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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295948746' post='2599750']
So sorry, but being #1 is not the goal of every alliance. I can tell you that from experience, as TOP never really pursued it.

As for Pacifica, they pursue and handle it in a way different from any alliance in the Cyberverse. Whereas some alliances may [i]desire[/i] the #1 spot and dominance over the game, the NPO's pure [i]purpose[/i] is to attain such---and they'll go to lengths far further and more extreme than anyone else to take and hold it.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sho, so cut the crap. I understand you arguing along battle lines--though I find it fairly sad--but you should at least try to not be so transparent about it.

Oh cut the crap Crymson. We all kept them in power for a long time and were some of the last out the door. None of us have the right to start decrying their evils, or applauding this shoddy sequel to Karma. No one is buying your garbage, no matter how loud you sell it.


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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295948746' post='2599750']
So sorry, but being #1 is not the goal of every alliance. I can tell you that from experience, as TOP never really pursued it.

As for Pacifica, they pursue and handle it in a way different from any alliance in the Cyberverse. Whereas some alliances may [i]desire[/i] the #1 spot and dominance over the game, the NPO's pure [i]purpose[/i] is to attain such---and they'll go to lengths far further and more extreme than anyone else to take and hold it.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sho, so cut the crap. I understand you arguing along battle lines--though I find it fairly sad--but you should at least try to not be so transparent about it.
I do know what you're talking about, but I also know that you're delusional if you think NPO will ever have the power again to become that which they were. Their allies are no longer among the top ranked alliances, and public support hasn't been on their side in years. This war is, as admitted by doomhouse, an effort to keep themselves in control of CN without any sort of CB. Tell me how that's different than NPO's war against GPA to reclaim the top spot.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295948746' post='2599750']
So sorry, but being #1 is not the goal of every alliance. I can tell you that from experience, as TOP never really pursued it.

As for Pacifica, they pursue and handle it in a way different from any alliance in the Cyberverse. Whereas some alliances may [i]desire[/i] the #1 spot and dominance over the game, the NPO's pure [i]purpose[/i] is to attain such---and they'll go to lengths far further and more extreme than anyone else to take and hold it.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sho, so cut the crap. I understand you arguing along battle lines--though I find it fairly sad--but you should at least try to not be so transparent about it.
Good sir, I congratulate you on your attempt to find Mediocrity for your alliance, you have succeeded. Way to shoot for the middle.

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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1295948957' post='2599753']
Whoever wins :v: .

Screw it, attack both sides.

:awesome: Sounds like a plan.

[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295949132' post='2599758']
This war is clearly an MHA plot to keep Pacifica off their tail in the Race.

Blow them up. All of them.

SShhh, it's a trap within a trap within a trap.

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This provokes mixed feelings for me, I love MK dearly but a first strike? seriously? how pissed where we all when TOP launched such a strike against us and yet here we are witnessing yet another incident of that nature...what happened to the principles some of us fought for in Karma?? I must be an idealistic idiot :(

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1295949197' post='2599759']
Good sir, I congratulate you on your attempt to find Mediocrity for your alliance, you have succeeded. Way to shoot for the middle.

Yours achieved mediocrity without even trying. Bravo.

That said, we enjoy politics, but our greatest enjoyment comes from our internal community. And if we're enjoying this (ooc) game (/ooc) more than others, then I'd say we've been very successful in the way that matters most to us.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Rugby' timestamp='1295949010' post='2599754']
Oh cut the crap Crymson. We all kept them in power for a long time and were some of the last out the door. None of us have the right to start decrying their evils, or applauding this shoddy sequel to Karma. No one is buying your garbage, no matter how loud you sell it.


Well said.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1295949500' post='2599763']
This provokes mixed feelings for me, I love MK dearly but a first strike? seriously? how pissed where we all when TOP launched such a strike against us and yet here we are witnessing yet another incident of that nature...what happened to the principles some of us fought for in Karma?? I must be an idealistic idiot :(
You're not an idiot :P

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I would just like to extend an invitation for any patrons who are dissatisfied with their service during this DoW to please fill out the customer satisfaction surveys which will be provided once the war has reached a conclusion, drop them into the marked survey collection bins, and then proceed to [i]deal with it[/i].

If you require further assistance in the matter, please send a letter to the GOONS Department of Dealing With Various Things detailing your issue with the heading "Inability to Deal W/R/T It".

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1295949500' post='2599763']
This provokes mixed feelings for me, I love MK dearly but a first strike? seriously? how pissed where we all when TOP launched such a strike against us and yet here we are witnessing yet another incident of that nature...what happened to the principles some of us fought for in Karma?? I must be an idealistic idiot :(

I can't say we weren't pissed but let's not say that the idea was the right choice. it sucks to be attacked for that reason, but strategy is just as good a reason to go to war as any. A CB is just a reason to go to war, our CB has been said. It's just strategy. And everything must die.

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[quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1295948558' post='2599744']
Sorry, explain to me how wanting your alliance to be #1 is a crime again? I was under the impression that was the whole point of this [ooc]game[/ooc]

You know why they want to be number one. To oppress and destroy all the others.... thats what we all know, but you don't want to know. I thought being a slave to Pacifica would tire anyone someday... I seem to be wrong.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1295950276' post='2599778']
I would just like to extend an invitation for any patrons who are dissatisfied with their service during this DoW to please fill out the customer satisfaction surveys which will be provided once the war has reached a conclusion, drop them into the marked survey collection bins, and then proceed to [i]deal with it[/i].

If you require further assistance in the matter, please send a letter to the GOONS Department of Dealing With Various Things detailing your issue with the heading "Inability to Deal W/R/T It".

Those collection points all have holes in the bottom of them. :(

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[quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1295949020' post='2599755']
I do know what you're talking about, but I also know that you're delusional if you think NPO will ever have the power again to become that which they were. Their allies are no longer among the top ranked alliances, and public support hasn't been on their side in years. This war is, as admitted by doomhouse, an effort to keep themselves in control of CN without any sort of CB. Tell me how that's different than NPO's war against GPA to reclaim the top spot.

Why would anyone need a CB. Stop the stupid discussions about: you're wrong, no u, no u, no u, no u..... :facepalm:

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While I cannot say that I disagree with your choice of target MK, the tech we and our allies paid out as penitence last war is seeming much more like blood money from someone who could get it, rather than punishment for an action which you claimed was not considered acceptable in CN. We didn't get the nasty reps like our friends in IRON, TOP, or DAWN so I can't complain too much, but it is somewhat discouraging to see you do essentially the exact thing you made us and our allies pay for. If anything our attack was probably a little bit more justified given that you were actually going to enter. I'm not convinced Pacifica was going to. Of course I'm not privy to your war room either so who knows.

In a way, I suppose I should feel vindicated. Perhaps this is a tacit admission that preemption is a valid tactic, and that what we did in the last war was in fact strategically justified. In any event, it will be amusing to see all those who decried our actions applaud this one and vice versa.

Happy Rolling Pacifica :)

edit: word usage

Edited by Lord Curzon
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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295950548' post='2599785']
Those collection points all have holes in the bottom of them. :(
Can't you read? I have already outlined what to do after placing your survey in the collection bin.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295950507' post='2599783']You know why they want to be number one. To oppress and destroy all the others.... thats what we all know, but you don't want to know. I thought being a slave to Pacifica would tire anyone someday... I seem to be wrong.[/quote]So MK and co. attacked them to keep oppressing and destroy all the others themselves.
Gee, that's so much better.

Edited by Golan 1st
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Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I swear I had this down before you even thought about it. Surprised it actually took you this long to bring it about though. You're getting old Neverender.

Hidden behind these calls for anarchy lies the one supreme grudge between the Mushroom Kingdom and Pacifica. And you can spin that out all you like, it wouldn't work, not now, not in two years time. The FAN and Umbrella are merely tagging along for the ride.

Yes, yes, VietFAN, blah blah blah, transgressions, blah blah blah. You know what? No-one even cares anymore. FAN, you haven't been on the stage in so long that I'm surprised you were even called into action with this. In fact, I'm willing to bet that Mr Neverender here rang up Mpol on a rainy day and asked him "Hey man, want a piece of the NPO?" And the Grand !@#$%^& replied "HELLZZ YEAHH!! We still want their skins after VietFAN! They took all our guns! Boohoooo!!!11oneone" Okay, so it may not have been as dramatic as that, but I know I'm close.

As for Umbrella..pfftt..please, you actually think you have some sort of political weight here? Oh no. No no no. Antoine, you need to come to terms with the fact that your alliance is nothing more than a paper tiger of high-key nations, to be used upon the whim of those you call allies. I mean, seriously, do you really think the others in Doomhouse would call you allies if you didn't have an alliance made up entirely of bulky nations? Take your head off, and screw it back on the right way.

"Everything. Must. Die."

What are you, planks? No? Let me know when you get round to the hundred or so other alliances then. Seriously, I wanna see the likes of GATO, LSF, ODN, etc. brought down soon. Unless of course, you only apply your ideology to NPO, and people you don't like. Tsk-tsk. That would be shoddy, bad form.

Speaking as an ascended being, sitting up here on my high horse, I see nothing more here than MK becoming the very thing they seek to destroy. Karma was a tool to gather a coalition that would be ready to perform to similar standards found in the day of Pacifica's rule. I call !@#$%^&*.

Note my words carefully Neverender. I see you here, turning on your heels against the core belief that started your Karmic movement in the first instance. I mark you here, in the very spot you stand, as the aggressor in this conflict, persuing a petty grudge of yours that, were you reborn a new man, you would not put down to save your life. I acknowledge you here, as unwilling to co-operate with a peaceful alliance, who has remained peaceful for over a year, who has specifically stated that they have accelerated into a new age, a different age to the previous one. Well, Neverender...

[b][center][b]...what goes around, comes around.[/b][/center][/b]

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MK: Doing something about "it" since 2008. Only, to them "it" is existing, and we are all guilty.

You all disgust me. You seriously think that NpO has only been trying to protect NPO through this whole damned thing? Wake up and smell the real world - half of Polaris didn't give two !@#$% about Pacifica prior to your actions here today. Couldn't have cared less about them. Did you honestly think that the Orders were "hunky dorey?" No, you didn't - even those as yourself aren't that dense. You painted this whole fantasy world for yourself to justify your lunacy. You did what you had to in order to make everything seem like it was right.

But it was all wrong. You are the ones committing the actions you so condemned. "But we did it in the name of what was right!" you say. Huh. Haven't we heard that line somewhere before?

I guess it's true, what they say. What goes around comes around. Only, you thought it was over with Karma, but in reality it had really just begun. Power corrupted NPO then, and it has corrupted you now.

Nations of Bob, remember what has happened here on this day. This must never come to pass again. Though it will be a hard thing to prevent, we can not allow those in power to act unjustly! We, as citizens of Bob, must be the voices of reason! You cannot stand idly by and allow this pattern to continue, you must stand up and proclaim "NO."

I see now the error of my past, condemning Vox Populi. How could I have been so ignorant?

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295950507' post='2599783']
You know why they want to be number one. To oppress and destroy all the others.... thats what we all know, but you don't want to know.

As opposed to what you are doing now, right?

I thought being a slave to Pacifica would tire anyone someday... I seem to be wrong.

I'm unsure as to when Shodemofi was a slave to Pacifica. He was a member of the NPO at somepoint but that was a long while ago. Anyway, be sure to check under your bed for the boogeyman before you go to sleep tonight.

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