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Wow, i had fun! but bye


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Wow, this game is the best. It exlled my descion making and strategies in life. All i can say is wow witha smile on my face. You might not know me because all this time, i was hiding behind the backs of my alliances, but continue to contribute no matter what. I appologize for my betrayals to my previous comrades. I wist to end all bad connections with my foes. I still might be around the game, but it will be like im not there. Today,i will step down from my office and leave the people of my nation to a better future without me. To the LoSS Alliance and to CSN, thank you for guiding me. LoSS, you might be dying, but stand and make friends. Also, thank you Protaculus and Grizz (these nations are now deleted, but will be remebered). Thank you for a great time.

With all due respect,

(623 days of adventure)

Edited by filno619
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[quote name='filno619' timestamp='1321331448' post='2844909']
Wow, this game is the best. [b]It exlled my descion making and strategies in life[/b]. All i can say is wow witha smile on my face. You might not know me because all this time, i was hiding behind the backs of my alliances, but continue to contribute no matter what.[b] I appologize for my betrayals to my previous comrades[/b].
That's not what I call a good decision.

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1321447205' post='2845489']
Wow is the consensus, I believe.

I believe it's more of a mocking 'wow', then a 'dance, Jack Diorno, dance!' kind of 'wow'.

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