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Valhalla DoW on Kronos

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[b]Valhalla is glad and proud to announce her entry into her fifth year of existence![/b]
Yes, we've made it through 4 years…

Some will be happy, some less, and let's be honest, most won't even care, but being controversial means that we're doing something right.
This anniversary may offer the opportunity to think about what we achieved during those last years. This is even truer when we consider why we've been put into the spotlight recently. We tried to change and we changed. We're not any more the Valhalla I joined in early '08. Once again, some noticed it and some didn't. The "Q era" Valhalla was a fun one (I won't lie… those wars were fun when I was a newbie) but the Valhalla of today is really the place I want to be, three years later.
We also would like to reward friendship in this announcement and award the Valkyrie Medal, given out to Foreign Officials who have been the closest allies and best we consider to be much more than just diplomats :

[center] [img]http://cnvalhalla.org/forum/awards/PR.jpg[/img]

[b]Empress Isolde[/b] of Nordreich

[b]MCRABT[/b] of IRON

[b]Nobody Expects[/b] of BAPS

[b]Queenhailee[/b] of Olympus

And finally we'd like to thank a bunch of people…

To [b]Poseidon[/b], Olympus, BAPS, Snafu… couldn't dream of a better team!
To [b]Duckroll[/b], Quack!
To the [b]Purple Sphere[/b], Vote Michel de Ruyter for the Senate!
To [b]DT, NoR[/b], thanks for listening and the trust!
To [b]MCXA, BTA, Nebula-X[/b], [b]Exodus[/b], you guys rock!
To [b]Cerberus[/b], you know where we are should you need us!
To our former allies, I personally enjoyed all the ties I had to build with you all!
To the rest, if you're at war, just nuke the hell out of your opponents, you're building a better world ;)

Last but not least, to Stumpy Jung Il, King of Purple, The Royal Trash Cat, Thank you for allowing us to flourish in your embrace.

Tl;dr : Valhalla turns 4!

Edit : fixed some mistakes... Thx Omni...

Edited by Seipher Caim
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For all the great times and not-so-great times Valhalla has been through, we have taken the lessons of our past and used them to shape our future.

Valhalla stands proud, and with the help of all allies and enemies, past and future, will enter into a new period of greatness.

Go forward, vikings! For Valhalla!

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1298930624' post='2647074']
Where is my medal?


You already have these.. why would you want some trinket we give to non members?

Screw you Valhalla, screw you in the face![/quote]
that could be arraigned, if need be.

Edited by Lord Levistus
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1298931063' post='2647089']

You already have these.. why would you want some trinket we give to non members?

that could be arraigned, if need be.
More Shiny!!!
And I will be over later snuckums :P

Seriously though, congrats on 4 years Valhalla, still some of my best memories in game are from those mead soaked halls, glad to still stand with you as allies though

o/ Valhalla

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