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GATO, from the ashes reborn? Or its final humiliation?


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Having been a long time member of the Global Alliance, I would like to speak about their past- specifically during my time there, present- their release, and future. Will the Sith and the oldest alliance in CN become comrades?

When I left GATO, the alliance was at its prime. It was a 500-man sanctioned alliance (NPO at the time was 800), with a decent average strength, close allies and a membership who felt like a family. It was internally and economically well organized and a good active membership. They certainly had a bright future.

And yet, not all was well. As I became more and more aware of our place amongst the rest of CN’s alliances, the more I became disgusted. GATO’s foreign affairs up to the return of Chris Kaos was like being trapped in a minefield, one wrong step and what we call today the “Hegemony” would (and eventually did) crush us.

Two notable incidents come to mind.

The first was the formation of the Ferocitas Compact, a MDP bloc between GATO, Atlantis, CSN and IAA. The announcement was the biggest Foreign Affairs move by GATO since GW3. Rumours began circulating at once that this was the start of an anti-NPO bloc, and a vote to add an optional aggression clause failed because we feared we would only be fueling these rumours.

The other was part of an incident between the IAA and Valhalla. I don’t remember what caused it, I think it might have been a rogue action, but there was an issue of reparations. Valhalla demanded outrageous amounts of tech and money, knowing their allies would be right behind them (NPO and associates). With a price of hundreds of millions of dollars and around a thousand tech, IAA reached an agreement with Valhalla (I think nowedge was still in power at the time).

The Ferocitas Compact members agreed to compensate IAA after they paid their reps, or “extortion money” as we called it, in GATO the issues of indirectly aiding Valhalla, not exactly being on our friends list, raised a !@#$storm of debate and led to internal fighting (This is and was the only time I have seen GATO fighting amongst themselves). Those that refused to aid the “enemy” argued, myself among their loudest proponents, against those who wanted to send the money. The debate came to an end when a popular minister called Magicninja threatened to resign because he could not work with those who were “living in the past, and not looking into the future”. Shortly after, we agreed to aid IAA after they paid Valhalla. It’s not something I agreed with, and has stayed with me ever since.

Magicninja stayed, but later on left for TPF, and has been pro-”Hegemony” ever since.

Fear. They were like chains at our feet. You have to understand that at the time, GATO was ridiculed almost as badly as the GGA is today, minus the puppet-state accusations. Nobody would have cared if we were rolled.

Perhaps ironically, less than six months after I left, when GATO got attacked then made a puppet state, then released it will never have to look over their shoulder anymore.

Do I think the Global Alliance and Treaty Organisation is free? I do not believe so. But then again, freedom can be a loose definition. Their first move as a free alliance wasn’t their best, a PIAT treaty with their prison guards. Stockholm Syndrome? Or perhaps something more? As always, there are plenty of rumours around.

Why is this relevant to us, the Sith? Because GATO and NSO are the biggest alliances on Brown, and in our aim of brown peace and unity, the Global Alliance is a key part of that goal. As always with the Sith, patience. GATO’s next move I believe will be very important on the world stage, because they still have to demonstrate that their alliance is their own.

Time will tell.

A piece by NSO Sith Marauder Griff

NSO Forums

Edited by Sileath
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Heh I couldnt figure out who wrote this (I know you as griff, not sileath) until I got to the bottom. I always have slightly disagreed with you on our actions old friend, but I dont have time to expand upon a huge post at the moment. Magic's back though :P

Ill comment more tommorow, or when final prep isnt killing my time.

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Your two accounts caused me to reminisce quite a bit ^_^.

The end of GW3 caused us to look back and reconsider things, we were past the days of old with close to 1,000 members(infighting during the post-Couptober until past the end of GW2 trumps yours imo). We wanted to bring a new era to the alliance in terms of Foreign Affairs and to reconcile with past enemies. This wasn't easy and we proceeded both with caution and fear, our efforts were starting to show after signing a friendship treaty with Polaris. Unfortunately all our progress during this time would be forgotten through the return of CK/AG and all our hard work destroyed in the resulting war.

I don't think our PIAT with the NPO makes us victims of Stockholm Syndrome. During the Viceroy there were many relationships made, some were good, others were not so good and the PIAT is reflective of those relations.

We can't stop looking back. We can't forget who we are and where we came from.

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Foreign affairs was really an interesting experience in GATO post-GWIII, the stigma of GATO was so strong and undoubtedly fueled by NPO that it made it nearly impossible for us to maintain any high profile treaties. There was always someone going around making sure any of our major treaties never happened. The eminent doom feeling was nearly always present, at least till the NpO treaty, then we though things were starting to get better.

Truthfuly it was part of the decision, my decision, to keep C_K underwraps after figureing it out, the chances of being curb stomped if we told them at the time was much higher than the chance of them figureing it out which happened long after the incident. :\

Nevertheless all we can do is move forward, unrestricted foreign policy will be a new adventure for GATO! :P

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Interesting piece. I'm not sure suggesting that GATO might still be under foreign control is the best way to make friends with them, but then I do agree that it would be nice to see GATO do something to show that they are indeed back. Not to show that they are their own alliance, because I believe they are, but to show that they plan to be an active participant in world politics now that they are once again free.

I highly doubt we'll see GATO do too much until the end of the Karma war though. It's just not a good time for anyone to do things as most stuff is bound to get lost beneath the waves of interest generated by this war.

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Frankly - this is a perfect example of the type of pieces needed around here. SO MANY stories from the "past" have yet to be told. I love seeing the behind the scenes stuff made public, over time, as its the real story behind CN and the core of CN is driven at this behind the scene level in my opinion.

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Frankly - this is a perfect example of the type of pieces needed around here. SO MANY stories from the "past" have yet to be told. I love seeing the behind the scenes stuff made public, over time, as its the real story behind CN and the core of CN is driven at this behind the scene level in my opinion.

I concur, maybe someone create an archive thread for stories, logs and posts of alliances and incidents that are long lost their meaning to current political events, so we can learn from the past, rather than repeat it.

Personally, I've always wanted to see the logs of the moments before GWI

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They have stockholm syndrome. It makes no sense to me how they can have a friendship with NPO after the really harsh treatment they received.

Not everything was roses. That's for sure.

But some of the advisors were relatively decent human beings. A PIAT is a limited way of recognizing that fact.

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If there first move wasn't a treaty with the NPO, who do you think they could get?

I mean seriously, its not stockholm syndrome, its brand appeal. I bet you even now there are some out there who still aren't convinced that the NPO is done with them or won't find an excuse to get them later when the present war is over and they have had a chance to rebuild. That is GATO's history and its been around their neck like a noose unable to be removed since GW1. Regardless of the moves attempted or stated goals they have been always viewed in opposition when they aren't simply mocked and trolled to death. Hell if anything the NPO viceroyship served to get them out of the limelight so perhaps some of these old ideas may fade. With the present war perhaps they will be in a position to form a new viewpoint and relationship amongst other alliances.

Edited by Daedalus27
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People seem to assume that signing a PIAT is on par with pledging eternal fealty, the way it's talked about so frequently. Yes, we signed a Peace, Intelligence, and Aid Treaty. We've agreed not to attack each other again in the forseeable future, not to troll, and to sell technology at favorable prices in certain circumstances. These treaties are signed almost every day, and in fact, some go unannounced because they are considered so trivial. I fail to see how GATO and NPO signing such a treaty counts as having our freedom still impinged upon, or as us running back into the arms of our abusive oppressors. If you could explain why our PIAT is so different from every other PIAT, I would be grateful.

In my biased opinion, people are simply used to seeing GATO act one way, and that's the post-PWII through 1V War GATO. That GATO existed for a long time and particularly since we went completely off the map during the occupation, it's what is cemented in people's minds. They assumed that the GATO they supported in their signatures was still exactly the same. I'm proud to say that we aren't that GATO any longer, and instead of looking back upon our more recent history, I hope that we are reflecting our earliest history. In those times we were universally considered a respected alliance, not just because of our power in terms of nation strength, but in our measured words and honor. I think that that is the form GATO is trying to regain, and as an insider, I believe that we will regain that form. But as I said, that's not the GATO people were expecting, and those failed expectations lead people to assume we aren't free, which is incredibly sad.

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Yes we have a past - one that I have been fully aware for the past 2.5 years that I have been a part of GATO; moreover, I have not experienced the unity of purpose and vision that we have today during my time in GATO.

While we cannot correct the mistakes or perceived mistakes of the past, we can learn from them and move forward not letting our past determine our future. There will always be questions and bets taken to see how quickly it will be before we slip up until we prove ourselves once again. I understand that and GATO understands that as well and we are welcoming the challenge. We received our freedom at the beginning of a very turbulent time in CN history and we are proceeding very carefully, thoughtfully, and deliberately.

We embrace the future and look forward to putting GATO back on the map as a respectable alliance; one known for its honor and integrity. And maybe along the way, some will lose their bets as well. :P

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Frankly, GATO has a bright future. A PIAT really matters little. If GATO were to have MDPed or greater, then i could see validation for the claims of Stockholm Syndrome, but a PIAT is not much more than a NAP with a possible economic portion.

Hopefully with NPO being crushed currently, GATO no longer needs to worry about the NPO pulling a FAN treatment on them or any of their other splendid moves.

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Yes, it's good to look forward to the future and forget past grudges but you can learn from the past. Be realistic. You should have learned what true friends are like in the GATO-1V war. IAA was a true ally that was disbanded as the result of the actions taken by NPO.

NPO has treated their allies horribly. Look at the GGA for example. They had an about-face and became friends with the NPO, now look at how they've degenerated.

Now you hail NPO in your IRC chat topic

"Hail NPO, esteemed friends of GATO."

NPO gave you the most harsh treatment an alliance can receive next to disbandment. Not only that but their reason for doing it was for past events they refused to forget. Yes, it's alright to forgive them for that but at least you can recognize they are an aggressive, back-stabbing alliance, who hold onto the past, and who would easily disregard your sovereignty.

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NPO has treated their allies horribly. Look at the GGA for example. They had an about-face and became friends with the NPO, now look at how they've degenerated.

Really, is it fair to blame GGA's current situation on the NPO?

Like the NPO or dislike them, the fact of the matter is that the majority of NPO allies ... are not much like the GGA.

With that said, bakamitai is a terrific guy, and I suspect his efforts are a lot of the reason why there's been a thawing between GATO and Pacifica.

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Do I think the Global Alliance and Treaty Organisation is free? I do not believe so. But then again, freedom can be a loose definition. Their first move as a free alliance wasn’t their best, a PIAT treaty with their prison guards. Stockholm Syndrome? Or perhaps something more? As always, there are plenty of rumours around.

Could it not just be a case of GATO wishing to ensure their emergence from the grip of the Viceroy was secure? and that the PIAT was but a means to an end? thats how i view it anyhow.

I talk to many GATO members and i have encountered a diversity in their opinions about Pacifica as befits such a diverse community such as the Global Alliance; Stockholm Syndrome is so far off the mark it hurts.

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The other was part of an incident between the IAA and Valhalla. I don’t remember what caused it, I think it might have been a rogue action, but there was an issue of reparations. Valhalla demanded outrageous amounts of tech and money, knowing their allies would be right behind them (NPO and associates). With a price of hundreds of millions of dollars and around a thousand tech, IAA reached an agreement with Valhalla (I think nowedge was still in power at the time).

I remember this quite vividly. noWedge came to us demanding 300 million dollars and, I believe, 1500 tech. This was for us knowingly taking in a nuclear rogue (which, by the way, we didn't). The logs supplied to us implicated a certain leader of my government on IRC (who, at the time he presented the logs, was the most active IRC member we had). The funny thing regarding this was that at the time these "logs" proved that we knowingly took in this nuclear rogue, that particular government member was not even playing CyberNations, nor was he ever on IRC. I pointed this out, proved it, and noWedge went ballistic, threatening to kill us and to cut my head off and eat it off a silver platter. Since the only way we could save ourselves and our allies was by paying up, we did, knowing it was a false extortion.

Thank Admin noWedge is no longer with us.

P.S. - I found out after we had paid that the rogue in question, who no longer plays this game, only went nuclear on Valhalla AFTER Valhalla nuked him. :rolleyes:

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You seem to be mixing to separate situations though.

If my memory serves me well, and it does :P, The argument was never about aiding IAA. We all stepped up to do that.

The argument came during the BAPS war when BAPS aided GOONs and GATO was still "enemies" with GOONs. Instead of getting involved directly I put forth the motion to let Valhalla and TPF use our spies. Some of them didn;t care for it much. From what I was told later on it was mostly due to the GATO stigma of the times. They did however say we could help by aiding Nuke Anarchied nations which I tabled to the GA. Then there was some arguments. People said that they were treating us like crap and didn't deserve it. I produced some logs of Slayer and Chefjoe saying that it was appreciated and we did end up sending them some aid. It was true that I believed GATO to be scared to step up into the global world after GWIII. I got the impression from talking to Slayer that showing some confidence in ourselves would go a long way to improve relationships with those alliances. So, yeah I proposed that bold step and was a little sad about the reluctance to step up. I thought I lost a few friends, you among them, with that move. I think King from the NFL merge called me a tyrant. :( So, I did decide to leave.

Edited by magicninja
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