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NPO & The War


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That's fascinating. I've NEVER said

"We need to see more of the floating strength tied in before Pacifica is in a position to roll. With Sparta, MHA, MK, TOP and IRON still waiting in the wings, an entrance is nothing but a trap. This is why there's still so much uncertainty in our timeline.



I don't say "waiting in the wings". Period.


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Man, it must be awesome to be in Pacifica. This entire planet rotates around them. No matter what, no matter their political position or nation strenghs, the whole of the planet just spins around their center. Bravo my Red brothers. If indeed everything dies....you will always stand tall in the history books as being the be all and end all of the Bobian politics and policy.

Edit: Space added.

Edited by Vol Navy
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1298937265' post='2647207']
I loved how this went from "Yeah, old news" to "FAKE LOGS FAKKKKEEEE".

I can vouch for Jake, I've never heard him say "waiting in the wings".

Sounds to queer.

Also this is a month old, and has no Corath, me, and Kain? Most pointless log dump.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1298920795' post='2646947']
Ask goons.

But then again, they were never relevant.
More relevant (culturally and politically) than you. I'd never even heard of you until you DoW'd us, we're a household name and a junction between two of the four most important blocs.

[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1298921939' post='2646959']
Yeah... I doubt it. To pull that off, GOONS might need a capable and competent government.
You know nothing of our governmental prowess.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1298932847' post='2647124']
Says the joke of a leader of a joke of an alliance!

The difference between you and I is that I don't spend all my time telling people that my alliance doesn't suck and how great my alliance's leadership is. Frankly, I don't care about it, obviously you do.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1298938250' post='2647229']
More relevant (culturally and politically) than you. I'd never even heard of you until you DoW'd us, we're a household name and a junction between two of the four most important blocs.

You act as if being well-known is desirable. I wouldn't consider it to be so, the opposite certainly has its advantages. At any rate, being well-known is not a valid measurement of relevance.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1298938250' post='2647229']
You know nothing of our governmental prowess.

Whats there to know?

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1298925272' post='2646987']
mhawk: Your belief that anyone actually still believes anything you say is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who has ever dealt with you at the government level.
I know such controversial statements as "lintwad isn't in TPF" must be barely intelligible to a superlative intellect. My apologies for insulting trickery.

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:) Watch out SugarWater, Conner is on the move again.

Edit: Dang that's one hell of a Sig. Zeke knows his stuff. Altho, it's pretty obvious you're doing pretty darn well considering LOLA's considerable liabilities (you for instance). Edited by HalfEmpty
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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1298939451' post='2647263']
The difference between you and I is that I don't spend all my time telling people that my alliance doesn't suck and how great my alliance's leadership is. Frankly, I don't care about it, obviously you do.

One comment pointing out the irony of your statement equates to spending all my time defending my alliance (from Planet Bob's disgruntled failures no less)?


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Ugh, this topic is terrible.

GOONS's government is not a bad government.

These logs are so ridiculously fake it makes me somehow cringe and laugh at the same time, mainly at how poorly misinterpreted my writing style is.

If the goal of the OP was to just make us sick, well, congratulations. If you had any sort of constructive, or even deconstructive purpose, you've failed miserably.


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[quote name='animelover91' timestamp='1298908480' post='2646858']
If it isn't the STA trying to keep the NPO out!

TCK smells a preempt 4 days in advance!

Tyga talks some sense into pezstar:

... and the plan changes. Would have TPF denied STA much needed assistance?

Apparently not!

LintWad knows it's essential for coalitions to work together.

Lennox you are not.

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