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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1287650442' post='2489608']
I don't know enough of the details to be able to say one way or the other what exactly happened, so you're best off trying to get an explanation from Polar gov, at least if they're inclined to say any more than Dajobo already did in the OP. I expect the involved parties would differ in their portrayal of events, though.

Well, I don't know the details either, and as I'm not affiliated with CF I'm not going to make an issue out of it.

Carry on. :P

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1287628978' post='2489219']
Just hours before Arctic Penguin announced his decision to retire a splinter group left to form their own alliance, [url="http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Crimson%20Fists"]Crimson Fists[/url] . The leader of this group is our now former Minister of Peace, Grumpdogg. Considering he was serving as Minister here while covertly organising to leave with friends it is fair to say they have not left on good terms. As an act of mercy Emperor Random has decided we will not be pursuing these nations. We do however ask all alliances to review the list of members and demask any who are registered on your boards as NpO Diplomats.

o/ Polaris

All hail the merciful Random! :rolleyes:

Pursuing nations for starting an alliance when they've worked hard and put a hell of a lot of hours into your alliance for the past few years would be pretty !@#$@#$ ridiculous, as is vilifying them as you have done. You said it yourself, Grumpdogg and a few friends started an alliance, it's not like they've been mass recruiting from you, get a grip ffs.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1287630062' post='2489261']
I wonder how much of the praise in this thread will actually be genuine. I imagine there will be a lot of snickering done behind hands tonight.
Regardless, everybody here knows this change in leadership will translate to a far more proactive Polaris. That's something to be taken very seriously and it'd be beyond foolish to write them off because of Random's... more grating characteristics. I for one welcome the change. Should be fun.

Edited by Ardus
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Hail Emperor Random!

Hail Imperator Emeritus Penguin!

Also congrats Grub ^_^

[quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1287659291' post='2489702']All hail the merciful Random! :rolleyes:

Pursuing nations for starting an alliance when they've worked hard and put a hell of a lot of hours into your alliance for the past few years would be pretty !@#$@#$ ridiculous, as is vilifying them as you have done. You said it yourself, Grumpdogg and a few friends started an alliance, it's not like they've been mass recruiting from you, get a grip ffs.[/quote]Let me paint you a picture of what happened:

1. Grumpdogg decided to make his own alliance.
2. While still an acting member of Polar's government, Grumpdogg gave invitations to join his new alliance to select members of Polar's government and middle management without bothering to inform the government as a whole about his plans.
3. When the government as a whole found out, and asked, about said invitations, Grumpdogg, and the people he had recruited thus far, bolted from Polar without offering much in the way of an explanation or apology. It is also not made clear if, had he remained undiscovered, Grumpdogg would have continued to secretly recruit more people from within Polar, though my impression is that he would have.

Where I come from such behavior is, at the very least, disingenuous, rude and criminally irresponsible. If such behavior is tolerable in your alliance, then I have to sincerely question the quality of your alliance and the intelligence of your leadership.

Edited by Fallen Fool
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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1287664856' post='2489734']
Let me paint you a picture of what happened:

1. Grumpdogg decided to make his own alliance.
2. While still an acting member of Polar's government, Grumpdogg gave invitations to join his new alliance to select members of Polar's government and middle management without bothering to inform the government as a whole about his plans.
3. When the government as a whole found out, and asked, about said invitations, Grumpdogg, and the people he had recruited thus far, bolted from Polar without offering much in the way of an explanation or apology. It is also not made clear if, had he remained undiscovered, Grumpdogg would have continued to secretly recruit more people from within Polar, though my impression is that he would have.

Where I come from such behavior is, at the very least, disingenuous, rude and criminally irresponsible. If such behavior is tolerable in your alliance, then I have to sincerely question the quality of your alliance and the intelligence of your leadership.

Thanks, I thought that reply would get an explanation.

Poor form Grumpdogg. Hopefully in time you can mend relations with your former allies.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1287664856' post='2489734']
Hail Emperor Random!

Hail Imperator Emeritus Penguin!

Also congrats Grub ^_^

Let me paint you a picture of what happened:

1. Grumpdogg decided to make his own alliance.
2. While still an acting member of Polar's government, Grumpdogg gave invitations to join his new alliance to select members of Polar's government and middle management without bothering to inform the government as a whole about his plans.
3. When the government as a whole found out, and asked, about said invitations, Grumpdogg, and the people he had recruited thus far, bolted from Polar without offering much in the way of an explanation or apology. It is also not made clear if, had he remained undiscovered, Grumpdogg would have continued to secretly recruit more people from within Polar, though my impression is that he would have.

Where I come from such behavior is, at the very least, disingenuous, rude and criminally irresponsible. If such behavior is tolerable in your alliance, then I have to sincerely question the quality of your alliance and the intelligence of your leadership.

I was going to leave this thread but the amount of incorrect information being posted by Polaris amazes me, it truly does.

Yes we talked about creating a new alliance while actively serving Polaris, we did our jobs and apparently that means nothing at all. Take a look at our alliance right now, theres not much to it so its pretty obvious we didn't do much more than talk about it. The only people that knew about this all felt the same way about the direction Polaris was heading, of those people one is still actively serving in Council. I know Llanowar Elf has told you otherwise but he was actively part of this, leaving Polaris to create a new alliance, even willing to drop out half way through his term to start it. Grumpdogg gave notice that he intended on leaving, and before anyone else had a chance to give notice Dajobo lost the plot. Grumpdogg gets demasked without warning, another person gets demasked without warning, several others including myself get masked down to member and are given the option, stay & don't leave or leave right now. We were forced out by Dajobo, there was no way he was going to let us serve out our terms in council or let us fill anyone properly on whats happening.

Secretly recruiting? We are all close friends who come from a close knit gaming community, there is life outside of Polaris. We haven't secretly invited anyone. If anyone wants to join AA then that is [b]their choice[/b], we know better than recruiting from an alliance.

So Fallen and the rest of old group of Polaris gov, please stop putting such a huge spin on things. We left for multiple reason, if anyone wants to talk about said reasons (especially Polars) you can find us #crimsonfists & #polaris. Hopefully we can mend the damage done at least to a better level from having only 1 side of the story being passed around.

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Congratulations Random, you've earned it. I'm looking forward to continuing our great relationship with Polaris. Also happy to see Grub back in action, good choice. I hope Penguin enjoys retirement and all the tasty fish he can handle.

On another note, I don't know the details on CF other than what's been provided here. I can only say I agree with the decision to not pursue them and I hope time will heal the problems caused.

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[quote name='FAdmApoc' timestamp='1287667600' post='2489757']
I was going to leave this thread but the amount of incorrect information being posted by Polaris amazes me, it truly does.

Yes we talked about creating a new alliance while actively serving Polaris, we did our jobs and apparently that means nothing at all. Take a look at our alliance right now, theres not much to it so its pretty obvious we didn't do much more than talk about it. The only people that knew about this all felt the same way about the direction Polaris was heading, of those people one is still actively serving in Council. I know Llanowar Elf has told you otherwise but he was actively part of this, leaving Polaris to create a new alliance, even willing to drop out half way through his term to start it. Grumpdogg gave notice that he intended on leaving, and before anyone else had a chance to give notice Dajobo lost the plot. Grumpdogg gets demasked without warning, another person gets demasked without warning, several others including myself get masked down to member and are given the option, stay & don't leave or leave right now. We were forced out by Dajobo, there was no way he was going to let us serve out our terms in council or let us fill anyone properly on whats happening.[/quote]In his removal of your clique's masks Dajobo acted as any responsible alliance leader should given the secretive nature of your new alliance's formation and the sheer scope of your cliques collective access and powers. Likewise, even without those two glaring facts, he acted accordingly since the Body Republic deserves a leadership which is dedicated to its long term goals and is not simply waiting out the days till they can go gallivanting off to their new alliance.

As for Llanowar, he has, contrary to your attempts at character assassination, acted with honor. Indeed, his only comments on the situation which I have seen have been an apology for his momentary lapse of faith and a renewed pledge of loyalty to our alliance. He has not thrown you to the vultures nor has he attempted to somehow whip up a killing frenzy aimed at your destruction.

[quote]Secretly recruiting? We are all close friends who come from a close knit gaming community, there is life outside of Polaris. We haven't secretly invited anyone. If anyone wants to join AA then that is [b]their choice[/b], we know better than recruiting from an alliance.[/quote]Someone came up with the idea to leave and someone convinced, or attempted to convince, a number of individuals who were heavily involved in the day-to-day operations of our community to go with them. That is a textbook definition of recruitment and no amount of spin on your part can change it.

[quote]So Fallen and the rest of old group of Polaris gov, please stop putting such a huge spin on things. We left for multiple reason, if anyone wants to talk about said reasons (especially Polars) you can find us #crimsonfists & #polaris. Hopefully we can mend the damage done at least to a better level from having only 1 side of the story being passed around.[/quote]Old group of Polaris gov? Are you so desperate for a plausible argument that you fall upon an old trope while ignoring the strong consensus within Polar's government, which consists of individuals who joined our community's government before and after both you and Grumpdogg?

[quote name='circlewood' timestamp='1287668435' post='2489765']
Yea for you maybe... :P
[/quote]You mean it wasn't good for you? :awesome:


Edited by Fallen Fool
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