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Winter is Coming! And that means it's time for a CN Holiday Secret Santa


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I have some time on my hands this year, and I thought it might be nice to do a secret santa type thing for CyberNations. Some of us have been playing together and communicating for years, and I can't really think of a reason NOT to, so here's how it'll go.

Cancel out all the stuff from before. Instead, it'll be an in game gift type situation, be it tech, money, a donation, or even an awesome new forum signature. I'm sure we can come up with something creative.

PM me if you're interested. Warrior Concept and I will administer this thing and we'll be the only ones with access to the list of people participating. Deadline to join is the 15th of November, gifts to go out on the 20th of December. :)

Edited by pezstar
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id only send them bags of flour and write "Cocaine" on it..thats the kind of person i am unfortunately so i will also not be joining in...

this would be really cool if instead of sending someone a gift you just raided their nation, what a way to kick off the end of year war which we have almost every year

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1320668107' post='2841002']
This is nice idea, but i don't trust my alliance mates with my address, let alone someone i don't know thats randomly chosen.
Pretty much this. Except I would do it within my alliance, def not outside of it

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320676694' post='2841064']
Can we just do 3mil or 100 tech as a gift, or more depending on our generosity?

This might make more people want to do it as it doesn't cost RL money and doesn't give away any privacy. (Plus imagine if MK has to give money to GOD, would be hilarious)

I like this idea 1000 times more than the secret santa idea.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1320676694' post='2841064']
Can we just do 3mil or 100 tech as a gift, or more depending on our generosity?

This might make more people want to do it as it doesn't cost RL money and doesn't give away any privacy. (Plus imagine if MK has to give money to GOD, would be hilarious)

So we're each going to just swap 3 million/100 tech? :v

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1320667494' post='2840999']
I really like this idea, kudos to you Pezstar.

Sadly I am a penny pinching !@#$%^&, so won't be involved, also Shipping would kill me from the UK.
No problem, I'm in the UK, so I'll enter so you can too, aren't I nice?

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[quote name='Avery du Troiseau' timestamp='1320687297' post='2841161']
Some of your propaganda.

Ha ha ha... ouch.

I said "naughty" not "criminally malicious", bit of an overkill don't you think? :v:

[secretly puts the pink pony on the 'Kzopp's Daily Propaganda Avalanche Lifetime Subscription' mailing list. *evil chuckles*]

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1320698770' post='2841238']
In what sense is this different than just doing a tech deal?

Because it's not gaurenteed you'll get a tech deal ! :D

It's for fun, silly pants.

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