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Ragnarok declaration of war


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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1295531226' post='2586242']
It did, and thank you, but you skipped the most important part, and that's the reason Hoo left in the first place. Was he simply given the wrong impression at some point?

I'm not sure if you know this but Hoo isn't our Emperor anymore. He left because he was upset we didn't DoW the second it happened. We needed to see what the entire picture was, but in my mind there was no way in hell we weren't defending NpO. Also we went silent because i went to bed.

[quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1295534452' post='2586314']
After reading a bit more of this thread, here's the thought I keep having:

A more considerate, neighborly course of action would involve going to RoK with a request to mediate. Seriously, who goes to their friend and says, "Will you stand aside while we clobber your other friend?" That's not the behavior of a true friend. Conversely, that's the captain of the cheer squad telling you you're too fat and need to abstain from food or throw up to lose weight and fit in... er, I mean, well, it's just not friendly behavior!

edit: RoK, you eat that cheeseburger! And get a large order of fries, too! You eat it and you take a picture!! :D

Trust me we tried, and we were met with a cold shoulder. Their DoW on polar was posted in about 18 hours after our knowing of this incident. We weren't allowed to mediate this purposefully.

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I hope RoK eventually realizes that the NpO is not an ally worth ignoring one of the most loyal blocs in the game over. This is the same NpO, led by a guy, who a few years back would have gladly rolled you. Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't want to tie my FA to NpO. Many have done that and been back-stabbed.

RoK, NpO clearly spied on your buddies, and you're supporting this, and leaving your real friends behind for whatever reason. If you don't like that VE set them up there are ways to handle that. Piling into PC was probably not the best way, but maybe it fits more with your current FA strategy.[/quote]
This needs to be repeated.

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295538461' post='2586422']
You have a strange fascination with dealing out insults that have to do with butts. Just saying.

You have an interesting way of saying 'we' when referring to one side of the combatants in this war even though your alliance is currently neutral.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1295540846' post='2586500']
You have an interesting way of saying 'we' when referring to one side of the combatants in this war even though your alliance is currently neutral.
yeah man mk is totes neutral we could go either way it's all balancing on a knife's edge...

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[quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1295538952' post='2586432']
What obligation or tactical advantage would GOONS be serving by entering today?[/quote]

They could actually gain credibility?

[quote][ooc:] Though once again, Valhalla arrives with homophobic ooc attacks[/quote]

[i]OOC: That's amusing on several levels particularly if you knew a thing about the membership of Valhalla, which you don't. I'm trying to figure out how hemorrhoid cream is a gay reference. Get help, you aren't very comfortable with yourself and it's showing.[/i]

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295540931' post='2586503']
yeah man mk is totes neutral we could go either way it's all balancing on a knife's edge...

It's one thing to cheerlead...it's quite another to don a jersey and talk like you just defeated the local football rival when you aren't even on the team. You're a bystander, you don't get to say 'we'.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1295541468' post='2586521']
It's one thing to cheerlead...it's quite another to don a jersey and talk like you just defeated the local football rival when you aren't even on the team. You're a bystander, you don't get to say 'we'.
From now on just pretend like when I say "we" it's with the understanding that MK isn't actually doing any of the defeating itself just yet. Would that make you feel better?

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1295536226' post='2586356']
You chose the ally that involved itself with the saboteur, and not the ally at the receiving end of his potentially damaging actions?

Furthermore, instead of riding united with your blocmates, those who (ostensibly) take precedence over all other allies (and those that have been with you through thick and through thin), you ride in the opposite direction?

All in all, poor showing, RoK.

edit: typo

Is there an [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97369&view=findpost&p=2586065]echo[/url] in here?

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1295541175' post='2586511']
They could actually gain credibility?

[i]OOC: That's amusing on several levels particularly if you knew a thing about the membership of Valhalla, which you don't. I'm trying to figure out how hemorrhoid cream is a gay reference. Get help, you aren't very comfortable with yourself and it's showing.[/i]
[/quote]No sorry, that doesn't work. GOONS don't want your respect, they already have their allies respect. I can't talk for their membership or government, but I'm pretty sure I'm right there.

[ooc] sorry i am not as much of a heterosexual manly man as you~

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1295540352' post='2586482']
RoK, NpO clearly spied on your buddies, and you're supporting this, and leaving your real friends behind for whatever reason. If you don't like that VE set them up there are ways to handle that. Piling into PC was probably not the best way, but maybe it fits more with your current FA strategy. Regardless, well, I'll just say it, whoops.

Well, your argument and its credibility is missing one thing.

Why would Rok do this? Why would they go against the rest of SF, why would they go against VE, why would they choose to be on the opposite side of Pandora's Box when they didn't have to be? What did they have to gain by choosing what they did?

You act as if they made this decision out of pleasure instead out of necessity, honor, and loyalty, and frankly, that doesn't make any sense.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1295540821' post='2586499']
I hope RoK eventually realizes that the NpO is not an ally worth ignoring one of the most loyal blocs in the game over. This is the same NpO, led by a guy, who a few years back would have gladly rolled you. Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't want to tie my FA to NpO. Many have done that and been back-stabbed.

This needs to be repeated.

We're loyal to every ally, not just one bloc. We dont pick favorites.

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If Rok told VE they were staying out and then declared for the other side I could understand the anger towards them.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with what Rok is doing here (assuming Rok never told VE they were staying out). Rok is following the first treaty that would be activated. No hard feelings coming from me. See ya on the other side Rok.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1295536789' post='2586371']
I honestly cannot believe I am hearing this from the Vice Chancellor of Ragnarok. I hope I am missing some sort of poorly worded sarcasm here.

Then you haven't the slightest clue as to what actually happened. I hope you learn the truth soon, and would love to be there when you eat these words.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295535079' post='2586330']
His spying on us, lacked malicious intent and effect. That counts for something.

So you are saying it was a ruse, which you approved of and support.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1295537195' post='2586386']
And generally MDAPs (by their very nature) take precedence over MDoAPs was my point.

That makes no sense and is not, in fact, true. An obligation is an obligation. You dont get to collect the whole set then pick which ones you want to honour, through this or any other made-up system of precedece. You either keep your word or you dont.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1295540821' post='2586499']
I hope RoK eventually realizes that the NpO is not an ally worth ignoring one of the most loyal blocs in the game over. This is the same NpO, led by a guy, who a few years back would have gladly rolled you. Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't want to tie my FA to NpO. Many have done that and been back-stabbed.

There must either be two schools of thought, or two positions the same people move between, but I don't understand how that mentality jives with the all too popular 'war is for fun, the web sucks, lets have a good time' line of reasoning. If this action drives rok from the ranks of SF, it will probably only be because the rest of SF got sensitive and tossed them out the door. It is hardly unprecedented that a bloc wouldn't fight together in an aggressive war. There are numerous examples of blocs fighting on separate sides at various points in history. Perhaps SF hasn't had to deal with it before, but when these sort of conflicts don't happen it is only at the beginning of a bloc's life, or the product of an overwhelming majority of the bloc membership being characteristically docile. VE's side is hardly at risk of losing this war, if RoK can't stand to see an ally burn alone, I would say its a luxury they can afford to entertain. If SF is indeed the strong bloc you believe it to be, they'll be mature enough to remain friends despite this war. If this breaks them, it will only be because there were fractures to begin with.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1295510064' post='2585902']
What should Rok have done? Prioritize treaties?

Of course, then they could be just like the honourable Viridia who was concerned about them all along :rolleyes:


"I'm not as interested with SF than with critical decision making, otherwise I would had participated in the act courting in privus"

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[quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1295538952' post='2586432']
What obligation or tactical advantage would GOONS be serving by entering today?

[ooc:] Though once again, Valhalla arrives with homophobic ooc attacks

I saw Lebubu make the same kind of comment this last month. Then again, I'm not complaining about that comment, it was witty and well played. Your moral indignation however, is

[quote] 2% moral, 48% indignation, and 50% envy. [/quote]

Consider yourself told.

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Did I miss Rok declaring on VE? I thought they merely declared on an alliance who hit their MD partner.
Disappointing, in that VE would prefer to be fighting along side Rok instead of on the opposite side, but expected, as VE too would come to the defense of a MD partner who was attacked. They didn't pick sides, they activated their treaty and declined to pick sides in conflicting treaties (NpO and VE). Until I see a Rok nation hitting a VE nation, good luck on the battlefield Rok and I personally hope you review your treaties after this war and decide which ally is a better ally. If you decide it is Polaris and not VE, then so be it. But conflicting treaties suck, they put allies in untenable positions.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1295543679' post='2586598']
I saw Lebubu make the same kind of comment this last month. Then again, I'm not complaining about that comment, it was witty and well played. Your moral indignation however, is

Consider yourself told.
[/quote]I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1295536386' post='2586358']
We chose the ally who was in defense...

Blocmates...you mean the ones who took our notification of intent to declare and figured out how to jump in on the other side to avoid being stuck defending us?

Those Blocmates.... pfft

Congratulations GOD you are just like Polar now, backstabbers, traitors and cowards who put infra before friends.

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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1295536386' post='2586358']
We chose the ally who was in defense...

Blocmates...you mean the ones who took our notification of intent to declare and figured out how to jump in on the other side to avoid being stuck defending us?

Those Blocmates.... pfft
I feel you, I was kinda wondering how your bloc-mates pulled that off myself.

RoK made the honorable move, a class act.

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