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Varianz accused of inter-alliance spying


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[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667137' post='2747413']
so, as is my understadning, the upper tier were the most likely to be ravaged during the war. and yet you question why the legion kept the upper tier in PM to prevent this ravage?
[color="#0000FF"]Yes, ravaging. That sort of happens when you go to war. If you didn't want your precious upper tier to get bloodied I have to wonder why you even bothered declaring in the first place. Even more, why even bother having one if you're not going to use it? Yes, you'd have lost it, and lost bad. But had you used it right you could have caused just as much damage to the combined forces of Doomhouse, or maybe even more if you had even the slightest competencies between yourselves. But no, you misused it. You lost it anyway, and you didn't cause even a lick of meaningful damage.[/color]

[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667294' post='2747418']
You often say as much RV but you've no power to do so, consequently your grand standing means little.

you are perhaps one of the best examples of the loud bark, small bite variety of NSO.
[color="#0000FF"]If this is what you believe then you're a fool. Will I with a word array a coalition against Legion? No, but I don't work that way. No, sir, I am much more subtle.

A word of advice. Do not mistake NSO for me, and do not mistake me for NSO. That is if you have enough wits about you to make that distinction. I have my own agendas, and youwish will be the first to tell you that I'm not an easy one to reign in. You've lost more today than you care to notice. What started off as one lone rebel (whose identity we may never know) became an army, unorganized as it was. My reports came from alliances all over, and I got so many I didn't care enough to post them all. And near the end others of their own accord starting posting the operations of others.

Yet what will Legion do? Nothing. You've set a precedent for allowing yourself to be trampled over. You have enemies all about you, and no friends. I can only hope that you're not so deluded to believe that your allies have any great affection for you.

I won't say I am not a petty man, but usually I am inclined enough to forget my usual posturing and leave incompetents be. But I've a special kind of disdain for you lot of cowards. When NPO was attacked NSO asked how it could best help NPO, and where it could be of most assistance. We did not make excuses to save our skins. Our reasons for hitting GOONS as opposed to MK or Umbrella was simply because we did not have the upper tier needed to effectively fight either of those alliances, and even then we still declared more offensive wars on those alliances than Legion did during the early stages of the war. Legion's reason for hitting GOONS was it was looking for an easy fight. NSO didn't care to save it's skin. If we wanted we could have went in with CD against MHA. But we're better than you. When our ally gets attacked, and the odds don't look good, we don't go looking for an easy out. Legion did.

But that isn't why I dislike you. Sure, that might be reason enough, but for me it is more. After the war, and during even, you insulted us. You dared to call us incompetent, and unreliable, and cowards, and painted a portrait of yourself as stalwart allies. Well, sir, I'll not stand to be insulted by scum like Legion. I do not forget, sir. More importantly, I'm a patient man.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1309666821' post='2747400']
[color="#0000FF"]Yes, we argued. We argued that the strategy being used was absolutely idiotic. Hold up all the large nations in peace mode. Anyone who knew the slightest about MK can see that their objective during that war was to take out NPO's upper rank. That is what concerned them. There had been potential for clashes with SF or other blocs prior to that war, but they never happened because NPO's possible involvement was a threat to their plans. So they knew they had to take out NPO's top tiers, and the top tiers of their allies. If you were not blind you'd have seen it then and there, as I did, and as NSO did.

As it turns out, we were absolutely correct. In order to get to the negotiating table NPO had to bring out their top tier, and with them their allies'.

Not to mention the general incompetence that dragged out the war. Without a top tier to reinforce and replenish the funds of the mid and lower tiers, resources were stretched. GOONS and others were capable of fighting longer for that reason.

It wasn't just the big nations in peace mode. Not for Legion anyway. You had a great many mid-tier and small nations sitting in peace. Had it not been for that NSO and others could have had a round or two to reload, but no. We had to pull more than our burden to make up for Legion's slack.

Furthermore, when you eventually did come out (if we can call it that much) you did nothing. You sent your nations out but they didn't declare any wars. You just waited to be attacked. And who attacked you? MK and Umbrella nations in need of a break? No, the fresh ones. The ones still capable of putting up a fight.

There were lists of MK nations, who had been fighting for weeks without pause, who had wars about to expire. Legion could have touched them, and damaged them further had you the sense to do so. MK wasn't scrambling into peace mode for no reason.

So yes, NSO argued. We argued because the planners of the coalition, mainly those from Legion, were completely and utterly inept. And we sure as Hell weren't going to sit there and cheer "Great idea!"[/color]
Legion did have a moderate number of upper tier guys trickle out near the end, in a piecemeal fashion, and most of those that came out were very poor fighters and in many cases the "wars" with them were little more than tech raids. And I didn't follow their aid slots closely but I don't remember those nations sending out much aid. Legion and TOOL provided the easiest nations to fight.

You're also right about the upper tier aid thing. As a small nation after each round I was able to rebuild with aid (and sometimes loot) 5-10 times after each round, while most of my opponents couldn't.

Edited by Azaghul
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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1309669327' post='2747459']
Legion did have a moderate number of upper tier guys trickle out near the end, in a piecemeal fashion, and most of those that came out were very poor fighters and in many cases the "wars" with them were little more than tech raids. And I didn't follow their aid slots closely but I don't remember those nations sending out much aid. Legion and TOOL provided the easiest nations to fight.

You're also right about the upper tier aid thing. As a small nation after each round I was able to rebuild with aid (and sometimes loot) 5-10 times after each round, while most of my opponents couldn't.
[color="#0000FF"]I am aware that Legion sent some out near the end, but in small enough numbers that they were unable to make any difference, and so few that they were easily dealt with few at a time. And I was following those wars. More than half of those that they sent out didn't even bother to declare any offensive wars.[/color]

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Looks like someone spied on NSO again!



You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Fishman Island. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

Desired Religion: Islam
Desired Government: Dictatorship
Threat Level: Low
Tax Rate: 28%
Number of Spies: 5
Last Nuke Purchase: None
Last Wonder Purchase: None
Total Money: $8,519
Technology: 0.45 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 7/1/2011 10:48:44 AM
Trade Partners: Bionicus, Matrixatania, Notjapan
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Total Aircraft: 0
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 0
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:
Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 0
Cruisers: 0
Frigates: 0
Destroyers: 0
Submarines: 0
Aircraft Carriers: 0

Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.



I admit I did find the $8.5k warchest funny.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309669661' post='2747463']
Looks like someone spied on NSO again!


I admit I did find the $8.5k warchest funny.
[color="#0000FF"]Considering that he has less than 1k infra I am not exactly sure what your point is.[/color]

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309669661' post='2747463']
Looks like someone spied on NSO again!


I admit I did find the $8.5k warchest funny.

And he's barely a bump anyway. 3k NS? barely 1k infra? Good ole Jimmy there is at the "$3m in aid and I can rock someones world" level buddy.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1309669798' post='2747464']
[color="#0000FF"]Considering that he has less than 1k infra I am not exactly sure what your point is.[/color]

Eight and a half thousand dollars is not even reasonable to fight one Ground Attack. And considering he has no tech, he'd have to sponge off your bigger nations to even be remotely effective.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309669935' post='2747466']
Eight and a half thousand dollars is not even reasonable to fight one Ground Attack. And considering he has no tech, he'd have to sponge off your bigger nations to even be remotely effective.
[color="#0000FF"]Assuming he were a lone rogue you might be right, but considering he's in an alliance where plenty others are capable of aiding him you're a bit off. A small nation of less than 1k infra not having a large war chest is a lot different than a 6k infra nation only 50 million on hand.[/color]

[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309670060' post='2747469']
Damsky: more balls than all of Legion.
[color="#0000FF"]Yes, this too.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309669661' post='2747463']
Looks like someone spied on NSO again!


I admit I did find the $8.5k warchest funny.

[color="#FF0000"]Knowing that he has an alliance to back him up, i don't see how this is funny. He is a small nation that can easily be aided. As RV stated in the past, if he was a rogue, he wouldn't last but he has an alliance who will back him up. Legions' warchest compared to NSO wouldn't last for 2 days.[/color]

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[quote name='FearUnited' timestamp='1309670697' post='2747478']
[color="#FF0000"]Knowing that he has an alliance to back him up, i don't see how this is funny. He is a small nation that can easily be aided. As RV stated in the past, if he was a rogue, he wouldn't last but he has an alliance who will back him up. Legions' warchest compared to NSO wouldn't last for 2 days.[/color]

Hey man, not saying he couldn't do anything, just thought it was kind of funny. I'm not "The Defender of Legion".

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[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667402' post='2747421']
At present i beleive we will continue to go about our merry business, there being no real reason to do anything more as it would accomplish little and waste money/resources better dedicated elsewhere.

Then why waste our time with 10 pages of failure you have provided us? That money would be better spent by building aid falls to well, build up a war chest.. assuming MK, and the others are just joking about you, and you seriously have more then 2 nations with any war chest what so ever. Though its getting dismal due the spy reports I have been privy too.. There is definitely some LOLtastic numbers there.

You are right about one thing, Attackign the SITH would accomplish nothing for Legion, and would well be a waste of your 3mil warchests due to the loses you'd incur on your first night of war. Thank you for admitting that to the cyberverse.. We can continue to LOL at you now.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309670931' post='2747479']
Hey man, not saying he couldn't do anything, just thought it was kind of funny. I'm not "The Defender of Legion".

[color="#FF0000"]I already noticed. Haha, Legion should mask you "The Defender of Legion" as i see it. You are the only one with guts here. I give you props my friend, I really do.[/color]

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309662716' post='2747322']
[color="#FF0000"]D[/color]ear citizens of the Cyberverse,

[color="#FF0000"]O[/color]ver the last couple of days, allegations have been made regarding the actions of the New Sith Order. [color="#FF0000"]S[/color]ith are creatures ruled by our passions. [color="#FF0000"]O[/color]ur alliance is often impulsive, reckless, even outright self-destructive. [color="#FF0000"]M[/color]any of you have seen such tendencies in us before. [color="#FF0000"]E[/color]very so often, an incident like this arises. [color="#FF0000"]T[/color]his time, however, I can assure you all that I personally, and no other member of the NSO, has been involved. [color="#FF0000"]H[/color]ere in this thread, all that is shown is that members of The Legion are ashamed of their past actions, and seek to project this shame onto others. [color="#FF0000"]I[/color] am deeply disappointed.

[color="#FF0000"]N[/color]ever before have I seen such baseless claims made with such false confidence. [color="#FF0000"]G[/color]od forbid that I have a Communist government. [color="#FF0000"]A[/color]nd simply because I was in range of the originally spied nations in no way implicates me. [color="#FF0000"]B[/color]riefly looking at in game statistics, I can see hundreds of other nations in range of the victim nation. [color="#FF0000"]O[/color]ther than that, there are many alliances outside of the NSO who hate The Legion. [color="#FF0000"]U[/color]ndeniably, we have been vocal recently about our hatred, but simply speaking out is not a crime in the Cyberverse. [color="#FF0000"]T[/color]here are no laws against freedom of information. [color="#FF0000"]I[/color]t is no longer acceptable to make such base accusations, and to threaten people for simply speaking their mind. [color="#FF0000"]T[/color]hose dark times are gone, and should remain buried. [color="#FF0000"]L[/color]et us not forget that Legion themselves have a dark history behind them. [color="#FF0000"]E[/color]ver followers, they enabled some of the worst crimes of the Hegemonic era. [color="#FF0000"]G[/color]oing forward, they avoided fighting whenever possible, the brave peace mode warriors. [color="#FF0000"]I[/color]n the last war, they were so cowardly that they let alliances a quarter their size bear the brunt of more fighting than they. [color="#FF0000"]O[/color]f course, they will claim otherwise, and yes, they did eventually fight, not that coming out one by one did a lot of good. [color="#FF0000"]N[/color]ow, I hope that you can see the truth of my words and of my defense.
Sir, I believe I know where you are coming from.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1309669575' post='2747461']
[color="#0000FF"]I am aware that Legion sent some out near the end, but in small enough numbers that they were unable to make any difference, and so few that they were easily dealt with few at a time. And I was following those wars. More than half of those that they sent out didn't even bother to declare any offensive wars.[/color]
Yup, I was seconding your account of things. Having them come out was little more than a token effort since they didn't alleviate any pressure on anyone and were so ineffective that they were little more than target practice. If they were going to come out, they should done so near the beginning when there were still some upper tier wars being fought with the non-peaced NPO guys, or with the NPO guys that came out. But doing it in a piecemeal faction at a time when it would help no one (no one on their side at least), and after coming out just sitting there and taking it, was just about the worst thing they could have done. I believe that some MKers [i]gained[/i] tech and land "fighting" them.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1309671736' post='2747492']

Too bad they won't ... 5 years I've wanted to get a shot at them.

Then use this thread as a CB considering the jumping up and down NSO seems to be doing.

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Dang Legion.

Ya sure I think you're a laughingstock, but I'm a GOON and as you know I just blindly think what I'm told to think by my infallible leaders- for the record we are told to say that of our multiple enemies NSO was the toughest and Legion was...was...? My nation has several craters from NSO nukes, none from you, but I resist the temptation to extrapolate my personal anecdote into a broader generalization of your war effort.

But then when your own side is laying into you on this point here... that should make you think, no?

I mean it's one thing to just plain suck. It's quite another to simultaneously proclaim how great you are.

Edited by denkimon
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Oh dear this is getting worse and worse, you should be declaring Legion for the sake of your self-respect if nothing else.

[quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309667667' post='2747426']
I was not implying i knew nothing about it, rather i was implying that it was a war fought long ago.
Yet it figures prominently in legion's history.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1309671984' post='2747496']
I believe that some MKers [i]gained[/i] tech and land "fighting" them.
I did not fight a round against Legion in which my tech did not increase.

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I have to say, just to save self respect for myself if I was in Legion, and had to deal with this, I would have quit and rogued by now since my leaders are inept.

(I know bad grammer.. one i don't care and two work with me, bit tipsy)

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Ohhh man, every single Legion poster here has fallen on his/her face. This is literally the most fun I've had in a topic in a very, very long time. Especially that one guy saying our war effort was nothing but bashing our allies and doing nothing in the war effort. I mean, if you're going with that approach, then you guys did literally less than nothing. Face it: you're a joke alliance. I'd love to see you guys putting your money where your mouth is.

I hate the pot and kettle analogy, because it implies that both parties are doing the same thing. I just think Legion is full of fail. You want proof as to how much you guys fail? Declare on us already. You know you want to. We'll show you the true meaning of war, and the true meaning of being rolled, and the true meaning of humiliation.

Edited by Jake Liebenow
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Hahahahaha. Oh wow Legion.

Also: I just checked every Legion nation between 50 and 40k NS to see which I could easily spy. Of the 18 nations in that range, only 6 of them had 800 (I had 50% odds on them) and I had 90% odds on at least 3 (I didn't keep track) of the remaining 12 (all of which were 70% odds or better).

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