You're Not Getting What You Deserve
Spoiler Alert: If believing in God is not for you, then you're probably wasting your time reading this, to be perfectly honest.
A lot of times when I'm talking to people on IRC or what not I keep hearing the same thing. A person says/does something bad and now they're going straight to Hell for it. While I know some people do this as a joke I hope none of us get confused on the issue, and the Character of God.
You see our salvation is not based on what we deserve or what we earn. Its based on what Jesus deserved, he deserved nothing, and instead was crucified, and separated from God, and what he earned as being God himself and sacrificing himself.
On the other hand nothing we can do would make us deserving of salvation, we can see plenty of messed up things in the people around us, but if we look inward we are pretty messed up to. Take myself for example, anyone who knows me knows I take my faith pretty seriously. A lot of people think I'm a goody two-shoes. In CN I try not to cuss... too much, and I try to be nice to everyone, and often fall short. So does this make me a good person? Part of the reason that I play CN is that 8 years ago I made decisions that lead to an addiction that will chase me the rest of my life. By spending so much time on CN it makes it easier to stay clean by distracting myself. I've effed up enough in my life to really judge anyone. Even the cleanest looking of us don't have it together. But what I do isn't the point. Nothing I can do can separate me from God's love. We call this unconditional love. We can't do any sin big enough to lose salvation, this is called eternal security.
Lets put this in terms of CN. Lets say an alliance does all the things considered hateful in CN, and hurts a lot of people, this alliance is finally put down and defeated, but when it comes time to negotiations, and they deserve reps, the winning coalition says, you know what you hated us, you've done a lot of crappy things, you deserve to pay reps, but we're not going to make you pay them all is forgiven. That's kinda like what God does for us, but my CN metaphor doesn't even compare in scale.
We're coming to the close of Palm Sunday, a day when Christian celebrate the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. His followers thought he was going to destroy the Romans. They had no idea what was coming. We're just as naiveté if we think we can do anything to earn salvation, or God's love. This week is Holy Week where Christians celebrate what is to us the most important week in all of History. I will be posting this week on Jesus, and how he can impact a Christian playing here in CN.
Grace : When we recieve what we do not deserve
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