390254' post='2869854']

Just win the war first before dreaming about any terms, k? ;)
You sure are optimistic for someone whos bloc members are being melted down like wax candles at xmas mass. Its so cute :blush:

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1323380620' post='2869601']
Kind of like some of your allies in PF? BN being one fine example... :rolleyes:

[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1323382218' post='2869629']
I was just addressing his comment about PF/MJ tie as his post seemed to be casting derision on any such tie to either side.

Or maybe my meds are kicking in and im just having fun pressing buttons.....

either way im having fun :P

Wait am I missing something?

Edited by Melancholy Culkin
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1323382061' post='2869624']
First, we will hit anyone who comes in on them aside from the predetermined group of alliances, who were chosen to be a moderate but not overwhelming force and are already all engaged.[/quote]

Are you even reading what you write before you post it?

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1323407645' post='2870388']
Are you even reading what you write before you post it?

VE are awesome allies to have, not only do they not defend a MDP partner, they arrange who's going to beating there MDP partner down. :v

This is great work. Friends like these are just the best.

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This is CAMTIN, I am on a peaceful mission of exploration.
Priority over-ride. New behavior detected. Must break GDA into component materials.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1323408292' post='2870409']
This is CAMTIN, I am on a peaceful mission of exploration. Priority over-ride. New behavior detected. Must break GDA into component materials.
Hold! What you are doing to us is wrong! Why do you do this thing?


Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1323408292' post='2870409']
This is CAMTIN, I am on a peaceful mission of exploration.
Priority over-ride. New behavior detected. Must break GDA into component materials.
Are you just going to DoW on everyone Europa is at war with?

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