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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1286740742' post='2480576']
I don't see why you're all still talking about us manufacturing a CB when we

1. Didn't attack.
2. Didn't actually manufacture a CB (this relates to 1, as there is no CB since there is no war).


And there is no war because your logs were leaked and everybody saw how willing your coalition was to attack without motive.
We have to take your word for this because who knows what would have happened had those logs not leaked.
And to be honest, taking your word for it would be pretty damn ridiculous right now after everybody found out how trustworthy you guys are.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1286740742' post='2480576']
I don't see why you're all still talking about us manufacturing a CB when we

1. Didn't attack.
2. Didn't actually manufacture a CB (this relates to 1, as there is no CB since there is no war).

I mean eventually the whole room decides to back up and not use a crappy CB and all of a sudden it's "OMG YOU GUYS WERE PLANNING IT ALL ALONG!!!@!@" I mean, surely certain Karma alliances weren't discussing the prospect of hitting NPO and friends before they had a legitimate CB. Heaven forbid.

If we had gone in, it would be hilarious. The logs also do make us look stupid. However, there really is no point in discussing an idea that was shot down by even WCE.

1. You didn't attack, you're right. Probably the only smart thing that came from that meeting of the mindless.
2. You didn't actually manufacture one, but you were trying as hard as you can to manufacture one. Doesn't paint you in any better of a light.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1286740742' post='2480576']
I don't see why you're all still talking about us manufacturing a CB when we

1. Didn't attack.
2. Didn't actually manufacture a CB (this relates to 1, as there is no CB since there is no war).

I mean eventually the whole room decides to back up and not use a crappy CB and all of a sudden it's "OMG YOU GUYS WERE PLANNING IT ALL ALONG!!!@!@" I mean, surely certain Karma alliances weren't discussing the prospect of hitting NPO and friends before they had a legitimate CB. Heaven forbid.

If we had gone in, it would be hilarious. The logs also do make us look stupid. However, there really is no point in discussing an idea that was shot down by even WCE.

The only reason you didn't go with a manufactured CB was because none of you could think of an even half decent one. That and the fact ODN actually managed to sort out the whole mess by using a little common sense. I'm sure you might be able to find a CB in future though, who knows, maybe that micro bait alliance could work.

With the intelligence we've seen on show from those who oppose GOONS we'll all be waiting for your eventual master plan to crush us into dust with baited breath. Until that time I guess we'll have to amuse ourselves with your incompetence and dillusions that you are in fact the good guys.

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[quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1286741566' post='2480587']
And there is no war because your logs were leaked and everybody saw how willing your coalition was to attack without motive.
We have to take your word for this because who knows what would have happened had those logs not leaked.
And to be honest, taking your word for it would be pretty damn ridiculous right now after everybody found out how trustworthy you guys are.

Wow, seriously? the leaked logs happened way after the events that decided whether or not a war would happened.

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[quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1286741566' post='2480587']
And there is no war because your logs were leaked and everybody saw how willing your coalition was to attack without motive.
[color="#0000FF"]There would have been no war even if the logs weren't leaked. After I pointed out that UPN was a horrible reason to go to war over, the momentum died and people became a lot less willing to commit.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286729947' post='2480434']
[color="#0000FF"]You fellows are quite disingenuous. You should know by now that I'm not picky about word choice. "Kill," "roll," "die," etc. are all for me synonyms for attacking, and removing from power. Disbanding GOONS never crossed my mind, and had it done so I'd have said it explicitly. As for reps, I've always been against those regardless of who has been defeated. I find those to simply be a weak move.As for me plotting to manufacture a CB, let me remind you that I was not active in the talks about creating a microalliance to bait GOONS with. My rolle was limited to explaining why attacking GOONS without a CB would be folly.But honestly, I am not surprised to see any of these desperate measures coming from your little brain trust. You're seeking to discredit the one credible threat to your power. Well, let me tell you. Your little lies and delusions may be believes amongst yourselves, but you ain't fooling the rest of the world. And that's who matters.Also, do you mean to tell me that GOONS has never been in a back channel? That VE hasn't? That none of these alliances have never one plotted or planned? You must be deluded, because quite frankly any alliance worth a bit or two has been there and done that. GOONS included. The only difference between your meetings and ours is that yours haven't been leaked yet. Kudos to you on that, but let me assure you the day that it does happen I'll be the first to remind you of how you said "but we would never."As for me being worse that GOONS, the day I start extorting individuals and alliances, advocating perpetual war, undo humiliation of foes, and "survival of the fittest" thought to justify those actions is the day you might have a leg to stand on. But that's simply not the case. Am I stupid? No. Do I plan moves in secret? Of course. Why wouldn't I? To do everything publicly is asking for failure. I've done nothing contradictory to my views, and to even suggest that I'd do anything I'm clearly against proves you have no idea who I am. Reparations, forced disbandment, and extensive war I will never advocate, and should my cohorts have decided that it what GOONS deserved they would have found an enemy in me.And did you just use "you have a relationship with NPO" to try and prove your asinine assumptions? Why should people take any of the dribble you say seriously with that kind of disregard for logic?[/color]

Why so angry, RV? Upset that you didn't get leaked details about PB before MCXA and SuperCoolYellow?

[quote]You're seeking to discredit the one credible threat to your power. Well, let me tell you. Your little lies and delusions may be believes amongst yourselves, but you ain't fooling the rest of the world. And that's who matters.[/quote]

RV: The only time you were ever credible was when you were in LOSS and VE and NPO took you out back to the woodshed and gave you the beating you deserved. You took your lumps and moved on, learned from your mistake and LOSS became all the better for it. Hell, VE even released LOSS from terms early and fought for LOSS not to get moved, etc. Or did you forget about that while rubbing your hands together like a jewel thief after a big score with your crew (Schattenman, Peggy, and the rest of the Camp Councilors)?

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286731544' post='2480453']
[color="#0000FF"]I had no desire to manufacture a CB. I quite clearly stated that GOONS has done more than a few things to warrant being rolled. I won't bother listing them here, because quite frankly it all comes to down a lack of human decency on their part.[/quote]
For you to talk about a lack of human decency, you really don't know VE nor GOONS. Stop pretending you know how our respective alliances work. You were never a member of either alliance. Your speculation is nothing but mindless dribble and drool. And don't talk like you never manufactured a CB against an alliance. Or did you forget about GW3? And lastly, who gave you the right to decide who gets rolled or not? Yeah, no one.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286730048' post='2480437']
Listen to him. He's telling you the truth. Only a few ppl are believe that RV or anyone else in that room wanted to disband GOONS.

Oh what would you know, spy? Your alliance isn't relevant anymore, just like GGA wasn't relevant anymore after numerous defeats.

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[quote name='Sooner' timestamp='1286750845' post='2480692']

For you to talk about a lack of human decency, you really don't know VE nor GOONS. Stop pretending you know how our respective alliances work. You were never a member of either alliance. Your speculation is nothing but mindless dribble and drool. And don't talk like you never manufactured a CB against an alliance. [b] Or did you forget about GW3? And lastly, who gave you the right to decide who gets rolled or not? Yeah, no one.[/b]

I like how in your entire point to counter RV's assertions about your alliance, you place blame for GW3 entirely upon RV's shoulders in an attempt to paint him as some kind of villain.

And you then follow that up with some kind of ridiculous hint that you'll roll whomever you please.

My point is, essentially, my only response could possibly be this:

u mad?

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1286751578' post='2480702']
I like how in your entire point to counter RV's assertions about your alliance, you place blame for GW3 entirely upon RV's shoulders in an attempt to paint him as some kind of villain.

And you then follow that up with some kind of ridiculous hint that you'll roll whomever you please.

My point is, essentially, my only response could possibly be this:

u mad?
Well he was responsible for his part as LOSS's leadership in GW2 and GW3. Is he a villian? Did I ever call him that directly? No. Did I ever state that the entire conflict was his fault? No. I called him out for being hypocritical. I also called him out about deciding who gets rolled or if GOONS gets rolled, etc. And lastly, I never hinted that I'll roll whomever I please. If you saw that threat then you really gotta get your eyes checked because I never made that threat. Nor can I. THe only persons that can make that call are those who actually [b]lead[/b] alliances. Silly Chron.

Oh and SCY, I have no real issue with you. After only reading the first page and the most recent, I mispoke. I was under the impression that it was you who had copied the post by illegally gaining access to our forums. I was informed that this is not the case. My apologies.

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[quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1286741566' post='2480587']
And there is no war because your logs were leaked and everybody saw how willing your coalition was to attack without motive.
No, this is not the case. Please stop talking about things which you haven't the first clue about.

(The leak happened after the war was called off.)

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1286744559' post='2480639']
Rebel Virginia, did you single-handedly avert this curbstomp? Are you the sole hero we ought to all be praising?
No, he wasn't alone.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286754196' post='2480729']
No, he wasn't alone.

Yes, I'm well aware. The questions, meant as light-hearted jabs, were in response to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93065&view=findpost&p=2480621"]his post[/url] directly above mine. ;)

[quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1286756586' post='2480756']
Two things I gotta say:

1) You don't need to wait for another GOONS incident to claim as a CB. Just pull the trigger. They deserve it.
2) Please invite me next time :ehm:

Pull the trigger yourself. :ehm:

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1286758587' post='2480783']
[url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=120625] Here's one. [/url]

Knock yourself out.
[quote]Declaring Nation: Nightmerica (Prodigal Moon)
Declaring Nation Strength: 87,709.343
Declaring Nation Rank: Ranked #862 of 21,021 nations
Defending Nation: Satsuma Republic (Denkimon) - You cannot declare war on this nation because they are not within your range of nations to declare war on. View your My Ranking screen to find nations within your range.
Defending Nation Strength: 61,500.448
Defending Nation Rank: Ranked #2,401 of 21,021 nations [/quote]
Besides, even if they were in range I'd end up fighting 1 GOON and 3 PC/Umbrella/MK nations.

Edited by Prodigal Moon
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