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And, here. We. Flee?


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1306267506' post='2717587']
Hey, seriously, everyone: What would happen if they had a Gotham thread and no one replied.

Think about it.
I think at this point it's more of a "laugh at Hadrian" thread than anything else..

[quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1306267881' post='2717591']
I think it's safe to say you have officially pulled a Little Rena. All we're missing is some pictures of cats.
Will this do?

[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1306270216' post='2717637']
So, uh, did they disband? Anyone wanna raid them with me?
That would be a bad idea because RIA..oh look, Shadow got to it first. Curses. :((

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306278002' post='2717777']
Me too! $%&@ knows what I would've gotten myself into by aligning with you lot.. :gag:
Hopefully become a better person, but I don't suppose there was a chance of that.

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306278773' post='2717789']
Not that any of it matters, I already have my finger deep in GOD's pie, if you follow my drift.
I mean, it's like you're [i]trying[/i] to get rolled by as many people as possible.

[quote name='ShadowDragon' timestamp='1306279397' post='2717794']

The 'Gotham' alliance affiliation and those currently under it are currently considered to be a part of the Random Insanity Alliance and thus under our protection. Any attacks against them would be unwise.

(With the exception of http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=53528 (173,907.654 NS) which if you are big enough then feel free I guess)
Some reason for the lack of protection? Was he a ghost?

[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306287441' post='2717830']
I am disappointed I wasted an evening keeping you from being ZI'd.
A crime against humanity, that is.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306271260' post='2717657']
No, Anathema was a crumbling failure thanks very much to Kevanovia. It would've been a success but meh, he had to go and jump off a cliff.
Anathema was a terrible alliance from top to bottom that was always doomed to failure. Everyone saw it and you denied it, and you ended up looking like a moron.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306287441' post='2717830']
I am disappointed I wasted an evening keeping you from being ZI'd.

You need to stop advocating for the world's biggest idiots. Just let them take their ZI and be on their way. Sparing them of it won't make them realize "hey maybe I shouldn't do x" and learn from their mistake and buckle down. They just take it for granted and continue to act like jackasses.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306291603' post='2717855']
I always take pity on those in a position of powerlessness, my kindness is my enemy when it comes to people like this.

Same old Mogar. Gotta learn to be more heartless bud.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306291603' post='2717855']
I always take pity on those in a position of powerlessness, my kindness is my enemy when it comes to people like this.
You shouldn't take pity on those in a position of 'powerlessness' when their own stupidity brought them there in the first place.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1306294061' post='2717883']
Same old Mogar. Gotta learn to be more heartless bud.
whenever I am in a government position I tend to be much more heartless, something about power and corruption, but mostly I just think in a different scale when people are relying on me.

[quote name='Rudolph' timestamp='1306294219' post='2717884']
You shouldn't take pity on those in a position of 'powerlessness' when their own stupidity brought them there in the first place.
I've been on the losing end of a war far too many times to just let people fend completely for themselves, watching an alliance go down isnt as bad since they usually are attacked for much bigger reasons than individuals(or individuals are used as the CB, but whateverz)

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1306294431' post='2717885']
I really want you two to be in a triumverate with RV just to see what would happen.
Amazingness, that is what would happen.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1306294431' post='2717885']
I really want you two to be in a triumverate with RV just to see what would happen.

This would be the government CN needs, not the one it deserves. I don't think any alliance would be more fun. Hell, I'd join.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1306290903' post='2717852']
You need to stop advocating for the world's biggest idiots. Just let them take their ZI and be on their way. Sparing them of it won't make them realize "hey maybe I shouldn't do x" and learn from their mistake and buckle down. They just take it for granted and continue to act like jackasses.
He's advocating for his own kind, no surprise there.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1306294431' post='2717885']
I really want you two to be in a triumverate with RV just to see what would happen.

Being in a Triumvirate with any line-up would drive me up a wall. That one would do it at twice the speed.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1306295800' post='2717892']
He's advocating for his own kind, no surprise there.
I'd even advocate for you if you were ever left on your own, can't help wanting to keep people in the world we all share together.[/hippie]

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Hm, plenty of replies while I slept, let's get cracking shall we...

[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1306279353' post='2717792']
Sorry, this needed to be done.

That did make me laugh Bob. :blush:

I don't consider NSO to be scum, yet. The only reason I've turned my steely gaze to them is because they got in the way.

Also, have you read anything that's been said yet? Anything like the fact that I wasn't able to even apply due to the general incompetence of their forum masters? Please do, it would make that fine piece of art less embarrassing.

[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1306279574' post='2717796']
So why did you want to join them :unsure:
I already explained why. Go back a few steps kid, look for it yourself.

[quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1306280805' post='2717802']
I am tottally against PZI, but this kid makes me carefully think if exceptions of the rule shouldnt be considered.[/quote]
This isn't the first time principles have been backpedalled on, just so you know. :rolleyes:

[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1306281285' post='2717803']
Those really do look pitiful when they are placed next to your [i]monumental[/i] achievements.

And, incidentally, repeatedly denying you care is fairly indicative of the opposite being true. You know who doesn't care about your drama with Gotham? All the people who didn't post a thread calling them out. Do you know how I know? It's because they didn't post a thread calling them out.[/quote]
At least I was never anyone's lapdog and at least I have never run away from a commitment? I'm pretty sure those alone are more [i]monumental[/i] than anything Diabloz can claim.

Please explain to me why the opposite of what I'm saying is true, even though I'm using clear logic to demonstrate? Is it just me, or am I seeing some [i]serious[/i] dumbness shine through here from you people, like, on a level that's not even funny?

Going by your logic, I could say everyone in here cares about Gotham just from their replies. Does that mean it's true? Exactly. Get a brain dude.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1306283255' post='2717808']
[color="#0000ff"]No, I meant was your story about having applied but not having posted due to board issues and what not whatever that was. I said, "so it was true," as a rhetorical question. In short, I saw that your story was true. Not that I'd expect you to think too carefully about anything.

But enough with that. While you little jab may have been true for lesser men, Rebel Virginia thinks a great deal about things. Many things. There is not a thing I haven't dealt on at one point or another, for my thoughts and opinions are the reason I am so adored within the Order. I would not say that I define the NSO, as that would be a stretch. But it is without doubt that I am so esteemed and adored that though I may not be Emperor, nor may I ever (too much work for my taste), and though I speak not for the alliance, nor may I ever (again, too much work for my taste), I do in fact speak for the membership of the NSO. And as I have thought about this a great deal, and because I speak it now, let me tell you with certainty that not one of us would want you.

Now, be smart and do not ever try to talk me down again. I am your better, and so is the hangnail that I just clipped off my little finger. But then again, if you were a smart man you would have realized that and kept your mouth shut from the start.[/color][/quote]
Look at you Bubba, self-idolizing as usual. Listen here tough guy.

You're no different than the thousand or so other dusty politicians out there. Really, you aren't. Sure, you're "popular", hell you have some kind of moronic fan base who love to suck up to you, but you're really no different. Just look at you man...you're a shell of what you used to be, determined now only to look good in front of everyone and generally act like an attention whore instead of getting things done, changing things. I don't know whether this is laziness or whether you simply don't have the time to dedicate to it, but you sure are given way too much attention for not actually doing much.

If you were smart, you would have stayed out of this announcement. But then again, you think you're somehow better than me, despite the fact you're like an old man with nothing left to give. I on the other hand...

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1306283880' post='2717812']
[color="#0000ff"]Don't forget about Blackstone. I'm sure there are a few others we've all forgotten about too.[/color]

[color="#0000ff"]You know nothing.[/color][/quote]
Yeah, Blackstone, gotta love that name. Funny thing is, a close observer at the time might have postulated that it was my leaving that led to BCOM's disbandment. I don't know for sure, but things sure as hell went downhill post-deportation.

If an NSO-GOONS treaty crops up in the future, you better damn sure believe I'm going to take credit for it. :smug:

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1306284254' post='2717817']
[color="#0000ff"]RoK did exactly what we expected they'd do. They took the bait and feel right into our trap. Who's feeling stupid now?[/color]

[color="#0000ff"]But to be fair, he usually does have good taste in bad alliances.[/color]

[color="#0000ff"]No, you'd never have gotten anywhere. Lately you have made a reputation for yourself as a fool. Maybe not at Fernando or WANA levels, but a fool nonetheless. Sure, maybe you'd not come off as a buffoon right away (to those who are unacquainted with you from these public forums), but they'd figure out soon enough. Still, even if you managed to avoid proving a fool of yourself you could never act bright enough to convince the Brotherhood to replace some very capable people with yourself.[/color][/quote]
Lol? It was a conflict that you lost; whether or not how the war started was a success for you is completely irrelevant. Nice try at deflection though.

I'll take that as an admission that NSO is a bad alliance, then. ^_^

Oh, I think I would've gotten somewhere. You're free to believe otherwise, I'm simply stating a fact. My "reputation" as a fool has come about as a result of the sheer ignorance of those who populate these podiums. It's amazing, really, what you people choose to pay attention to and what you choose to ignore.

[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306287441' post='2717830']
I am disappointed I wasted an evening keeping you from being ZI'd.[/quote]
I'm disappointed that you tried.

[quote name='Spartacus1082' timestamp='1306287865' post='2717833']
Anathema? Gotham? What's next? Propping up the Hanseatic League?[/quote]

You should know better than to make me laugh. <_<

But in all seriousness, I wouldn't touch THL with a ten-foot barge pole.

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1306287901' post='2717835']
I'm so happy to nuke a rogue.[/quote]
I can't wait! My first nuke! :awesome:

[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1306289250' post='2717846']
Anathema was a terrible alliance from top to bottom that was always doomed to failure. Everyone saw it and you denied it, and you ended up looking like a moron.[/quote]
No, Anathema was full of individuals who actually had some pretty bright ideas. The only reason Anathema failed was purely because of the spying. Don't be getting jealous on me now.

[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1306291603' post='2717855']
I always take pity on those in a position of powerlessness, my kindness is my enemy when it comes to people like this.[/quote]
I was in no such position.

[quote name='Rudolph' timestamp='1306294219' post='2717884']
You shouldn't take pity on those in a position of 'powerlessness' when their own stupidity brought them there in the first place.
Yeah, because I [i]totally[/i] issued a PZI order [i]against myself[/i]. :rolleyes::facepalm:

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306319978' post='2717992']
I don't consider NSO to be scum, yet. The only reason I've turned my steely gaze to them is because they got in the way.

Also, have you read anything that's been said yet? Anything like the fact that I wasn't able to even apply due to the general incompetence of their forum masters? Please do, it would make that fine piece of art less embarrassing.[/quote]
hahahaha ... I can tell ya now, if you're having any problems - you are the first in -- all my knowledge .... As one of our 'forum masters' - both backend and frontend - I can attest that any registration problems come down purely to PEBKAC.

[quote]If you were smart, you would have stayed out of this announcement. But then again, you think you're somehow better than me, despite the fact you're like an old man with nothing left to give. I on the other hand...[/quote]

If you were smart, you wouldn't have created this thread. All you have to give - is lulz.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1306320382' post='2717996']
hahahaha ... I can tell ya now, if you're having any problems - you are the first in -- all my knowledge .... As one of our 'forum masters' - both backend and frontend - I can attest that any registration problems come down purely to PEBKAC.

If you were smart, you wouldn't have created this thread. All you have to give - is lulz.[/quote]
The speed at which you refute logic would shame even the most dedicated Olympian sprinter. Let me lay it out for you...

I was informed by YouWish to "go here", indicating NSO forums. I did so. I placed myself under the NSO AA (if there was an applicant AA I should have been under, nobody told me about it) and I attempted to access the forums. I could not. When I attempted to retrieve my (OOC: password), the system revealed that no such information existed. Curiously however, when I attempted to (OOC: re-register), my details [i]were[/i] in fact already on there (OOC: e-mail and etc.) therefore, the fault clearly lies in a serious failure of your system.

It is at this point where you may insinuate that I am lying and was simply ghosting your AA. I may be many things but stupid is not one of them; why would I continue to ghost your AA, knowing NSO as I do, knowing that I'd be attacked sooner or later, unless there was genuinely an issue with getting through the front doors and applying? If anyone has lied here, it is you and your "brotherhood", especially when consideration should be given over the fact that the account could simply have been deleted thereby allowing me to construct a new one. Cease and desist playing dumb, nobody is going to buy it.

It is in fact, [i]because[/i] I am smart that this thread came up. You really think I was going to let Diabloz and company sail off into the sunset without first seeing an explanation for it? Please.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306320154' post='2717993']

If an NSO-GOONS treaty crops up in the future, you better damn sure believe I'm going to take credit for it. :smug:


If there was a treaty signed, you can be guaranteed 110% that you had no part in it happening. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306319978' post='2717992']
Look at you Bubba, self-idolizing as usual. Listen here tough guy.

You're no different than the thousand or so other dusty politicians out there. Really, you aren't. Sure, you're "popular", hell you have some kind of moronic fan base who love to suck up to you, but you're really no different. Just look at you man...you're a shell of what you used to be, determined now only to look good in front of everyone and generally act like an attention whore instead of getting things done, changing things. I don't know whether this is laziness or whether you simply don't have the time to dedicate to it, but you sure are given way too much attention for not actually doing much.

If you were smart, you would have stayed out of this announcement. But then again, you think you're somehow better than me, despite the fact you're like an old man with nothing left to give. I on the other hand...
[color="#0000FF"]Are you really chiding me for not "getting things done?" I could list the small things I've done since my semi-retirement, due to time constraints and more important things to do. They do keep me for more than my advice, as I am sure you can realize. But I won't. Not that I need to justify myself to you, but I do enjoy toting my own horn. Rebel Virginia is Rebel Virginia's favorite subject. Unfortunately I do not have a time to list every single of my accomplishments of these last few months.

Yet I digress. You have no room to tell me that I have done nothing, nor have you any room to scold me for that. If you were a better and more accomplished man, perhaps. You are not that man though. I know better of myself, despite my being at times. Can the same be said of you? My friend, only one of us is deluded here.[/color]

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306320154' post='2717993']
Yeah, Blackstone, gotta love that name. Funny thing is, a close observer at the time might have postulated that it was my leaving that led to BCOM's disbandment. I don't know for sure, but things sure as hell went downhill post-deportation.[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]As a close observer of Blackstone (considering it was NSO's protectorate for awhile I did try to keep an eye on it), let me assure you that things started going downhill long before you left. What I am saying is, Blackstone was struggling even while you were still in that alliance. You were not some magic pin holding it all together, and what work I did see coming from you really was not all that impressive.[/color]

[quote]If an NSO-GOONS treaty crops up in the future, you better damn sure believe I'm going to take credit for it. :smug:[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]Unfortunately for you there won't be one to see, and if there was to be one the credit wouldn't be yours, rather those in both NSO and GOONS who have worked on that relationship.[/color]

[quote]Lol? It was a conflict that you lost; whether or not how the war started was a success for you is completely irrelevant. Nice try at deflection though.[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]We won. Strategically.[/color]

[quote]I'll take that as an admission that NSO is a bad alliance, then. ^_^[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]Well I always had a suspicious that there was a reason that people like yourself flocked to join us. Could be because precious few other alliances would be willing to give those such as yourself a chance.[/color]

[quote]Oh, I think I would've gotten somewhere. You're free to believe otherwise, I'm simply stating a fact. My "reputation" as a fool has come about as a result of the sheer ignorance of those who populate these podiums. It's amazing, really, what you people choose to pay attention to and what you choose to ignore.
[color="#0000FF"]No, you'd have gotten nowhere. You're not as clever as you seem to think you are.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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I put Mogar in my saved nations list, I'm bound to get myself into trouble eventually. Someone that can get me out is always appreciated. :D

Why did Gotham disband this suddenly? Any particular reason or couldn't they handle the bad pr?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306321261' post='2718001']
The speed at which you refute logic would shame even the most dedicated Olympian sprinter. Let me lay it out for you...

I was informed by YouWish to "go here", indicating NSO forums. I did so. I placed myself under the NSO AA (if there was an applicant AA I should have been under, nobody told me about it) and I attempted to access the forums. I could not. When I attempted to retrieve my (OOC: password), the system revealed that no such information existed. Curiously however, when I attempted to (OOC: re-register), my details [i]were[/i] in fact already on there (OOC: e-mail and etc.) therefore, the fault clearly lies in a serious failure of your system.

It is at this point where you may insinuate that I am lying and was simply ghosting your AA. I may be many things but stupid is not one of them; why would I continue to ghost your AA, knowing NSO as I do, knowing that I'd be attacked sooner or later, unless there was genuinely an issue with getting through the front doors and applying? If anyone has lied here, it is you and your "brotherhood", especially when consideration should be given over the fact that the account could simply have been deleted thereby allowing me to construct a new one. Cease and desist playing dumb, nobody is going to buy it.

It is in fact, [i]because[/i] I am smart that this thread came up. You really think I was going to let Diabloz and company sail off into the sunset without first seeing an explanation for it? Please.
I never said you weren't a ghost.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1306323136' post='2718003']
If there was a treaty signed, you can be guaranteed 110% that you had no part in it happening. Sorry to burst your bubble.[/quote]
Ain't gonna stop me taking credit for it.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1306323753' post='2718005']
[color="#0000ff"]Are you really chiding me for not "getting things done?" I could list the small things I've done since my semi-retirement, due to time constraints and more important things to do. They do keep me for more than my advice, as I am sure you can realize. But I won't. Not that I need to justify myself to you, but I do enjoy toting my own horn. Rebel Virginia is Rebel Virginia's favorite subject. Unfortunately I do not have a time to list every single of my accomplishments of these last few months.

Yet I digress. You have no room to tell me that I have done nothing, nor have you any room to scold me for that. If you were a better and more accomplished man, perhaps. You are not that man though. I know better of myself, despite my being at times. Can the same be said of you? My friend, only one of us is deluded here.[/color][/quote]
[color="#000000"]Yes, I really am chiding you for not getting things done. If one makes a commitment, one is expected to stick to that commitment. You just..hell, you just jump from one to the next to another. And you do have that time Bub, otherwise you wouldn't be here talking to me.

Note, I haven't said you've done nothing, my issue is that whatever you have done is not, in my eyes, fruitful. Additionally, it's not really my mission to be a "better and more accomplished man". Yes, I have yet to accomplish my mission in question, but I don't believe I need to be better and accomplished in order to criticise you.

I'm going to assume you're the deluded one?[/color] :v:

[color="#0000ff"][quote]As a close observer of Blackstone (considering it was NSO's protectorate for awhile I did try to keep an eye on it), let me assure you that things started going downhill long before you left. What I am saying is, Blackstone was struggling even while you were still in that alliance. You were not some magic pin holding it all together, and what work I did see coming from you really was not all that impressive.[/color][/quote]
[color="#000000"]It was a case of inactivity and lack of cooperation, nothing more, nothing less. I did not say I was a magic pin holding it all together, but you bet your ass I was one of the more active and dedicated members of BCOM. [/color]

[color="#0000ff"][quote]Unfortunately for you there won't be seeing one, and if there was to be one the credit wouldn't be yours, rather those in both NSO and GOONS who have worked on that relationship.[/quote][/color]
[color="#000000"]Oooh, shocking! So quick to assume I won't be here! Dude, I've got the willpower to remain here until the end of days, so, you can take the middle finger on that one.

As I mentioned to Nakara, nothing is going to stop me from personally taking credit for that via this announcement.[/color]

[color="#0000ff"][quote]We won. Strategically.[/color][/quote]
[color="#000000"]You lost. Badly.[/color]

[color="#0000ff"][quote]Well I always had a suspicious that there was a reason that people like yourself flocked to join us. Could be because precious few other alliances would be willing to give those such as yourself a chance.[/color]

[color="#0000ff"]No, you'd have gotten nowhere. You're not as clever as you seem to think you are.[/color][/quote]
[color="#000000"]Soooo..what, is that a confirmation that NSO is a terrible alliance?

No, I would've gotten somewhere. I know exactly how clever I am thank you Bubba.[/color]

[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1306333329' post='2718043']
I never said you weren't a ghost.[/quote]
[color="#000000"]I never said I wasn't going to apply. [/color]

Edited by Hadrian
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