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Joint Val/NoR/DT/Asgaard/RoK announcement

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1308605496' post='2736141']
Friendly word of advice: be careful what you wish for.
If he's wishing for a one on one fight between the two blocs that have beef with one another then I think he'd be happy seeing as how they'd easily beat the hell out of the other one.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1308605470' post='2736140']
I call !@#$%^&*.

EDIT: Though since that conversation must have taken place on the old (now earased) forums, discussing it more is just continued derailment. Let sleeping dogs lie, I guess.

It's ok Bob, it was a few months ago, I've mostly let it go, I know its tough to keep track of all your lies to your former allies.


I'm just kidding Bobby. (but not really)

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1308609458' post='2736199']
I've never really understood why people enjoy dredging up the past so much instead of actually trying to overcome its effects.

Carry on, I suppose.

This isn't the GGA.
I'll settle for a plaque then I suppose.

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Wow I just woke up and logged on to see somewhere during my peacefull hours of sleep this thread became a debate about the NPO... you guys are just outdoing yourself here trying to get this nominated for thread of the year arnt you! :awesome:

...also I spot a Hoo :wub:

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1308610458' post='2736209']
Wow I just woke up and logged on to see somewhere during my peacefull hours of sleep this thread became a debate about the NPO... you guys are just outdoing yourself here trying to get this nominated for thread of the year arnt you! :awesome:

...also I spot a Hoo :wub:

I motion that everyone now use this thread to air their historical grievances and/or angst. :ehm:

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308610741' post='2736213']
Friendly word of advice: be careful what you wish for. :P

Wow, that is about the third or fourth time someone has said that in this thread.

I wish I would win the lottery. :awesome:

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308598616' post='2736046']
Well now you know how we feel about being blamed for things Ivan did. Stop crying and deal with it.
Nice job making the thread about you. Don't you people get mad when that happens usually?

[quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1308609773' post='2736203']
It's ok Bob, it was a few months ago, I've mostly let it go, I know its tough to keep track of all your lies to your former allies.


I'm just kidding Bobby. (but not really)
He states there is no proof either way, you say its more proof of him lying.


Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1308597426' post='2736024']

I'm not going to argue against the crux of your post, but I would like to clarify some of the timeline from my perspective. Polar was attacked on the 17th of January, and at the time it LOOKED as if the CB was solid enough (though it quickly became fishy by many and debunked by some), and at the time RoK and others were still biding its options, with neutrality being a floated option. But by the next day (18th), I had already received word that RoK was probably going to defend Polar, and that the high council of RoK was quite pro-Polar but still mulling over the decision. By 9-10PM or so that night, I had received confirmation that RoK indeed would defend Polar, but that it had to be pushed back a day with STA for preparation or whatnot, this being the night that UPN and USN both hit iFOK. The next night, at around 11 P.M. or so, SF had given us a little surprise in the form of CMEA, RnR and GOD stampeding over the U(PS)Ns, the latter two on an oA. I can remember sweating my ass off for the next 40 minutes, refreshing often, and wondering if RoK would DoW PC or support GOD/RnR, and then sighing in relief when they finally did 20 minutes before update (on the 19th).

The point being is that these actions happened quicker than you'd imply. The first day, all of CN was bracing over what to do, including reading and understanding VE's CB. The second day appears to be when RoK made its decision to defend Polar, but it wasn't until night-time that iFOK was DoWed on. That means either A) You had come up with that plan previous to any DoW or treaty chain, or B) you had about a day to come up with that plan and implement it. Now, was Taut and RoK at fault for not telling the rest of SF until the next day? perhaps. But it's not like a whole lot of time passed between these events as you would suggest.

Except you're implying we found out about this the day VE DoW'ed. We did not, we found out about the CB and everything 2 days or so prior to the attack. Hell in our case we already knew which alliance we would take if there was even a remote chance of hitting them (our DoW made no secret about our priority target alliance). So my time line is correct except for the actual time of the attack, which was decided later but still well before we found out anything about RoK's decision.

Another interesting thing you state is that you knew about RoK defending Polar WAY before we did and as Xiph stated earlier we had to find out from outside sources. But well, RoK and NSO have always been so close that it's only right you found out before their blocmates right? XD

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1308610582' post='2736210']
I motion that everyone now use this thread to air their historical grievances and/or angst. :ehm:
I'm still mad at TPF for not protecting my micro 4 years ago when Golden Sabres raided it to death. General's protectorate my arse.

Edited by Hyperion321
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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1308611825' post='2736226']
Another interesting thing you state is that you knew about RoK defending Polar WAY before we did and as Xiph stated earlier we had to find out from outside sources. But well, RoK and NSO have always been so close that it's only right you found out before their blocmates right? XD
i wouldnt be surprised

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[quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1308613320' post='2736242']
i wouldnt be surprised
Kain knows a lot of people. Has nothing to do with NSO, and everything to do with Kain being a cool guy people like to talk to.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1308611651' post='2736224']

He states there is no proof either way, you say its more proof of him lying.


I admit, I don't have 3200 posts like you so I am probably no where near your skill level of making random conclusions from way out in left field like you seem to be so adept at. No where in my statement do I say its more proof of him lying. What I do do is continue to bust his balls. But if this is how you propaganda, thanks for the lesson, I appreciate your assistance.

Let me give it a shot here...

So what you are saying in that last post is, "I, Penlugue love VE, and everyday I am a member of DT is another day wasted in my life."

Hey thanks for the complement, and come on now, don't be so hard on yourself, I am sure DT isn't that bad, just remind yourself that you're a good guy!

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[quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1308613899' post='2736249']
I admit, I don't have 3200 posts like you so I am probably no where near your skill level of making random conclusions from way out in left field like you seem to be so adept at. No where in my statement do I say its more proof of him lying. What I do do is continue to bust his balls. But if this is how you propaganda, thanks for the lesson, I appreciate your assistance.
I sell a kit for five easy payments of $19.99 if you want to learn to do it like me.

You can contact the CBBB, The Cybernations Better Business Bureau if you want to discuss my company, the Penlugue Solaris Solar Company.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1308613475' post='2736244']
Kain knows a lot of people. Has nothing to do with NSO, and everything to do with Kain being a cool guy people like to talk to.
not saying that it has anything to do with NSO. but more that it has everything to do with RoK and putting other ppl before SF

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1308611825' post='2736226']
Except you're implying we found out about this the day VE DoW'ed. We did not, we found out about the CB and everything 2 days or so prior to the attack. Hell in our case we already knew which alliance we would take if there was even a remote chance of hitting them (our DoW made no secret about our priority target alliance). So my time line is correct except for the actual time of the attack, which was decided later but still well before we found out anything about RoK's decision.

Another interesting thing you state is that you knew about RoK defending Polar WAY before we did and as Xiph stated earlier we had to find out from outside sources. But well, RoK and NSO have always been so close that it's only right you found out before their blocmates right? XD

That's interesting enough, I didn't know you had planned that far in advance of VE's DoW, but I guess it just goes to show you how pre-planned and packaged that whole war was, but grats on anticipating UPN/USN hitting iFOK and making a chain DoW before the war even erupted ;).

Also, no, I did not speak to nor receive any information from anyone in RoK's top government (nor did the rest of NSO's gov to my knowledge). But, I have my ways :smug:

[quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1308614719' post='2736259']
not saying that it has anything to do with NSO. but more that it has everything to do with RoK and putting other ppl before SF

Especially when they conspire and execute a plan to fabricate a CB, roll and destroy one of your allies, right? ^_^

Edited by KainIIIC
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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1308598215' post='2736042']
We are all at fault for everything that Taut ever did, Bob. It doesn't matter how many times we state that we didn't agree with it or didn't even know he was doing it. Since he is gone, they must blame SOMEONE. Sadly, that will always be the rest of us.

If you think we're only blaming you for Tauts actions, and that your own actions like covering all this up for weeks even from your own membership have nothing to do with our anger, you're delusional.

Edited by Leigon
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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1308611847' post='2736227']
I'm still mad at TPF for not protecting my micro 4 years ago when Golden Sabres raided it to death. General's protectorate my arse.
out of curiosity, did you contact TPF gov at the time of the raid?

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