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Jack Diorno

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Blog Comments posted by Jack Diorno

  1. You must get bored easy.

    I've only played two other games online aside from CN.

    The first game I used to play online was an RTS called 'kohan: ahrimans gift' which has been dead for years now.. so sad that game had the best community of players I've ever dealt with.

    The second is counter-strike source which is still going strong after so much time, apparently regular counter strike is about to die which isn't surprising considering its age, but CS:S is still good. I'm playing a lord of the rings mod right now, shooting people with my saruman staff >:D

  2. "FOK and the Stickmen decided to turn Polar's initial ill-judged attack into a global war"

    How exactly was it FOK and stickmen's decision to make it a global war? They only attacked NpO...

    It was a large war that included SF, Citadel, BLEU remnants and Hegemony but the moment when it could be classed as a 'global' war would of been when C&G and TOP/IRON got involved, meaning TOP and IRON decided to make it a global war.

    That is ofcourse, unless 'global' now means 4 alliances.

  3. if you wish to discuss that imposing your moral standards on another is wrong, then MK should not have attempted to force their moral standards on Polaris. yet they did just that. any discussion of what is right or wrong is inevitably a discussion on morals. thus, the fact that you felt Polaris was wrong in attacking \m/ is because to you, it is some moral foundation upon which you built your perception of right and wrong.

    thus, you and CnG/PC/GOONS/\m/ are all pushing your own moral standard on the entire rest of us. to state you are not is false because if PC or GOONS or \m/ or Athens or FoB or any of your other allies were to raid an alliance and another third party (i.e. not allied to the victim) alliance would step in just as Polaris did, we would see ya'll do pretty much the same thing. we could even possibly see CnG be directly involved militarily in that conflict if the third party alliance is not allied to CnG as Polaris was.

    now you may state that not all of CnG holds those views, but that is besides the point since CnG would be supporting those views held by a minority using military force.

    thus, this whole discussion of moral standards is in and of itself, contradicting, hypocritical, and amusing. any attempt to state that no single alliance, bloc, or group of allies ever attempts to impose their moral standards on the rest of us is logically false, since every war boils down to moral standards. the fact that CnG see nothing wrong with keeping TOP at war, even for this long, shows that morally you feel justified in doing so. you feel justified in forcing your own moral standards on TOP/Co in the process. while it is true that ya'll are in fact, justified in this, it only shows that you are forcing your own moral standards on not only TOP/Co but the rest of us, who while on your side or against you, may oppose this action for one reason or another.

    yet another moral standard that CnG is attempting to impose on the rest of CN is that of "preemptive attacks are wrong". while the move by TOP/co was idiotic beyond measure, this propaganda piece is one in which you (CnG) wish all to view using moralistic eyes. you wish for everyone to state that "yes it is wrong to preemptive attack and not only the aggression showed by TOP/co should be punished but more importantly it is the act of preemptive attacking CnG that makes this action even more reprehensible" style post.

    so how can you claim that CnG dislikes those who force moral standards on others, when ya'll are frequently doing it and have done it since Karma. Archon, as the "Voice of Karma", used his eloquent speech to force moral standards on others. not only Archon but many in CnG did just that. in fact, the primary reasoning for the Old Heg using Karma as some sort of beacon of community standards reflects the amount of talking from the Karma side on exactly that. Community Standards and how the "Hegemony" had broken those conventions.

    so if CnG, as you state, or MK at the very least, dislikes those who force their moral standards on others- do ya'll dislike yourselves?

    again, you impose your own moral standard on whether the CB was justified or not, while supporting \m/'s/PC's/GOONS' right to aggressively attack whomever they feel like without a CB at all. this is the entire reasoning MK and Polaris ended up at odds, was MK felt that PC/GOONS/\m/ did nothing wrong (a moral standard) and that Polaris had done something wrong (yet another moral standard) and thus, wished to impose your (MK's) moral standard on Polaris by way of getting them to give peace to \m/ instead of remaining neutral in the war.

    Standing by your own morals and not assisting an alliance in doing something you disagree with, is entirely different to declaring war on an alliance to force them to submit to your own moral standards.

    Seriously, if you need a whole block of text to make any sense then you need to take a step back, inhale deeply, and rethink your position.

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