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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1308897979' post='2740226']
Nobody's taking on anybody one-on-one so y'all might as well drop the tough guy routines.
Considering one was scheduled I tend to disagree :P

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I kind of feel bad for Fark. They're not defending themselves here, either because they have bad posters or radio silence, and the only people outside their alliance willing to do it is some dude who's picking a fight with Valhalla.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1308897979' post='2740226']
Nobody's taking on anybody one-on-one so y'all might as well drop the tough guy routines.

Actually Ardus, Muddog and one nation from Valhalla are fighting one-on-one in 30 days, barring any war that may come up.

Time for reading glasses, my friend. :P

[size="1"]Edited by Sharon, nurse[/size]

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1308899345' post='2740246']
Actually Ardus, Muddog and one nation from Valhalla are fighting one-on-one in 30 days, barring any war that may come up.

Time for reading glasses, my friend. :P

[size="1"]Edited by Sharon, nurse[/size]
You're implying I couldn't cook up a war in the next 30 days. :ehm:

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May I just take a moment here to commend FARK and to a lesser extend GOD for taking OOC issues in-game? Great job guys! Great job.

If you hate NoR so much, do something about it, why on earth would you need an OOC excuse to attack them? Just attack them or leave this alone. Pathetic.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1308879365' post='2739821']
Please, you don't even have the balls to attack Aloha ... and it's a one man alliance. You can save the tough guy act.

A one man alliance equals no alliance. So why attack said 'alliance'?

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OOC: I'm more disturbed than amused by the fact that a hobby or love of a book series is equated to equally as humiliating as being associated with a certain group generally considered Fond L'etang. "Oh yeah, well you like...Harry Potter!" Aside from that yes, both were funny, and yes, both were bad in taste. At any rate, I know a few Reicher's and I'm sure 94.56% of Nordreich are good folk (Except Bassman, you left us :P,) and I know that this is isolated. Certainly it appears more can be done and it should not exactly be such a surprise when something like this happens but I can see why such a discovery would make its way into this game, and am not surprised the reaction it's been given. Hell, the IC/OOC line here is blurred as hell. People are IC who they are OOC anyway. /OOC

Clearly, none of you have taken your recommended Viking/Farkistani beer intake today.

Look at the lot of you?

Still enough sense to type.

Tisk, tisk.

Edit: I suck.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1308889807' post='2740076']
Oh okay ... I'll answer for them now that I understand your question. Nazis (as well as child molesters, terrorists, violent felons and others who advocate genocide) are not welcome in Fark. On the other hand, being a heterosexual is not a Farkistan membership requirement; I assumed that was obvious, but I'm happy to clear things up for you.

And how do you actually know someone to be one IRL? That's bloody OOC. People roleplay a lot in this game. I for one RP my character here. You'll find me to be quite different irl.

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I don't think I've ever seen two groups across the aisle from each other try so damn hard in one thread. Both sides are being so absolutely transparent that it's really kind of ridiculous. Sad part is that it's getting worse, not better.

Fark and co., you took an event which could have taken the wind out of the sails of a group that's adverse to you and used a sledge hammer on it. Really, might as well just had written your exact motivations in the OP in gigantic bold red letters. A little subtle steering and your aims with this probably would have been accomplished all on its own.

NoR and co., every single one of your posts reads either like it has a tone of nervous laughter or is conspicuously over defensive. Nothing here is "a laughing stock" or the like, and the "omg you're bringing X into Y see look everyone" is probably the most incriminating one you can make. That much should be a given, and pointing it out over and over again only serves to make you sound like Officer Barbrady, leading to the exact opposite conclusion that you want.

I mean really, come on. And you wonder why people think this kind of thing is bad for business.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1308900821' post='2740270']
How dare Fark dislike Nazis and then start a thread making fun of them. I mean, really. They're just the worst.
That would be great if they were actually Nazis. But the fact that they aren't takes the wind out of the sail of your argument.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1308892156' post='2740134']
You've placed your bet sir, you walk away from the table now and you loose. Unless your bluffin, put your cards on the table and let lady luck decide who goes home...

[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1308892535' post='2740143']
You judge me wrong sir, I've no chips on the table. You wanna call yellowbelly, but your the one walking away.
No, he offered you a 1on1 but you made it clear to him that you're going to run to FARK when he attacks you. This means you're a puss really.

[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1308896441' post='2740213']
To follow up on that, if you are willing to lie about that (a minor detail) how can we believe a word you are saying? (at Papaya, not Graphix)

You just want to roll him because of his infra to tech ratio. Admit it.
Well I'd love to have a try with my 1:1 infra/tech ratio, but I don't want to start an alliance war with FARK.

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1308904596' post='2740291']
No, he offered you a 1on1 but you made it clear to him that you're going to run to FARK when he attacks you. This means you're a puss really.

Well I'd love to have a try with my 1:1 infra/tech ratio, but I don't want to start an alliance war with FARK.

Duels are so last Great War :P

Edit: I suck again.

Edited by IYIyTh
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I stressed my points over 24 hours ago now. Not sure what the fuss is here. Real diplomacy takes place in IRC -- not the OWF. The last -- what about 10 pages here, are of no consequence. The important things were said the day before. Everything else here seems to be about some silly 1v1 argument between a micro and an ally of ours.

Not much more to say here, quite honestly. Now, how about that NPO/TIO MDoAP? *goes to other thread*

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I find it utterly disappointing that we're doing this same song and dance again. And even more disappointing that FARK appears to be the ultimate moralists in this world. I would have never guessed that one. Taking up the mantle of Slayer is not something I would have expected from you folk. Again, I am severely disappointed as I though better of you all.

Your "evidence" for wanting to distance yourself from NoR is laughable. But please, by all means, distance yourself. If you are really closed minded enough to begrudge an alliance's attempt to help a new widow and her children, then you are not the kind of people we would want to associate ourselves with anyway.

Our allies know who we are and what we stand for, and for that I will be ever grateful. We understand fully the burden and commitment we must carry in regards to policing our borders, and we do so without question and without complaint. You know nothing of the work and effort that goes into maintaining our respected name. Grow up and cut it with the moral outrage because your outrage is not only misdirected, but it makes you look utterly pathetic.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1308889623' post='2740074']
Yeah, this thread turned pretty damn retarded.
tbf it's been retarded the whole way through.

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[quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1308906600' post='2740300']
I stressed my points over 24 hours ago now. Not sure what the fuss is here. Real diplomacy takes place in IRC

As long as it ends with a public apology to Nor for being so scummy as to use a tradgedy and an attempt to help someone in a very bad situation as an opportunity to smear them and kill their alliance.

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There's no need for all the hostility in this thread. Fark has made a political decision to reorganize their foreign affairs, and no one has the right to tell them otherwise. Hopefully we can negotiate a final solution to this problem that is agreeable to everyone.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1308916700' post='2740345']
There's no need for all the hostility in this thread. Fark has made a political decision to reorganize their foreign affairs, and no one has the right to tell them otherwise. Hopefully we can negotiate a final solution to this problem that is agreeable to everyone.


Really? Wow. I thought this was going to die, then we get genius comments like that.

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I think NoR did a lot of work to change their image over the last few years. That doesn't change the fact that something happened to rekindle all this controversy, that is hardly deniable at this point.

To the point that you can find these issues in [i]any[/i] alliance, I agree and I disagree. You will find rascists everywhere in every culture, but it is the [i]extremist[/i] that is most detested, most rare, and most inflammatory. While NoR is not modelled on National Socialism with ethnic cleansing in mind, it's the closest thing to it around here and no one should be surprised that they might attract, even unknowingly, those types of people, and if some screenshots are to be trusted, apparently others.

It still doesn't make NoR that kind of alliance any more than having a few racists in GOONS makes GOONS a rascist alliance.

However, it's important to recognize that while some people like the alliances in Mjolnir who are comfortable with their ally enough to stand by them and aggressively defend them in public, other alliances like FARK might be the polar opposite.

I personally think both responses, those from FARK and those from Mjolnir, were in order, considering that.

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