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A Message to Acti from Olympus.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1311893614' post='2766450']
Don't let her fool you. One transgression into her territory and you will not make it back out alive. :lol1:
Shush you. I can be [b]both[/b] classy AND frightening. I just only do frightening with you. :wub:

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[quote name='queenhailee' timestamp='1311895045' post='2766472']
Shush you. I can be [b]both[/b] classy AND frightening. I just only do frightening with you. :wub:

I know that that's because deep down, you really love me.

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[quote name='queenhailee' timestamp='1311880254' post='2766321']
Some people seem "surprised" or "offended" Olympus is neither.

Certainly, we knew the potential outcomes of our course of action and we prepared for them. We offered the rest of AcTi a way out if they chose. Teddyyo did not escalate the hostilities with his thread. He has shown that Batallion had already ordered the alliance to war. That's one difference between Bat and I. If I had done something for which I deserved punishment (or someone thought I did badly enough to seek war), I would take that punishment and tell my brothers and sisters it was my bad and my pain to bear on my own. And I'd use my best foot-stomping ability and patented squinty eyed looks to get them to let me take it alone.

Batallion has a history of making big mistakes. But you know what? He knew this was in the works. And this time he didn't flee to peace-mode and allow his folks to take the damage alone. He also has a far better war chest than he's had in the past. He took people's criticism and advice to heart and did make changes for the better. He has a way to go (but then, don't we all?) But one has to respect that he's set out on that journey.

AcTi has ridden to war because they were ordered to. Perhaps they knew of the safety net, or perhaps that information was withheld from them. Neither really matters, they can hold their heads high for defending their AA. Now that they know the "out" is available, they have the information they need so they can make the best decision for themselves.

No. Olympus isn't shocked or offended. They're doing what they need to do, just as we are.

A well though out post, congrats.

Judging by the logs though, I believe a correct response would have been: talking to the people in charge of the channel, using intellectual arguments to tell him off, or negotiating with Acti's leadership. Using the logs as a cb reflects badly upon Olympus because it shows that they cannot handle a person being rude/irrational without declaring war on the aa. I say declaring on the aa because you cannot honestly tell me you expected them to let a member be attacked by an outside party.

This makes me wonder what were your motives behind declaring? You saw a chance and you took it is my bet. If that’s the case, your cb should have been "batalion dared us, we responded). You could have defended your position by saying we don't like Acti. Engage in a limited war and call it good. Yes, Acti has several odp. Would their allies like the cb? Probably just as much as they like this one. Will they/would they do anything about it? Only time remains.

Either way, congrats on causing drama, next time, tell it like is though : P

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1311899008' post='2766500']
Using the logs as a cb reflects badly upon Olympus because it shows that they cannot handle a person being rude/irrational without declaring war on the aa. I say declaring on the aa because you cannot honestly tell me you expected them to let a member be attacked by an outside party.
As much as I respect Olympus, I have to agree with this. If you can't take an insult then get the hell off the internet.

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[quote name='Alex0827a' timestamp='1311900758' post='2766515']
As much as I respect Olympus, I have to agree with this. If you can't take an insult then get the hell off the internet.

Hey it is a game.
If you got beef, settle it in any way you like.
So if war is an option; then you would be a fool not to take it.

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[quote name='Cyber Nationz' timestamp='1311902099' post='2766527']
Hey it is a game.
If you got beef, settle it in any way you like.
So if war is an option; then you would be a fool not to take it.

They should call it how they is, not exagerate a flimsy cb which does not help pr.

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[quote name='Cyber Nationz' timestamp='1311902099' post='2766527']
Hey it is a game.
If you got beef, settle it in any way you like.
So if war is an option; then you would be a fool not to take it.
Take off the first two sentences and you're now Mic :P

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People don't deliberately cause Casus Belli anymore. If we did not find reasons to go to war over things, we would simply never have any wars. I don't know about you all, but clicking "pay bills" once a day and "collect taxes" every 20 days is not very fulfilling. We need more war, not less :ehm:

Edited by Aeros
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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1311834189' post='2766010']
It was a decision for our government to make. We made it, we're happy with it - your opinion really doesn't matter. There was nothing Diplomacy could achieve here other than giving Bat a chance to hit Peace Mode. Ted had a chance to negotiate, our announcement went up before his. He could have come to us before he responded, he didn't. There was nothing Teddyyo or the rest of AcTi could do about Bat - he was/is? their leader - ultimate control. Now it would seem its a bloody internal fight for the leadership.

The fact that you know very little of what happened besides what is posted here, makes your statements null & void.[/quote]

I was gathering facts (here and Tedd's defensive war thread(?)) so I came up with a conclusion that you did NOT engage diplomatically with Tedd. You can't honestly expect Tedd to approach to you and say "what the heck is going on?". You guys should've talked to him first (by means of IRC or somewhere that involves instant chat) but no, you guys couldn't wait (that I can understand if Bat hit peace mode) decided to go with the war option. You should've at least expected AcTi hit back with lack of information in such little time.

Lastly, if your logic is clear and precise then would it really make a difference whether you guys attack Battalion regardless of who he is affiliated with (say Umbrella or anyone bigger than you)? Then this situation would be entirely different, yes? Just saying.

This is the best I can find at gathering the facts on OWF. So I'm pretty sure I know what's going on so don't say I didn't do my research.

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I dont feel the need to clutter the board with another thread on this, however as was expected Confederatio Aesir has just activated the Axis pact and declared war on Olympus in defense of AcTi.

This is an unfortunate situation all around. I wont excuse Bat's behaviour but he's not the only one here that needs an excuse. Hopefully this wont last long.

Te Morituri and all that.


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[quote name='Lord Hershey' timestamp='1311914850' post='2766714']
I was gathering facts (here and Tedd's defensive war thread(?)) so I came up with a conclusion that you did NOT engage diplomatically with Tedd. You can't honestly expect Tedd to approach to you and say "what the heck is going on?". You guys should've talked to him first (by means of IRC or somewhere that involves instant chat) but no, you guys couldn't wait (that I can understand if Bat hit peace mode) decided to go with the war option. You should've at least expected AcTi hit back with lack of information in such little time.

If you actually did your research, you may have noticed Teddyyo was 21 days inactive when Battalion was declared on. We can't exactly just pop over to their forums (which AFAICT still don't exist) or get him on IRC when he's simply not there.

Also, we did expect AcTi to hit back. We hoped that it wouldn't come to that (again). The majority of AcTi is only guilty of not knowing their "leader" is terrible, and do not deserve to get dragged into this.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1311915802' post='2766721']
I dont feel the need to clutter the board with another thread on this, however as was expected Confederatio Aesir has just activated the Axis pact and declared war on Olympus in defense of AcTi.

This is an unfortunate situation all around. I wont excuse Bat's behaviour but he's not the only one here that needs an excuse. Hopefully this wont last long.

Te Morituri and all that.


I have heard impressive things about you. Can't wait to see you in action. Good luck!

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[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1311916966' post='2766729']
or get him on IRC when he's simply not there.

[05:17:08] * Batallion[AcTi] (Batallion@coldfront-) has joined #activision
[05:17:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Batallion[AcTi] Batallion[AcTi]
[05:17:18] * Batallion[AcTi] sets mode: +b *!*@coldfront-
[05:17:22] * xoin was kicked by Batallion[AcTi] (Batallion[AcTi])
[05:17:26] * You were kicked by Batallion[AcTi] (Batallion[AcTi])

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[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1311916966' post='2766729']
If you actually did your research, you may have noticed Teddyyo was 21 days inactive when Battalion was declared on. We can't exactly just pop over to their forums (which AFAICT still don't exist) or get him on IRC when he's simply not there.

Also, we did expect AcTi to hit back. We hoped that it wouldn't come to that (again). The majority of AcTi is only guilty of not knowing their "leader" is terrible, and do not deserve to get dragged into this.

Its not worth it jraenar. If he isn't saying it - then it isn't right.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1311861712' post='2766151']
Alterego, I'm going to have to disagree with you here. If you declare war on a member of an alliance, let alone the leader or former-leader of that alliance, you are liable to face the alliance's wrath as a whole, pending a RoH.

Now, I support Olympus's attacks against Battalion. Having said that, by attacking just Battalion they stated that the whole alliance would not be attacked, but I'm sure they also realized that Acti had a legitimate basis for responding to the attacks.

Say NE were to get into one of his drunken stupors and anger someone (this is seeming less and less hypothetical... :awesome: ) and that someone and their alliance attacked NE but told BAPS they'd limit their attacks to just NE. There is no way you could tell me that BAPS would not be completely justified in destroying the offending person and their alliance.

This is an OOC attack on me, as anyone who knows me knows, I revile Alcohol and have been a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Total_Abstinence_Association"]pioneer[/url] for over a decade. I demand a retraction, or BAPS will have satisfaction.

Edited by Nobody Expects
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[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1311950978' post='2766958']
This is an OOC attack on me, as anyone who knows me knows, I revile Alcohol and have been a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Total_Abstinence_Association"]pioneer[/url] for over a decade. I demand a retraction, or BAPS will have satisfaction.

Do something about it [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif[/img]

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This is a tough situation and I really don't have anything to say about it that anyone is going to want to hear. Commence.
First of all, it's good to see someone standing up for WickedJ. But, frankly, this should have happened when the information these attacks are based on was first dug up by parties who are obvious, and its a shame that politics mean that Batt gets ZIed and the real perpetrators get a laugh and a free pass. You know who you are, and anyone that knows the situation knows who you are.

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Will planet Bob ever tire of the CB argument? Who cares if it is Valid CB, Bad CB or Admin forbid a so called "No CB" war. Planet Bob is a world of political maneuvering and this has and always will include wars.

Whether everyone accepts and agrees with the aggressors reasons for war, who cares. "Let us see the logs so we can judge", oh yeah cause this has classed up a thread and got everyone to go "oh ok", people are just looking for more spin fodder here. Bottom line they wanted to war and attacked, planet Bob would be forever boring without war.

1. Olympus stood up for one of their members, no surprise here. The only surprise is some retard thought they wouldnt and he could run his mouth without facing any consequences. Pansy :wub: QH :wub:

2. IC/OOC WickedJ is friend of mine, so I support the war (don't even need to see the logs)and hope Bat dies. The only difference between IC/OOC is IC = you get rolled and your pixels disappear OOC = you get rolled and take your teeth home in your pocket ;)

3. AcTi as a whole gains a point of respect, of course you have to roll when you leader gets attacked, even if your leader is a complete idiot. Get a new leader before everyone believes you are all as stupid as Bat.

These opinions are mine personally and are not reflective of the NPO's official/unofficial opinions as a whole.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1311863485' post='2766177']
If it was literally any other alliance (probably even person), nothing would've come of this.
I can definitely verify this statement.

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[quote name='2burnt2eat' timestamp='1311875374' post='2766273']
It's funny because the last time people were complaining they were hitting the entire alliance rather than just Batallion. Doing it this way has generated noticeably less complaints though.

The issue isn't that Battalion is being hit, it is the issue that the claim that you can hit just the leader of an alliance and it isn't an act of war against the alliance itself? It is, though I do agree hitting just Battalion is better than the entire alliance.

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