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Bring It UPN

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1294136251' post='2562977']
Have fun killing yourselves [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/emot-v.gif[/img]

This. and reiterating here.. blow each other the ~&@% up already!

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1294140046' post='2562993']
Why is Athens raiding Pegasus then? Is it not a protected alliance?
It isn't, actually.
[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1292795100' post='2544891']
[color="#FF0000"][font="Arial Black"][b]As of 3rd of January 2011 Pegasus has had it's membership of the Pegasus Bloc terminated for violations of numerous clauses of the treaty itself. We wish them all the best, and hope they have learned from the mistakes they have made while under our generous protection.[/b][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Roy the Mighty' timestamp='1294113874' post='2562661']
that still does not justify what she put on the forums for us to be greeted by

Honestly, if you had 2 weeks warning, and still didn't move your DB, then you were asking for it.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1294146126' post='2563036']
Honestly, if you had 2 weeks warning, and still didn't move your DB, then you were asking for it.

We had until 16th of January... We were going to move to USN's server this week.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1294146126' post='2563036']
Honestly, if you had 2 weeks warning, and still didn't move your DB, then you were asking for it.

Surprised to see this is coming from an old GATOan.

I'm not seeing all that much difference between depraved's seizure of GATO's boards and this.

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[quote]Erm.. dont think so on this one.. GSO has individual friends in both AAs, so there was a mediation attempt.. seems all the files, and database were still in existence. Also looks like all Peggy wanted was to talk to Altheus before she gave him the files.. I dunno, could be wrong here.[/quote]

Don't you just love it when someone totally irrelevant and insignificant gets themselves involved...? There was a "mediation attempt," but not with you.

Anyway to sum up this situation honestly... Yes UPN could of stopped this all happening, we chose not to because we gave our word ( after she poached and allegations of spying were made ) that the next time she will pull a stunt of similar calibre she will pay directly... And she did. We went after her. One of the former Triums decided to pull a stunt of his own... well we sorted him out. The protectors wanted to negotiate and told us that if we failed to agree on something a war will happen, UPN remained stubborn because we wanted to stick by our word of punishing Peggy and our ideas of a just punishment did not . Our ultimatum was that Peggy is expelled and left to be punished by us... if not, we would attack her anyway - then BAPS and co would respond if they felt they were obliged to defend her. I say congrats to the bloc on terminating the protectorate, as you did not deserve to be a part of this. Both parties screwed up, Pegasus more so than UPN. So blame UPN for misplacing trust and being stubborn if you wish... So to those who are laughing at both alliances and the situation, fair enough I guess... To those who seem to wish Bring It luck, well you are the biggest morons in the topic. UPN will always do what it feels is right by its members, allies and friends... and we will stick true to ourselves and our word. C'est la vie. I.E We will not stop until we feel Peggy is punished.

Edited by Robster83
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[quote name='AMERICA UNITED' timestamp='1294118994' post='2562763']
Why couldnt you show this same backbone and a growth of balls against GOONS, if UPN had fought it out with GOONS you know [b]all of this could have been avoided.[/b][/quote]

So you're doing all this due to UPN's/Peggy's (and your own) failure to drum up a CB on GOONS? This is getting more and more fail by the minute.

Oh, also... I've yet to see Pegasus' (or 'Bring It's' for that matter) DoW on GOONS.

Edited by SirBombAlot
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[quote name='SirBombAlot' timestamp='1294160499' post='2563162']
So you're doing all this due to UPN's/Peggy's (and your own) failure to drum up a CB on GOONS? This is getting more and more fail by the minute.

Oh, also... I've yet to see Pegasus' (or 'Bring It's' for that matter) DoW on GOONS.

Did you not hear? As soon as they left UPN they immediately decided GOONS aren't bad: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95954&view=findpost&p=2546867

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1294140655' post='2562996']
Peggy Sue is quite honestly one of the worst people. Like, ever. I have never seen one thing in any facet of her personality or identity that wasn't abjectly terrible.

I believe this one speaks the truth..

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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1294159051' post='2563145']
Don't you just love it when someone totally irrelevant and insignificant gets themselves involved...? There was a "mediation attempt," but not with you.

Anyway to sum up this situation honestly... Yes UPN could of stopped this all happening, we chose not to because we gave our word ( after she poached and allegations of spying were made ) that the next time she will pull a stunt of similar calibre she will pay directly... And she did. We went after her. One of the former Triums decided to pull a stunt of his own... well we sorted him out. The protectors wanted to negotiate and told us that if we failed to agree on something a war will happen, UPN remained stubborn because we wanted to stick by our word of punishing Peggy and our ideas of a just punishment did not . Our ultimatum was that Peggy is expelled and left to be punished by us... if not, we would attack her anyway - then BAPS and co would respond if they felt they were obliged to defend her. I say congrats to the bloc on terminating the protectorate, as you did not deserve to be a part of this. Both parties screwed up, Pegasus more so than UPN. So blame UPN for misplacing trust and being stubborn if you wish... So to those who are laughing at both alliances and the situation, fair enough I guess... To those who seem to wish Bring It luck, well you are the biggest morons in the topic. UPN will always do what it feels is right by its members, allies and friends... and we will stick true to ourselves and our word. C'est la vie. I.E We will not stop until we feel Peggy is punished.
Of course, that is it, anyone who doesn't like UPN are morons, brilliant.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1294109538' post='2562559']
When will people banding together to hit an AA with say a member or two, or three or even four stop trying to make an AA themselves to hit an AA which they don't like? Just rogue it out for goodness sakes, when UPN gets destroyed I want an [i]actual[/i] organized attack placed on them by more than like two or so people.

Because this way they get more attention.

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[quote name='kamichi' timestamp='1294150665' post='2563068']
Surprised to see this is coming from an old GATOan.

I'm not seeing all that much difference between depraved's seizure of GATO's boards and this.

I was more referring to the time line, which I was incorrect about. If Depraved had given the alliance advance notice of wanting to remove the forum (I was only around about 2 months at the time,) I can't imagine we would wait weeks to move our forums. I was under the impression that Peggy told UPN to move by the first, not the 16th of January.

I'm in no way condoning Peggy's actions, I actually like Peggy and I lost a lot of respect for her because of this. Losing a forum is a terrible experience.

I apologize to UPN, I misunderstood what actions they had taken, and I thought they had waited until the end of the deadline from Peggy, which seemed outrageously foolish on their part.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1294166878' post='2563237']
What a serial load of bullcrap.

It's the start of 2011 and this is what happens? I'm gonna need more popcorn. [i]Lots[/i] of it.
Popcorn world is having a sale 19.99 all you can carry. Highly suggested for 2011 ;)

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