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Master Hakai

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Blog Comments posted by Master Hakai

  1. Shouldn't you be busy dodging wars? You've mention doom 4 times in the last two days- as if you are begging for them to arrive and fight your war- you've tried admin- really you have no other option And no worries punk- there won't be any surrender, hell will freeze over before that happens

    LOL! "no worries punk." as if we give a rat's ass how badly you want to $%&@ over your own allies before you finally give up. We don't! If anything, the free XP you're giving our smaller nations is invaluable.. makes us an even more dangerous military alliance than we already were.

    But holy !@#$, Margrave, he sure told you! #punk #hellwillfreezeover #LHisgettingwhoopedbyfruitninja #lol #umad #198ns #ded

  2. Rotavele's recent OWF posts indicate that he is bisexual, if not completely homosexual. On the other hand, autistic people tend to think logically without emotion. This contradicts homosexuality in two ways - one, autistic individuals are not motivated by love, and two, homosexuality does not allow for natural procreation. When analyzed in a non-empathatic manner such as those used by autistic individuals, homosexuality does not make sense.

    Thus there exists a portion of autstic individuals who are against everything that Rotavele stands for. This must be why Rotavele feels hostile towards people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    You're my new favorite

  3. I typically don't respond to you, but since I moved to None about 2 hours ago, I'm not really worried about it. As for IRC, my tag is simply non-existent, rather than, as you claim, recruit me.

    Now that I am not in government, I feel safe to tell you, sir, to go $%&@ yourself.

    damn son! #nofilter

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