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A Dark Templar Announcement

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1297826582' post='2635117']
I haven't the slightest idea. Xiphosis only runs CSN, apparently, so that's the only other alliance we in GOD are privy to the inner workings of.

Hmm, I was sure he had some high position in VE's government as well, what with his requesting Imperio to try and entrap Polar.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1297812617' post='2634813']
Their choice in targets probably had more to do with picking someone they thought would be an easy mark so they could score a quick week or two of warfare to put in just enough effort that their own side wouldn't brand them cowards and then go back to hoarding dongs and tech.
You're ... hilarious ...

Oh god. Do you really believe this? Because it's reading like Mr. Banner with better grammar. You think the alliance of Myworld and Magnet is composed of infra huggers? Do you have any idea who those guys are?


[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1297812617' post='2634813']
It reminds me a lot of when NpO declared on GOD in Bi-Polar, really, only CSN was smart enough not to let them just walk off like we did.
You know that happened because Polar had a grudge against you guys, right? So are you thinking that Dark Templar has a grudge against CSN?

The derp is strong with this one.

Also you guys let Polar walk away because killing TOP was #1 on the agenda at the time. But never fear, VE found you a fresh new CB so you can blow them up again!

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1297831908' post='2635220']
I'm astounded that people are buying into some kind of conspiracy theory when the truth, however prosaic, makes a hell of a lot more sense.
NoFish is projecting based on his own experience. He's working from how his alliance chooses when to go to war, and assuming other alliances work the same way; you'll notice that the phrase "defending allies" doesn't show up so much.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297834491' post='2635268']
Hmm, I was sure he had some high position in VE's government as well, what with his requesting Imperio to try and entrap Polar.

One, what an interesting (and amusing tbh) conclusion to draw from those logs.

Two, who is "Imperio"? Seen this in several places- it's [i]Impero.[/i]

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1297835283' post='2635287']
One, what an interesting (and amusing tbh) conclusion to draw from those logs.

Two, who is "Imperio"? Seen this in several places- it's [i]Impero.[/i]

One, thanks for the spelling correction. Seriously. :)

Two, it's the conclusion Xiphosis himself came to. Heck he even bolded it:

[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1295661490' post='2590234']
Okay, I have to confess to being pretty pissed off to see R_V and others try and tar VE/Impero for the screenshot stuff for one simple reason – they did it [b]because I asked them to[/b].

The conclusion I have come to recently is don't let Xiphosis help you because you'll shortly be involved in an embarrassing PR disaster like VE and CSN.

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[quote name='HeRo1' timestamp='1297836836' post='2635344']
I bet everyone knows who would win the worst PR move of the year..

/me points to CSN
I'm proud that we went to them to negotiate an end to hostilities, with civility. I'm even more proud that we refused to stoop to their low-class mudslinging level in the negotiation process.

[i]"He went out the same way he came in. No class."[/i] - JFK, on Nixon (after Nixon had an aide deliver his concession speech, November 1960)

Edit: November

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1297840058' post='2635425']
This is still going?

CSN just let DT have peace this is going no-where.

didnt you hear? they teaching a lesson to all those who actually sign ODP and honor them :o..

seriously this is ridiculous and shouldnt have happened in the first place...show some class CSN...also fire Liz...for a MoFA she makes your reputation plummet

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[quote name='raasaa' timestamp='1297833956' post='2635259']
you make a pretty decent conspiracy theorist o/

Regarding milcom incompetency.....your side is far worse. At least we stick to treaties and dont go around doing random declarations. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97636"]Sparta hitting NV[/url] over what treaty.....?? [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97761"]Darkfall declared on NV[/url] in DEFENSE of Sparta, citing what treaty....??

And you are getting bent out of shape with your conspiracies stating that DT came in cos they saw a soft target and decided to use it to their advantage.

Considering the alliance in question here(dark templar)and another alliance you have as an ally have declared without treaties or supported doing so in the past, this doesn't hold water. Funny thing is, the issue comes full circle as Sparta only declared without treaties because Legacy refused to declare(defensively, said oA before, corrected) to help their ally wF because they were afraid of being countered fundamentally, and then they got countered by an NV ally anyway. Isn't that great? I thought it was funny, but I think it's in Dark Templar's interests not to overreach here and go with their original counteroffer instead of taking it off the table. I think overreaching in these cases will lead to the other side putting its back up. From the first page, you can see people saying "hey members of CSN, we know you disapprove of your gov's actions, rise up and revolt," and that usually has the opposite reaction. Even if the entirety of CSN's membership(or any alliance, really) disagreed with what the gov was doing, external forces attempting to subvert internal processes or influence them would only make them side with the government over the external forces in most cases.

It didn't really make sense for DT to declare in support of LoSS this late in the war, however.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297853085' post='2635533']
Considering the alliance in question here(dark templar)and another alliance you have as an ally have declared without treaties or supported doing so in the past, this doesn't hold water. Funny thing is, the issue comes full circle as Sparta only declared without treaties because Legacy refused to oA to help their ally wF because they were afraid of being countered fundamentally, and then they got countered by an NV ally anyway. Isn't that great? I thought it was funny, but I think it's in Dark Templar's interests not to overreach here and go with their original counteroffer instead of taking it off the table. I think overreaching in these cases will lead to the other side putting its back up.

It didn't really make sense for DT to declare in support of LoSS this late in the war, however.
The crux of the matter, whether or not it makes sense for DT to declare this late, is that LoSS requested help, which is why DT entered. DT did not enter cos they had an issue against Legacy or CSN. Pinning DT down with exorbitant reps does not justify anything nor does it make any sense.

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LoSS had a standing offer of white peace and given that their reason for being involved(TIO) was peacing, it didn't make sense for them to remain in the war and DT could have stayed uninvolved. I can see why CSN would be upset over that. Anyway, the reps could have been bargained down and there was an attempt to do so, but they decided to hardball when CSN was willing to make concessions based on the bad PR CSN is getting and that's not going to do much good for the reasons I've stated.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297827193' post='2635130']
I am sure that Legacy feels happy knowing that ya'll seem to think they are an easy target. especially their ally CSN. Also, to back up Magnet, i am #163 in casualties and have been in every major war since GW1. DT are hardly infra-huggers nor do any that know DT think they are cowards.

or C- there was no other arena for DT to be in. [b]NoR was surrendering[/b][b].[/b] NV got hit by NOIR alliances preventing DT from coming in. and the rest of our allies were not involved yet except Brigade who was on your side of the war and had yet (and still has not been) attacked. LoSS was needed help and was the only alliance we had a treaty with. Unless of course we should be having our allies ghost DoW others in order to get us involved elsewhere? but frankly, LoSS needed help because well check out LoSS's stats compared to CSN and Legacy.

so we went where we would help an ally. you may not like it but we don't really care. you can come up with whatever reasons you want but that does not make them even remotely true.

Read bolded section for pure irony.

Even if LoSS wasn't planning on accepting white peace, the offer was on the table and some form of peace talks had been had.

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What good are peace offers if they are destined to go nowhere? LoSS wasn't going to leave until TIO was out, and CSN was well aware of that stance. The notion that given these circumstance, LoSS couldn't ask for some help is preposterous. We had absolutely no plans of leaving, so we asked for help.

I also do'nt see the issue of the timing of DT's entry.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1297831908' post='2635220']
Nordreich was asked to hit an alliance that was nowhere near ready in terms of military preparedness. On the day we declared, only three of our nations >20K NS didn't have nukes. (And none above 30K.) wF had numerous upper-tier nations with none. Their Wonders seemed purchased without thought to nation size. Their warchests were horrendous; many of our upper-tier guys posted battle reports in which they looted <$10 from their opponents.

...and then you surrendered to them.. :lol1:
Not really the greatest example to use.

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[quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1297858296' post='2635560']
What good are peace offers if they are destined to go nowhere? LoSS wasn't going to leave until TIO was out, and CSN was well aware of that stance. The notion that given these circumstance, LoSS couldn't ask for some help is preposterous. We had absolutely no plans of leaving, so we asked for help.

I also do'nt see the issue of the timing of DT's entry.

The timing of their entry is what leads us to this point of them getting terms. CSN offered LoSS peace. Even if LoSS wasn't going to accept it, the peace offer was there and peace talks had obviously happened. In my eyes, there are a few options as to DT's thought process
1. Hitting a soft target likely to get a bump and run (hit, few days later get white peace) as many here have mentioned
2. Hitting legacy, a somewhat weaker link on the side, in hopes of knocking them out quick (i say weaker link in terms of treaties on reserve)
3. Hitting legacy because LoSS failed to inform them of the peace talks that happened at DT got screwed over by their ally

on all 3, DT deserves reps. ODP, noDP, MADP, you do this kind of retarded !@#$ and [b]lose[/b], you deserve to get crippling reps

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[quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1297859591' post='2635566']
The timing of their entry is what leads us to this point of them getting terms. CSN offered LoSS peace. Even if LoSS wasn't going to accept it, the peace offer was there and peace talks had obviously happened. In my eyes, there are a few options as to DT's thought process
1. Hitting a soft target likely to get a bump and run (hit, few days later get white peace) as many here have mentioned
2. Hitting legacy, a somewhat weaker link on the side, in hopes of knocking them out quick (i say weaker link in terms of treaties on reserve)
3. Hitting legacy because LoSS failed to inform them of the peace talks that happened at DT got screwed over by their ally

on all 3, DT deserves reps. ODP, noDP, MADP, you do this kind of retarded !@#$ and [b]lose[/b], you deserve to get crippling reps
When at war if you offer terms, no matter if there is a chance of them being accepted the only thing that matters is you have offered terms. Now the defending alliance cannot call in allies without being opportunisitc bandwagoners. So from now on the moment war is declared everyone should offer peace terms and the other side cannot bring in allies anymore!

Come up with something new. At the moment what you are arguing is so idiotic I don't understand how even you guys can try to argue it.

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[quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1297859591' post='2635566']
The timing of their entry is what leads us to this point of them getting terms. CSN offered LoSS peace. Even if LoSS wasn't going to accept it, the peace offer was there and peace talks had obviously happened. In my eyes, there are a few options as to DT's thought process
1. Hitting a soft target likely to get a bump and run (hit, few days later get white peace) as many here have mentioned
2. Hitting legacy, a somewhat weaker link on the side, in hopes of knocking them out quick (i say weaker link in terms of treaties on reserve)
3. Hitting legacy because LoSS failed to inform them of the peace talks that happened at DT got screwed over by their ally

on all 3, DT deserves reps. ODP, noDP, MADP, you do this kind of retarded !@#$ and [b]lose[/b], you deserve to get crippling reps
I was going to make a pithy post pointing out the absurdity of what you're arguing but then Coloradia went ahead and did all the work for me so I'm just going to point at his words.

[quote name='The Great One' timestamp='1297860515' post='2635570']
When at war if you offer terms, no matter if there is a chance of them being accepted the only thing that matters is you have offered terms. Now the defending alliance cannot call in allies without being opportunisitc bandwagoners. So from now on the moment war is declared everyone should offer peace terms and the other side cannot bring in allies anymore!

Come up with something new. At the moment what you are arguing is so idiotic I don't understand how even you guys can try to argue it.

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This whole situation is retarded and CSN, I'm sorry to see that either the power has gone to your head or you feel so sorry for yourselves you have to ask for reps from a fringe alliance who defended their ally as requested.

If Legacy felt that DT's declaration on them warranted some form of reparations then fair enough, but they seem happy with a straight up peace. Yet, CSN, who declared on DT are trying to demand 40k tech?

Those of you complaining that DT hit Legacy due to their lack of reserves...is that not how things work? Is that not how you do things? Yeah, I think it is, you try not to draw in the biggest alliances with the most allies when you're on the smaller side of a war.

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