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Concerning Gotham


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[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1305590650' post='2713253']
Hadrian :wub: the word obtuse ... how many times did you mention it? :P[/quote]
What the $%&@ does that have to do with anything? You are obtuse, I pointed it out. Hey ho, the grass is green and the sky is blue.

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Go apply at a large alliance that doesn't give a crap what Gotham wants. They won't be able to PZI you (at this point they probably won't [i]want[/i] to anymore considering the negative PR). They can claim people stopped them from carrying out their will rather than backing down, you will be safe in whatever alliance actually feels like tolerating you, and everyone can move on with their lives.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1305590407' post='2713247']
If they saw it as a threat, that is not my problem. And I agree, any alliance would have certainly ground me down for it. Not PZI'd though. "Most alliances" are not that idiotic.[/quote]

Anyone with a brain cell would see what you said to a member of the alliance goverment as a threat.

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1305590407' post='2713247']
I don't understand why you're being obtuse on this issue. [b]PZI is inherently a very serious matter. To permanently ZI someone, regardless of who the attacking alliance is, has a very significant effect on the individual and politics itself.[/b] Simply because it is Gotham who issued the order, does not make them any less bereft of the responsibility that goes with such an order.[/quote]

If they had the power to [b]enforce[/b] it. Since they dont and most of the world frowns against it, whats your problem? You should of just walked away instead of making threats and none of this would of happend and you still can by just applying to an alliance which doesnt care about the situation.

Edited by the rebel
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The thing I think is the dumbest part of this is the fact Gotham went straight to PZI. Now Hadrian has no reason NOT to release the Warchest Screenshots which Gotham values so dearly. If I was in Gotham.gov, I would have used PZI as a bargaining chip, hoping he might not release them in order to save his pixels.

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Gotham, please disband. You seem to have had a decent line up, but when there is internal conflict like this, just call it in. Both sides, really, just over did it. Helena for demanding a resignation and PZI (lolwut), and Hardrian for "fighting his way out". TBH, these are not very interesting logs, it just shows the internal conflict that reigns in Gotham.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1305595737' post='2713338']
Your AA.

Change it.

This is the most sound advice you could possibly take at the moment.

Join a pretty good sized, well known alliance that generally doesn't give 2 !@#$% what Gotham thinks.

They're not going to let them do anything to you while you a part of another alliance, and the problem will be solved.

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Congratulations, you succeeded in your stated goal of making your alliance look terrible. I hope you don't mind that you came off as an ass too. Forcing your resignation for disagreeing with Helena was absurd, but the fact that you immediately went to threats (excuse me, "statements" :rolleyes: ) about trashing the alliance to the world speaks volumes about how trustworthy you are. Obviously I can't blame you for dumping after the ridiculous PZI, but the logs read like you made those threats immediately after Helena kicked you.

I do hope someone takes you in and prevents them from enforcing the PZI, but you don't come off as someone who can be trusted with an alliance's information.


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Please stop using our name in vain,

Also, it's pretty amazing seeing Hadrian shouting about the injustice while posting logs of trying to coup a government leader. I'm really excited at the thought of him posting more of his "defense"

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[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1305587882' post='2713192']
Hadrian has only been placed on PZI after his threatens, and when you stole our information..we just asked you to leave before..if you just left without no further actions nothing would of happened.

How are you going to enforce it? Have RIA start a global war for you because your gov can't hold it's !@#$ together?

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1305675860' post='2713919']
And of all places to [i]ghost[/i], she [i]ghosts[/i] CSN. Seems you can't get a quality ghost nowadays. :/

Hey, at least you didn't have one of the parties in this mess try to apply.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1305680969' post='2713971']
Hey, at least you didn't have one of the parties in this mess try to apply.
That made me laugh until it hurt, especially Xiph's post.

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The only sad thing about this is that Gotham has been this way ever since the beginning. I joined up about 2 months ago and I was MoIA and I had to deal with this stuff daily. Hardly anyone is active in Gotham and the ones who are active can't get there !@#$ together. Why do you think we have went through so many Government leaders in just a month? THE PLACE IS A HELL HOLE! I'm glad I finally got out of that place.

Also Helena left CN yesterday over all this, I can't say she won't be back though.

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