I've played browser based games like Cyber Nations for about ten years now and after visiting an old one, seeing it announced as closed I began to try and recall all of the games I had played. Most of them were upwards of five years ago. Around that time I had the most free time and interest in this type of game. Unfortunately I can only recall a few that I've played and I've bolded the ones which are no longer playable either because in accessible or because the administrators disabled game functions. A number of those not bolded however are virtually dead with unresponsive staff or a near dead community. Some that are in ordinary text I just couldn’t access the community to tell if it was still active and alive and frankly, I wasn’t going to register an account just to check.
All Out War
Army Commander
Astro Empires
Astro Wars
Earth 2025
Empire Quest
Imperial Conflict
Last Knights, The
Mafia 1930
Mech Wars
Nexus War
Omni [something or other]
Sim Country
Urban Dead
Vagabond’s Quest 1 [First was text based, then switched to java]
World War 3 – The Patriots
WW1 - Subversion
WWII - War of Supremacy
Some games have returned by the will of the community, others are spin offs during their lives because of perceived neglect. There have been all sorts of administrations which range from those that saw their games as a method of potential income, others that saw it as a fun thing to do and more that just considered theirs a project to work on. No matter the reason for their creation there is always the possibility of neglect or closure. I wonder where CN will be years from now in this list. Where do you the reader think it will be two, five, ten years down the road?
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