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Ragnarok declaration of war


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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1295559825' post='2587194']
Bet ya 100 tech it won't.

Given that CSN, RIA, GOD, R&R, and Rok can't seem to agree on anything but to disagree at the moment, keep your tech, you're going to need it later when you rebuild.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1295559743' post='2587191']
So if VE is attacked, I assume RoK will help defend them?

Also, you still haven't defended your hypocrisy at all regarding the rest of SF. Which is really the main thing that is annoying me a bit, seeing as how you're even now clamoring about honoring treaties.

Obviously not as they won't be able to. Being unable to defend an ally because you're already fighting isn't the same thing.

Also, it isn't hypocrisy. As it has been explained to me, RoK stated they were going in to defend Polar which would mean that SF would have their back because that is how it typically works. SF tried to talk them out of it and when they couldn't, decided to engage UPN instead. Furthermore, a certain alliance flat out said they were not entering on the other side because "defending RoK was more important" ... somehow, they ended up declaring anyway.

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[quote name='GuMMyWoRm' timestamp='1295559101' post='2587173']
Sadly this is true. Alot of spineless alliances only make treaties to enact them when they know they will win the war.

When there's a chance of defeat, they simply ignore them. This game has gotten borderline retarded with people refusing to honor treaties due to being too afraid to lose precious pixels.

The new cooler CN believes infra > friends and treaties. Sad really

(certain purple and red alliances come to mind)
Maybe your alliance can help out with the fear factor by cutting the "pray for reps" dumbassery. I wish MK would stop complaining about the environment they have created.

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1295559307' post='2587180']
When did we pick an ally over a bloc?
Read the post I quoted, I'm not doing your homework for you.
[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295559841' post='2587195']
And it is truly awesome that you entered wars whenever you were needed, but RoK never attacked your allies and expected you stay out. What you are saying is that since RoK and VE have fought together, it makes ignoring their other treaty obligations justifiable. It doesn't work that way. It isn't like you gained some sort of karmic currency that you get to cash in down the road by doing those deeds. You don't get to say "Well, we've fought together so you must now look the other way while we bring in friends** and destroy your ally ..."

** It is important to note that I have no issue with VE bringing in friends. It is a valid tactic.
VE thinks they're Admin's gift to Planet Bob, their mentality is completely predictible and in character (I use the word character in regards to VE loosely).

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1295560343' post='2587212']
I can understand VE's reaction here; RoK for a while was probably one of our closest allies next to GOD. It's kind of a slap to the face to be defending NpO of all alliances.
Maybe it was a slap in the face to RoK to spy on their ally \m/ then tell RoK to $%&@ off when he tried to mediate, or maybe it was a slap in the face to attack RoK's ally. Please every pee-drinking Viridian former or current shut the hell up about slaps in the face. Impero is a slap in the face of the world and so is his Entente.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295560266' post='2587207']
Maybe your alliance can help out with the fear factor by cutting the "pray for reps" dumbassery. I wish MK would stop complaining about the environment they have created.

Bob never knew reps until MK came to town :(

following post:

(Please, Schatzi, why do you have to be so angry all the time these days? It is depressing me. Remember when we used to stroll through the glens singing a song and enjoying the sunshine?)

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While the thread has mostly evolved into no u I would be remiss if I didnt add 2 cents as a member of the peanut gallery. I was in ROK for a brief period of time and while my departure wasnt an ideal situation for anyone I wish them all the best on the battlefield. Good luck out their rokkers. :ph34r:

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295560253' post='2587206']
Obviously not as they won't be able to. Being unable to defend an ally because you're already fighting isn't the same thing.

Also, it isn't hypocrisy. As it has been explained to me, RoK stated they were going in to defend Polar which would mean that SF would have their back because that is how it typically works. SF tried to talk them out of it and when they couldn't, decided to engage UPN instead. Furthermore, a certain alliance flat out said they were not entering on the other side because "defending RoK was more important" ... somehow, they ended up declaring anyway.

So if GOD had stated first they were going to war, then RoK would have had their backs instead right?

Honestly I understand that's how SF always wants to work, but it realistically always can't because they have outside treaties. If SF wants to always roll together they should have no external treaties, but having them now puts them in situations like they are in now. From what I understand they are doing the best they can out of this situation, and I'm sure RoK will not be taking that much damage for some odd reason.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1295560089' post='2587202']
Given that CSN, RIA, GOD, R&R, and Rok can't seem to agree on anything but to disagree at the moment, keep your tech, you're going to need it later when you rebuild.

I'll sell it you myself. I don't have much. C'mon Hal. Put your money where your mouth is.

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[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1295556400' post='2587072']
You mean like war on TPF and NSO?

Didnt have any mutual allies...and considering we're allied to everyone and their mother, pretty amazing we were able to get two wars off.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1295559952' post='2587197']

Because we were in such sore need of the Viridian War Machine in the NSO war.

Considering we fought more than you did in a war you started, Yea I'd say so.

Pointless posturing aside, the entry was to get warslots quickly because NSO was hitting peace mode, and we were active while the others you planned on dragging in were not. But that was covered in the drama filled threads during that war, so you should know that.

[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295560253' post='2587206']
Obviously not as they won't be able to. Being unable to defend an ally because you're already fighting isn't the same thing.

How convenient for them. Though their great friends Polar managed to do it, why can't Rok? An excuse of "sorry we're too busy attacking one of your bloc mates to defend you" just doesn't have the same punch to it as actually defending on the field of battle.

No seriously, its their choice and they made it. But our reactions to this will be our choice to make.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295560448' post='2587217']
Maybe it was a slap in the face to RoK to spy on their ally \m/ then tell RoK to $%&@ off when he tried to mediate, or maybe it was a slap in the face to attack RoK's ally. Please every pee-drinking Viridian former or current shut the hell up about slaps in the face. Impero is a slap in the face of the world and so is his Entente.

So what, Rok is choosing NpO's side over VE's side, they are seeking the path of least resistance(FA speaking so no offense PC) in this case to try to appease both treaties partners when really they should poop or get off the pot.

See I can make peepee and poopoo references too.

Edited by SonOfHoward
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295561397' post='2587251']
How convenient for them. Though their great friends Polar managed to do it, why can't Rok? An excuse of "sorry we're too busy attacking one of your bloc mates to defend you" just doesn't have the same punch to it as actually defending on the field of battle.
[/quote]I wouldn't wish fighting on both sides on any alliance. The fact that you would wish it on RoK says a lot about the depth of your "friendship".

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1295527752' post='2586178']
This is where we differ... Ragnarok is about Honor not conveniance.

If Poison Clan and iFOK want to watch their allys burn over fighting an uncomfortable war then good on them... but you will never see Ragnarok do this. We don't sign ODP treatys for a reason... we dont beleive in "optional" defence. Hell maybe it will be our downfall, but if it is I will go down with my head held high.

Funny you should say that since you did exactly that when TPF came for PC's head back in the day. Perhaps a few people in RoK will remember that treaty.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1295563344' post='2587287']
Funny you should say that since you did exactly that when TPF came for PC's head back in the day. Perhaps a few people in RoK will remember that treaty.

I do. I don't recall PC getting declared on?

Also, you dropped NEW for similar reasons. You started crap with too many alliances we were allied to and we got tired of being put in the middle of it. The parting was actually amicable at the time, but for some reason PC has turned it into something more since then. I'm not sure why it has to be an issue, but PC seems to be incapable of letting it go.

Curious ... were you actually in PC at the time? Not trying to troll you there, I just didn't think you were.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295559562' post='2587185']
I'm sorry, I guess I never spelled it out but I thought it was clearer.

I do see it as applicable. After years, years of Rok getting what it wants from VE, VE gets repaid by Rok joining the other side in a war. Its clear the choice Rok made though, they value their relationship with an alliance that's spent years opposing them more than an alliance that has spent years supporting them. I don't begrudge them that choice, but they are crazy if they think its done them any favors in terms of how we view our relationship with them.

Maybe if your CB had not been exposed for BS or if you had not rushed so quickly into war because you were worried it would be expoased before your DoW things would be different. You rushed off to attack becasue you were afraid Polar would out the entire incident and ruin your big chance. Because you rushed this war out of fear of being exposed you left all kinds of allies in bad spots. They have not even bothered to try and defend the CB. You rolled the dice and things are not working out they way you hoped. Maybe next time you sit back and come up with a plan and a real reason for war that does not require you to rush head long into this mess you have created. I myself am going to quite enjoy wantching you all try and clean up after this mess you have caused.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295561397' post='2587251']
How convenient for them. Though their great friends Polar managed to do it, why can't Rok? An excuse of "sorry we're too busy attacking one of your bloc mates to defend you" just doesn't have the same punch to it as actually defending on the field of battle.

No seriously, its their choice and they made it. But our reactions to this will be our choice to make.
VE brought CN a war by DoWing rather than work things out through diplomacy, so good job on that. Although when VE complains about an ally of the one you guys DoWed entering the war and try using your treaty with them as a reason to give them crap for honoring a treaty when you put them in this situation, it doesn't reflect well on you guys. While I don't think anyone expects you to help RoK in this war considering you're already at war with their ally, that you guys are trying to make RoK feel bad about honoring a treaty isn't cool, especially when its VE's fault that RoK has found themselves in a position where they needed to do this to maintain their honor.

Its fine to start a war if you want to have some fun blowing stuff up, but don't complain when treaties are honored on the other side. No need for you guys to burn bridges with RoK to still have a good relationship after this war, if RoK was willing to do this for NpO they likely would of done the same for you guys had your position in this war been different. I think what RoK did here shows they are a good ally to have.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295560448' post='2587217']
Please every pee-drinking Viridian former or current shut the hell up about slaps in the face. Impero is a slap in the face of the world and so is his Entente.

I'm agreeing with .... You. :gag:

The formers should know better. This was a complete !@#$%^&* move and not that of the [i]honourable[/i] Entente.

Edit: RoK is doing exactly what the Entente used to always stand for. Wether they were happy or not, treaties come first and not in a prioritized manner.

Edited by Rayvon
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295561397' post='2587251']
How convenient for them. Though their great friends Polar managed to do it, why can't Rok? An excuse of "sorry we're too busy attacking one of your bloc mates to defend you" just doesn't have the same punch to it as actually defending on the field of battle.

No seriously, its their choice and they made it. But our reactions to this will be our choice to make.
You abused your position as their ally you deserve nothing from them based solely on that. Expecting them to fight on both sides of the war knowing where it left Polar is downright pathetic.

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