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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1298384048' post='2641650']
Does flying an AA mean that I can't speak as I find, that I have to pretend that things are other than they actually are?

I'm in PM, the majority of my alliance is in PM. We're not there because the odds are overwhelmingly in our favour and we're in a position to sweep all before us. We are there though because the enemy we engaged and it's allies were to inept to prevent us from leaving war and choosing our own moment to re-enter.

I recommend staying in PM. Your best strategic option is to stay there so that when the war is over, your alliance will be able to pay its reparations.

After all, *someone* has to help rebuild, right?

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1298383404' post='2641645']
The lack of coordination from Goons or direction from their allies has meant they've missed a golden opportunity to dictate the pace and direction of the war. I'm sure they know this, or at least their more capable allies will know it.
You want to chide us on our coordination? Do so when your own alliance is able to coordinate at least one good attack against a nation in my Alliance, something which hasn't happened yet as far as I've seen.

As for our own coordination in this war, I will put it to you like this.

In "A" Company starting from the blitz, every night I've seen leaders calculate and execute strikes against enemy nations with grouping and timing unlike any other time in my carrier with GOONS.

Oh, I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

I've seen full quads executed in less than 5 minutes total with 4 plus nations in coordination.

Great armies completely mobilize then march into certain death and untold glory only to win time and time again.

Enemy cities burn hotter and brighter than the stars themselves at night as they fell back into the ground.

I've seen so much infra crumble, lost in time, like tears in the rain.

And you know what? I'm bankin' the fine people in my alliance will do it again and again until the last stars in the sky fall over Bob. We will only stop when you say uncle (that is, the hopeless coalition) and even then we may continue if we feel we aren't do with you yet.

So say your petty words and botched statistics, try to raise our anger but you will only fail because you assume GOONS think like everyone else. Fortunately we are more than please to prove you all wrong.

P.S. The mechanized army of Oregonia doesn't have a pre-designed kill limit, though we try and keep numbers by tracking every kill at the archiving machine in our capital.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1298384048' post='2641650']
We are there though because the enemy we engaged and it's allies were to inept to prevent us from leaving war[/quote]

Re: In Peace Mode before declaring.

[quote]and choosing our own moment to re-enter.[/quote]

Some random point between end of the war and end of existence.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1298383404' post='2641645']
The lack of coordination from Goons or direction from their allies has meant they've missed a golden opportunity to dictate the pace and direction of the war. I'm sure they know this, or at least their more capable allies will know it.
Please stop bragging about Legion's performance in this war. Mighty Legion has fewer total active wars than NSO, and we're less than a third your size.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1298413012' post='2642000']
Please stop bragging about Legion's performance in this war. Mighty Legion has fewer total active wars than NSO, and we're less than a third your size.

It is probably linked with the mighty NSO actually having most of their nations in war mode (during a war go figure) and the mighty Legion having 90% of their NS in peace mode.


Edited by greatmagnus
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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1298413725' post='2642010']
It is probably linked with the mighty NSO actually having most of their nations in war mode (during a war go figure) and the mighty Legion having 90% of their NS in peace mode.

Actually it was 93% at last count.

To be fair to Legion, though, that 93% is still the same "40K and up" they had in PM since their declaration, so they're no more cowardly now than then. It's simply the fact that any of their nations that remained in war mode have been utterly trounced.

Remember, it's ~strategy~

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1298413725' post='2642010']
It is probably linked with the mighty NSO actually having most of their nations in war mode (during a war go figure) and the mighty Legion having 90% of their NS in peace mode.

This might have something to do with it. At the moment, Legion has a total of 466,177.325 ns in war mode by my math, for a total of 6.5% of their total ns.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1298395579' post='2641766']
How hegemonic of you promising (near) indefinite war. Script flipped?
[/quote]Yes, how hegemonic of us to resist your unjustified and unprovoked aggression, and how hegemonic of us that we'd rather fight for years than pay a dime of extortion fees in exchange for peace. We are the evil Ex Hegemony, fear us, we are already going back to our old ways!

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1298420764' post='2642137']
Yes, how hegemonic of us to resist your unjustified and unprovoked aggression, and how hegemonic of us that we'd rather fight for years than pay a dime of extortion fees in exchange for peace. We are the evil Ex Hegemony, fear us, we are already going back to our old ways!
If you option to declare war on us, it literally isn't extortion to ask reps from you. Unless you think that all reps are extortion, in which case quit being so overwrought and dramatic. It's silly.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1298421346' post='2642153']
If you option to declare war on us, it literally isn't extortion to ask reps from you. Unless you think that all reps are extortion, in which case quit being so overwrought and dramatic. It's silly.

I suppose that would be true if you was in peace time then ended up being attacked to start conflict and the treaty chains, but thats the thing you started the conflict and the treaty chains to which GOONS have been suprised and cried reps ever since. Only a fool thinks that alliances dont follow the treaties they sign.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1298422310' post='2642171']
I suppose that would be true if you was in peace time then ended up being attacked to start conflict and the treaty chains, but thats the thing you started the conflict and the treaty chains to which GOONS have been suprised and cried reps ever since. Only a fool thinks that alliances dont follow the treaties they sign.
Why do we need to be surprised to ask for reps?

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1298421346' post='2642153']
If you option to declare war on us, it literally isn't extortion to ask reps from you. Unless you think that all reps are extortion, in which case quit being so overwrought and dramatic. It's silly.
64Digits is an honor-bound alliance, and your aggressive acts left us with no choice but to enter this conflict. It was not an option for us. This is all your doing. If you hadn't attacked Pacifica out of paranoia, hatred, and fear, we would not be here now.

We will not reward your acts of hostility with extorted funds.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1298423187' post='2642195']
64Digits is an honor-bound alliance, and your aggressive acts left us with no choice but to enter this conflict. It was not an option for us. This is all your doing. If you hadn't attacked Pacifica out of paranoia, hatred, and fear, we would not be here now.

We will not reward your acts of hostility with extorted funds.
Pretty sure you only hit us because we're GOONS and you finally had an in. Reading the WCE logs you've been looking to invent CBs to attack us based on that for months. This is your chance to hit us. Let's not pretend there was honor involved.

Also, I guess this confirms you only speak for yourself and 64Digits. If your 9 nations don't feel like surrendering, we can deal with that. Heck we dealt with more people than that during Roguefest 2010.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1298383404' post='2641645']
The lack of coordination from Goons or direction from their allies has meant they've missed a golden opportunity to dictate the pace and direction of the war. I'm sure they know this, or at least their more capable allies will know it.
[color="#0000FF"]Trust me, they'll be dictating the pace, direction, and peace. They'll be dictating everything. If you think this war is going to be a loss for GOONS/Doomhouse you're mistaken. Also, Legion, out of all alliances on our side, won't be dictating a thing.

Though I'm wrong. Legion's actions, or lack of, have pretty much dictated our strategy thus far concerning your unwillingness to hit any target other than GOONS, preventing any attack on either Umbrella or MK early. Unfortunately for the other alliances in the NPO defense coalition, most of our bigger nations outside of NPO lay with Legion.[/color]

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1298423443' post='2642198']
Pretty sure you only hit us because we're GOONS and you finally had an in. Reading the WCE logs you've been looking to invent CBs to attack us based on that for months. This is your chance to hit us. Let's not pretend there was honor involved.[/quote]At least we looked for justification.

And no, we're not hitting you just because we had an in. You think you're so special, but you're not. You're just small children who are fun to mess around with. Nothing more. I don't even hold hatred for you. You're just easy to get a response out of.

[quote]Also, I guess this confirms you only speak for yourself and 64Digits. If your 9 nations don't feel like surrendering, we can deal with that. Heck we dealt with more people than that during Roguefest 2010.
Keep telling yourself this, maybe it will become true! Seems to be a recurring theme among the alliances on your side.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1298420764' post='2642137']
Yes, how hegemonic of us to resist your unjustified and unprovoked aggression, and how hegemonic of us that we'd rather fight for years than pay a dime of extortion fees in exchange for peace. We are the evil Ex Hegemony, fear us, we are already going back to our old ways!
[color="#0000FF"]If you entered the war by hitting GOONS you really should have been expecting to pay reparation. Doesn't matter if they're unjustified or not (I certainly don't think so, especially since we're only defending or supporting allies), but it is a simple fact. No matter how much you dislike or disagree, there is no changing that fact. If any of us want out, we're paying.

Granted, it'll be awhile before any of us decide its over (since NPO and Legion have a lot of nations in peace mode, so this will drag on for awhile), but when we want out we're paying for it. There's no getting around that fact.

Honestly, there is no excuse at this point for not knowing what you got yourself into when you chose to hit GOONS. You had other choices of targets, and could have waited for others, but you hit GOONS. NSO knew what it was getting into. We could have very easily chose to support CD's defense of WAPA by hitting MHA. It'd be a quick war and sure white peace. We could have also hit FAN, but NPO didn't want our help with them.

My point is, don't act surprised. I am not endorsing reparations. I hate reparations with a passion few others have. But you can't deny reality, even if it is unpleasant for you to face.[/color]

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1298423869' post='2642211']
At least we looked for justification.[/quote]
This is literally the worst response.

"Yes, I admit we only attacked you because we don't like you. But at least we tried to make it look like we had a real reason to."

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1298424806' post='2642235']
I'm not surprised. But I'd rather fight forever than pay a dime.

Knowing what GOONS would try to pull does not excuse what they are trying to pull.
[color="#0000FF"]Speak for yourself. What will GOONS ask for? 100 mil? 200? That's not much. It's not crippling. Far from. It can be paid off in less than one cycle for most alliances in the coalition. Two tops.

I wouldn't be happy about it either, as I really do think reps are a weak move, but perpetual war. I'm not that stubborn. Rebuild, and fight another day.[/color]

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1298424980' post='2642239']
This is literally the worst response.

"Yes, I admit we only attacked you because we don't like you. But at least we tried to make it look like we had a real reason to."
[/quote]Ah, but we didn't attack you then, now did we?

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