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Statement from Nusantara Elite Warriors


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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1292743787' post='2544158']
gantanX, you are acting like an absolute moron. You seem to be acting under the false belief that a treaty is the final word, and no one can act without one. Unilateral declarations have existed for years, and both INT and TPE clearly stated that they were protecting DF from raiders. They plainly and explicitly said "if you attack them, we attack you" and you try and talk your way out of that. It's clear cut.

You make stupid statements like this:

Which is an absolute joke. It doesn't take a genius to realise that statements like this:

are statements of protection. To think otherwise is laughable.

But they don't have flags or anything!

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[quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1292744074' post='2544165']
NEW has proved itself to be a very stubborn alliance is all I can say. This does not bode well.
FC, much love my friend but lets just blow crap up and worry about who said what about whos momma later?

Also, i want to commend NEW. I dont care if you're right or wrong, hell i dont care WHY you did the raids but one thing needs to be said. You have probably half of Bob wanting your heads and your allies facepalming off to the side but yet you stand by your beliefs regardless..and this is something that is long gone in an era where all you do is blink at someone the wrong way and they fold up and pay reps

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1292742282' post='2544112']Bob: "SOMEBODY MAN UP AND START A WAR UGHH WERE SO BORED!"
NEW: "Alright, we will. After all, we love war and have been wanting to get revenge on DF for a while now."
NEW: "........... Okay, well screw you guys, we're going to have fun with or without you."[/quote]

The only flaw in that is that NEW did not wish to start a war on purpose, they really are this thick.

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292745932' post='2544196']
NEW did not wish to start a war on purpose

They're still giving everyone on Bob the opportunity to have the kind of war that they've wanted for months even if it is unintentional (and considering this is NEW we're talking about here, I wouldn't be so sure).

Does this warrant a large-scale war? Not likely, but the prevalence of the idea that war needs to be warranted somehow is the reason why most people are so damn bored.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1292743787' post='2544158']
gantanX, you are acting like an absolute moron. You seem to be acting under the false belief that a treaty is the final word, and no one can act without one. Unilateral declarations have existed for years, and both INT and TPE clearly stated that they were protecting DF from raiders. They plainly and explicitly said "if you attack them, we attack you" and you try and talk your way out of that. It's clear cut.

You make stupid statements like this:

Which is an absolute joke. It doesn't take a genius to realise that statements like this:

are statements of protection. To think otherwise is laughable.

i hope they on their word. simple eh? worst case scenario i got ZI'ed. so whats the problems with ZI'ed?

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1292747675' post='2544211']
Does this warrant a large-scale war? Not likely, but the prevalence of the idea that war needs to be warranted somehow is the reason why most people are so damn bored.
To be honest, this is probably the best CB we have had in a long long time, this warrants it just as much as the last few.

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292745932' post='2544196']
The only flaw in that is that NEW did not wish to start a war on purpose, they really are this thick.
This is what I was thinking.

If war happens it will be one-sided, and some alliances that come in only for treaties will not fight much to avoid harsh terms/allow buildup after war . It will be stupid.

I never understand why you people clamor about war when it's obvious that it's going to be unbalanced as hell. Just go tech raid or rogue if you want to beat on people, then rejoin your alliance of friends who will stiff-arm the smaller alliance into letting you back in. It's really not that hard.

Edited by Earogema
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[quote name='coekrix' timestamp='1292748119' post='2544220']
i got ZI'ed twice.
may i get special membership on ZI club with special privilege?

Yes, as long as your get your membership card checked off each time. The VIP buffet is unbelievable, so I'm told.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1292748018' post='2544219']
If war happens it will be one-sided, [/quote]

I've been here going on 3 years. IIRC, you have been here even longer? What wars have you seen that were not one-sided? I've never seen one like that, it is a mythical creature as far as I am concerned.

NEW is one of the very few alliances that values it's honor & pride as much if not more then their possessions, so I don't see this as being as stupid as you seem to at the moment. If the people who are saying this is a bad move really want them to be reasonable, you would think they would tone down the insults. Maybe they want this war to happen too. :D

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[quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1292749927' post='2544241']

NEW is one of the very few alliances that values it's honor & pride as much if not more then their possessions, so I don't see this as being as stupid as you seem to at the moment.

This x 10,000

Just because NEW doesn't hug their infra for dear life doesn't make them "thick" or "stupid".

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[quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1292749927' post='2544241']What wars have you seen that were not one-sided?

That's the nature of War though! Let's all gang up on the weak guy/ lets all defend the weak guy from the big meanie

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1292750122' post='2544242']
This x 10,000

Just because NEW doesn't hug their infra for dear life doesn't make them "thick" or "stupid".
I agree. Not understanding basic logic and how this game operates is what makes them stupid.

Edited by Finnish Commie
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