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So, I'd like to join an alliance.


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welp, my name is Mogar, some of you know me and if you already know me you can skip to the bottom paragraph.

I have quite a list of experience in just about every single government position besides milcom, I have been leader of multiple alliances, and i am quite talented at FA work, i was originally a member of an alliance called Coalition of Dark States in july of 2006, but was inactive in a government context until GW3, where i helped as a squad leader, and then our Prime Minister sent out a launch all nukes order which was a much bigger deal in the Great War era, and led to a coup which put a number of former members of CDS into power, within a few months our Prime Minister was inactive and remaining government members and myself(MoR at the time) impeached the Prime Minister and got over half of our reps we owed GOONS(the original, not the remake) taken care of by outside sources (Read; friends of the alliance who didnt wish to see us killed by GOONS) then we attempted a revival of the alliance but I stupidly trusted some new members over those whom i had known for quite some time, and this led to the new members becoming government officials due to my friends and former alliance mates leaving, then the Unjust war happened, I ensured we fought along side GOONS, MK, TPF and the rest of the UjP. after the war had ended, the alliance collapsed due to internal issues involving some nazis, where i basically had them all ZI'd and had the remaining loyal members join our allied alliances and let CDS finally rest in peace, and then joined TPF, was inactive for a month or so and then worked in FA, eventually becoming MoFA of TPF, and worked with slayer99 to do the whole OPP thang, but after months of being MoFA i was burnt out and basically let my deputy MoFA do everything and just hung out with my OPP buddies, and then basically retired and got the title of Minister of Protectorates, because i didnt feel like dealing with all the other work being MoFA involved, then i got some wanderlust, joined NPO, got the filter for boxxy put on their bot, and disagreed with NPO leadership, this led to them banning me from the public and private channels and then i basically quit the alliance, but since i never resigned on their forums(even though i hadnt logged on since the argument took place) they attacked me for a week, and then let me go, then i joined IRAN, a TPF protectorate at the time, and got to play MoFA on the small scale, was there for a few months, Karma happened, we fought alongside OPP, Batallion made us sign a peace treaty without inviting anyone else to the convo(including the MoFA of the alliance?) with the representatives from the Karma forces, this led to me ragequitting IRAN and continued fighting my opponents, the next morning i awoke to find out that the other trium had not been told anything either and that our signatures were forged onto the peace treaty, so rejoined and kicked out Batallion, and then we kept the peace treaty since redeclaring war would be retarded, and then like a month later i got banned, and here we are.

I am looking for an alliance that is willing to deal with a strong personality such as mine, with room for potential growth into government positions at some point if i choose, and some startup aid or perhaps an MP rush program, since i love me some nukes, if you have any questions feel free to ask me here, and post whatever you'd like to post in order to try to recruit me, and honestly i may not even listen to what anyone says here, i just am curious to see what offers i receive.

Edited by Mogar
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Unlike the others, I wouldn't have the first clue who you were. But I sure would like to. Come on to the Grand Federation, we'd love to have you. We share your commitment and enthusiasm, and there are plenty of opportunities for you.

http://s4.zetaboards.com/The_Grand_Federation/index/ Our forums.

http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=388124 My nation.

#GrandFed Our IRC channel. If you want to use this, just give me a heads up.

Again, love to have you.

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You seem perfect for The New Guy! What we offer:

-Help setting up a trade circle (5 permanent trade partners, which removes the hassle of finding good trade partners)
-Military Protection
-Advice on nation building & a group of individuals devoted to helping you.
-We set you up with a plan to get 4,000 Infrastructure by giving you 15 MIL EVERY 10 DAYS if you remain active within the alliance
-Technology deals, which allow you to make loads of extra money.
-EASY IRC communication access.
-If you are big, we can also set you up with a MP boost project

Interested in joining? Please come to #tng on ColdFront IRC

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[quote]<KainIIIC> on 1 hand.. i really want Mogar to return... on the other, lol... he fits in WAY too well for our own sake [/quote]

Join the NSO. We have a fat hippo as our Emperor. Also, :smug:

Edit: In all seriousness, you would fit right in. Hit me up on IRC if you have any questions (Our gov system is weird). My nick is Tiberius12.

Edited by Varianz
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You know Mogar, you'd fit in [i]wayy too well[/i] in NSO, it'd scare me. Thus I'll refer you instead to:

[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1297301122' post='2627494']
I love you.

Join Exodus.

That is all.

They have TheBigBad too :)

but really... either or... the force can handle you, I hope ;)

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1297320858' post='2627800']
You know Mogar, you'd fit in [i]wayy too well[/i] in NSO, it'd scare me. Thus I'll refer you instead to:

They have TheBigBad too :)

but really... either or... the force can handle you, I hope ;)

Heh, I could see some good times coming from Mogar joining us.

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Nordreich is always looking for those that are motivated. We have job openings all the time; and the more you put in, the higher you'll climb. We just ask for nations to follow our simple military quotas/guidelines, and economic advice to achieve a level of excellence in warfare that is a key part of membership.



Edited by Folkvar Forkbeard
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Everyone knows that joining the "Disciples of Abaddon" is the smartest move to make. Not only are we a small up and coming AA who offers many of the same things these other AAs are offering, but we can offer something that not everyone has or offers......drunkin' Skype/IRC sessions! We have a small active community who are interested in helping our members in every aspect of the game. Stop on by and check us out.

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