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It appears the alliances are banding together to sanction me sadface.jpeg

It also appears their reasons are unfounded. Valhalla has been going around telling everyone I am a nuclear rogue. Which is not the case at all. Valhalla attacked me and I am defending myself.

I have been here for some time and been around the block. I do not think it is appropriate to just sanction a nation when the attacking, tech raiding alliance is losing a war. That just is not cricket... And before you say "OMG THEY'RE NOT LOSING AND YOU'RE NOT WINNING!!!" think about this. I believe it is widely accepted that if an alliance is unable to fight a war they are deemed not to be winning. Also they have activated the Duckroll Project treaty with IRON citing "...other agreed upon cooperative initiatives" in article 1. Activating bloc treaty for one nation = lost.

So my question is this: Will the alliances that have so far sanctioned me on Red, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Green, and Black now remove the sanctions knowing the situation?

Also for your consideration...

One more thing. I would just like to say that Valhalla's actions are deplorable. Their membership should be ashamed of their government. Every alliance makes a decision on whether or not to tech raid and some choose to engage it the action knowing full well what consequences can come of it. Valhalla did this and now they are attempting to dodge their problems by manipulating other alliances through giving misleading information to them about the particulars of my case. There have all ready been many wars fought against oppression and unlawful tech raiding. We are supposed to be past this.

It is time for Valhalla to man up and take their medicine lest they be cowards.

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[quote name='King sin' timestamp='1311560862' post='2763085']
They attacked me on May 16th.

Add Orange to the list!

So let me guess you were raided and then started attacking nations of Valhalla that were not a part of the raid and chose targets that did not have SDIs and started nuking them? And even now when you could be at peace you are still attacking them? If you had just defended yourself and nuked the raiders you would have been fine, raiding alliances allow that. By escalating it into attacks on nations not involved you pretty much opened the door for them to do as they will.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1311561446' post='2763091']
So let me guess you were raided and then started attacking nations of Valhalla that were not a part of the raid and chose targets that did not have SDIs and started nuking them? And even now when you could be at peace you are still attacking them? If you had just defended yourself and nuked the raiders you would have been fine, raiding alliances allow that. By escalating it into attacks on nations not involved you pretty much opened the door for them to do as they will.
That sounds about right.

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Even though Valhalla is an ally of mine, I understand where you're coming from here. The fact is, it sucks to get raided and I can sympathize with why you would get mad and go after them. If I had to guess, you were sanctioned because you continued to attack them. My advice is to simply try to make it right. Both parties seem to have done some not nice things and arguing about who is right and who is wrong will only result in the group with more leverage winning out (Valhalla). Consider joining an alliance, maybe even Valhalla (they probably have some respect for your cojones), and do what you can to clear your name. Something tells me it won't be very difficult for you to find peace.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1311561446' post='2763091']
So let me guess you were raided and then started attacking nations of Valhalla that were not a part of the raid and chose targets that did not have SDIs and started nuking them? And even now when you could be at peace you are still attacking them? If you had just defended yourself and nuked the raiders you would have been fine, raiding alliances allow that. By escalating it into attacks on nations not involved you pretty much opened the door for them to do as they will.
So somehow this makes me a nuclear rogue? I have been attacked; a senior member of their government has acknowledged that they did indeed attack me first. A rogue attacks people for whatever reason they please but usually for personal reasons. I do not think I qualify under the long standing definition of what a rogue is. Obviously you think differently about what a rogue is. Please share your reasons.

But before you do I want to say this. I do not really care if you agree with my tactics in this war. Like it or not everyone all ready attempts to inflict as much damage as possible and exploit enemy weaknesses during any war, whether on the alliance level or nation level. The bottom line is this. Several members of an alliance attacked me and I recognize that I am now at war with that alliance. Show me anyone who would not consider members from one alliance attacking another alliance with their government supporting them an act of war.

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The issue is that raiders think one round of war 'ends' the conflict. After the single round of war, the slate is wiped clean. This works for the vast majority of targets as they either give up on their nation or they lose so much NS that they are knocked out of range of their enemies and choose not to engage with the alliance. I sympathise for you, and I suspect most alliances who have sanctioned you on the various colour spheres will too. You could send this topic to the senators who have sanctioned you to see if the sanctions can be lifted in certain spheres.

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Fact of the matter is, you're the one continuing the fight. It was a simple tech raid that you could have peaced out. Instead, you have nuked nations without SDIs or MPs on some moral crusade. I'm not sure what you're looking for, but you're never going to get it. You are losing.

You even thought you were a big enough problem to give us terms. Something like "I will continue attacking you until you apologize on the OWF and forever give up tech raiding."

This is laughable, at best. You're not really a big problem for us at all, so keep having fun and crying on the OWF. We'll just take care of you with little expense just like the countless past times.

Edited by RePePe
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The Baww in this thread is strong. You were raided get over it if you would have walked away after the first round you wouldn't be sanctioned. You can choose to end this at anytime. If you choose not to dont cry on the OWF or do either way ill sleep well tonight and the nations your hitting will be rebuilt, we appreciate the casualties.

Or spend some of that war chest and come on up and have some real fun. But if you get your rocks off by hitting nations that are at a severe disadvantage ill just dub you Penkalas mini me and move on.

Edited by Buds The Man
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You attack people beyond whoever attacked you, and they interpreted that as you going rogue.

I offer you this: join DT, and I'll fix your problems. $%&@, if you want to stop attacking them, I'll fix it for you.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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We peaced out and let you go 3 times. You keep coming back later for more. Months ago you were raided, and you fought back (and thats fine). But coming back later and declaring on other nations. That doesn't help you're case.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1311564681' post='2763123']
The Baww in this thread is strong. You were raided get over it if you would have walked away after the first round you wouldn't be sanctioned. You can choose to end this at anytime. If you choose not to dont cry on the OWF or do either way ill sleep well tonight and the nations your hitting will be rebuilt, we appreciate the casualties.

Or spend some of that war chest and come on up and have some real fun. But if you get your rocks off by hitting nations that are at a severe disadvantage ill just dub you Penkalas mini me and move on.

This post makes me want to not only remove the sanction but send him aid.

You raid a guy, then call him a nuke rogue when he retaliates. It isn't just you, a lot of people seem to do the same thing (hell, even our allies do), but that doesn't mean it is correct terminology.

You chose to make an enemy out of a person who was minding his own business, and now freak out that he has become that enemy. Why don't you offer to pay him reps to get him to stop hitting your nations?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1311565146' post='2763129']
This post makes me want to not only remove the sanction but send him aid.

You raid a guy, then call him a nuke rogue when he retaliates. It isn't just you, a lot of people seem to do the same thing (hell, even our allies do), but that doesn't mean it is correct terminology.

You chose to make an enemy out of a person who was minding his own business, and now freak out that he has become that enemy. Why don't you offer to pay him reps to get him to stop hitting your nations?
Difference between fighting your raider, and fighting their alliance.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1311565231' post='2763130']
Difference between fighting your raider, and fighting their alliance.

I'm sure after he undoubtedly got tag-teamed, that he never came close to sniffing the NS range necessary to do that. If Valhalla wants this person to get out of their hair and stop attacking their nations, they should offer to make right by him.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1311565344' post='2763132']
I'm sure after he undoubtedly got tag-teamed, that he never came close to sniffing the NS range necessary to do that. If Valhalla wants this person to get out of their hair and stop attacking their nations, they should offer to make right by him.
I can't even reply.

Anyways, if you want out of your situation king sin, I'm more than willing to get you out of it.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Nobody here believes you are being some kind of holy anti-raid matyr. We were done with you after the first wave when YOU started launching nukes at us, and you were going to get off the hook for "defending" yourself with nukes, but then you came back several times after attacking defenseless nations as if that was some sort of accomplishment. That is where you became a nuclear rogue.

Congratulations for further making a fool out of yourself in public.

Edited by B1gAlMan
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[quote name='B1gAlMan' timestamp='1311565566' post='2763135']
attacking defenseless nations as if that was some sort of accomplishment.
Thank you Valhalla for defining what you did to Kingdom of Sin.

Don't all of you out there in TV Land just love it how raiders talk big !@#$ up front, but [b]the minute[/b] their unwarranted aggression comes home to roost they start defining themselves and their alliance-mates as "defenseless" and "victims" and "just minding their own business." It's a laugh riot.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='King sin' timestamp='1311559714' post='2763067']
It appears the alliances are banding together to sanction me sadface.jpeg

It also appears their reasons are unfounded. Valhalla has been going around telling everyone I am a nuclear rogue. Which is not the case at all. Valhalla attacked me and I am defending myself.[/quote]

[i]OOC: Cool! You took a mostly OOC appeal to your intelligence and sensibilities as a player and turned it into a OWF post! The really cool part is that I was using my influence within Valhalla at the time to make sure you won't be touched again...rest assured, that'll never happen again.[/i]

No, you transitioned from raid victim to nuke rogue a very long time ago. Even now, you've declared war on a random non-nuclear armed Valhalla nation and will no doubt nuke it at first opportunity. You are deliberately keeping your infra at the minimum for launching nukes, rebuying a bit of tech so your nukes will cause more damage, and using other classic nuke rogue tactics.

Your post here serves no purpose. As I told you earlier today:

[quote]I genuinely appreciate all the training opportunities, increases in activity, and general awareness you've created since you started you campaign to "wipe Valhalla off the map" or whatever it is you are trying to do. It has resulted in substantial growth within the alliance, particularly among in lower mid range nations who were notoriously slow growing.[/quote]

Actually, I'm wrong, your post here *does* serve a purpose. You've now called attention to the fact that you are a free target to anyone in range who wants to take a pop at you. With a bit of luck, you'll stay in anarchy, or perhaps nuke anarchy forever. I hope so. You truly deserve it. :)

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