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So GOONS is attacked by a 12-man alliance, and they can't even deal with them by themselves. 8 alliances?? Are you kidding me? This is beyond pathetic.

This isn't a curbstomp, it's cyber genocide (thanks for Mike Oldfield for that phrase). This is a great new world we've all created.
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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1285793168' post='2468660']

So GOONS is attacked by a 12-man alliance, and they can't even deal with them by themselves. 8 alliances?? Are you kidding me? This is beyond pathetic.

This isn't a curbstomp, it's cyber genocide (thanks for Mike Oldfield for that phrase). This is a great new world we've all created.
I now am forced to agree with Pacifica, Hal, RV..oh dear i think i should go back to bed

That said, give em hell Ejay the cowards will eventually start calling on allies of allies to attack you guys lol

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285793330' post='2468662']
That said, give em hell Ejay the cowards will eventually start calling on allies of allies to attack you guys lol
[color="#0000FF"]Sorry wicked, but you're getting slow. They already have. Kronos is only allied to allies of GOONS (VE, Umbrella, and GOD). Not to GOONS directly.[/color]

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285793330' post='2468662']
I now am forced to agree with Pacifica, Hal, RV..oh dear i think i should go back to bed

That said, give em hell Ejay the cowards will eventually start calling on allies of allies to attack you guys lol


I am so touched, WickedJ....never thought I'd see the day. *wipes a tear from his left eye*

Got to admit though, this cluster$%&@ is messed up on so many levels.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285793571' post='2468667']
[color="#0000FF"]Sorry wicked, but you're getting slow. They already have. Kronos is only allied to allies of GOONS (VE, Umbrella, and GOD). Not to GOONS directly.[/color]
[/quote]I haven't heard anything about Kronos and I assure you we didn't ask them to do anything.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285793571' post='2468667']
[color="#0000FF"]Sorry wicked, but you're getting slow. They already have. Kronos is only allied to allies of GOONS (VE, Umbrella, and GOD). Not to GOONS directly.[/color]
I don't believe Kronos was asked to join. They jumped in of their own accord, and of course, messed up a stagger on us.

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1285793168' post='2468660']

So GOONS is attacked by a 12-man alliance, and they can't even deal with them by themselves. 8 alliances?? Are you kidding me? This is beyond pathetic.

This isn't a curbstomp, it's cyber genocide (thanks for Mike Oldfield for that phrase). This is a great new world we've all created.
Keep saying this, but nobody cares, least of all GOONS and our allies.

ninjas were against overwhelming odds either way, so it should hardly matter. They knew what they were getting themselves into. They canceled their only treaty and declared on allies of allies because their feelings were hurt. Weak CB or not, rogues or not, it doesn't matter since they knew full well what would happen.

I commend ninjas for actually doing something instead of just talking about it like some certain people and groups I could mention are apt to do. That said, I'm disappointed they aren't just doing their work on the battlefield and keep asking people to DoW on them for some reason (is there a reason for that? Do you gain automatic alliancehood if someone does? Trying to invoke invisible treaties? Sardonic already said we don't really consider you rogues, so are you trying to win a PR battle here?), and complain about the use of allies. They also seem to have taken the NSO route where even if they lose, they win.

Well enjoy your war, I know GOONS will. We always want to fight; it's why we tech raid; it's what drives our nations to inactivity when nothing is going on. Whether you guys give up in a month or we're still fighting some of you in three years, I look forward to it. You're doing us a favor. And if we knew all it took to get people to attack us was to ask them to, we would've been doing this all along. You gave us exactly what we wanted. Thanks.

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1285793168' post='2468660']

So GOONS is attacked by a 12-man alliance, and they can't even deal with them by themselves. 8 alliances?? Are you kidding me? This is beyond pathetic.

This isn't a curbstomp, it's cyber genocide (thanks for Mike Oldfield for that phrase). This is a great new world we've all created.
Alliance A attacks alliance B. B has the ability to call in allies who wouldn't mind helping out. This process will save time and pixels, and is simply maths, and has nothing to do with courage or being pathetic.

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[quote name='Gamemaster1' timestamp='1285793806' post='2468676']
Funny how MK jumps so quickly to call an established alliance rogues. I guess it's just easier to deal with if you don't treat it like an [i]actual[/i] war.

I get being a good ally is a foreign concept to you but seriously?

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1285793168' post='2468660']

So GOONS is attacked by a 12-man alliance, and they can't even deal with them by themselves. 8 alliances?? Are you kidding me? This is beyond pathetic.

This isn't a curbstomp, it's cyber genocide (thanks for Mike Oldfield for that phrase). This is a great new world we've all created.
I can't believe, after being stated and countered so many times, this argument is still being brought up.

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1285794619' post='2468690']
Alliance A attacks alliance B. B has the ability to call in allies who wouldn't mind helping out. This process will save time and pixels, and is simply maths, and has nothing to do with courage or being pathetic.
Does it really take several hundred nations to fill 36 war slots?

Alliance A attacks Alliance B, Alliance B goes ballistic and called in everyone in their sphere to deal with a micro alliance that Alliance B could easily handle on their own. Ok...Maths? must be long division or something :P

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285794222' post='2468684']That said, I'm disappointed they aren't just doing their work on the battlefield and keep asking people to DoW on them for some reason...[/quote]

I feel it is somewhat of a responsibility of an established alliance to declare when they make a decision that effects another. In my eyes this defines an alliance. IE, existence, policies, treaties, and war. If we hadn't issued a DoW on GOONS, we would be tainted as "real" rogues, no? So why can't they give us the common courtesy. Why are their attacks anymore "special"? Is it because they are on the winning side that they don't have to issue a DoW?

This really leads me to my bigger point about mutual [i]respect[/i]. If the GOONS can tech raid an established 10 man alliance without interference from outside sources, why can't an established 10 man alliance tech raid the GOONS without interference from outside sources? In the same regard, if we have to give a DoW to GOONS to be deemed "serious aggressor" (and so does the rest of CN), then why don't GOONS' allies gives us the same?

What I set out to prove is that numbers and allies *don't* and shouldn't mean more respect.

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[quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1285794816' post='2468698']
Does it really take several hundred nations to fill 36 war slots?

Alliance A attacks Alliance B, Alliance B goes ballistic and called in everyone in their sphere to deal with a micro alliance that Alliance B could easily handle on their own. Ok...Maths? must be long division or something :P
If you want to kill the enemy quickly, overkill is always the best option. If you have that power at your disposal, why not?

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285795215' post='2468707']
The guy responsible for Hegemony complains about using excessive force in a war.

Honestly, I don't think it gets more ironic.

No, it'd be ironic if we had to help each other to hurt each other.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285795215' post='2468707']
The guy responsible for Hegemony complains about using excessive force in a war.

Honestly, I don't think it gets more ironic.
I think you should feel pretty much ashamed when that happens really. You are worse than the worst thing we knew.

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[quote name='ROMMELHSQ' timestamp='1285795484' post='2468713']
A gangbang on a 11 man alliance. how refreshing..can't you pathetic people in GOONS handle even that instead of running to your nanny??

Ejay and the others: Have fun, my great Gremlins friends!!!

Good thing you read the thread before stating your opinion.

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[quote name='Quiziotle' timestamp='1285792287' post='2468639']
Another pack of rogues jumping at the opportunity to be ground into dust by the GOONS and their allies is nothing special at this point -- I'm not entirely sure why you even bothered to announce this.

Who are the rogues?

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[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1285795558' post='2468715']
I think you should feel pretty much ashamed when that happens really. You are worse than the worst thing we knew.

"You're worse than [i]they[/i] are!"

Changing "As bad" to "Worse" does not a fresh argument make. It's old, tired, ineffectual, and you really need a new one.

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1285795156' post='2468705']
This really leads me to my bigger point about mutual [i]respect[/i]. If the GOONS can tech raid an established 10 man alliance without interference from outside sources, why can't an established 10 man alliance tech raid the GOONS without interference from outside sources?
I'm guessing because that 10-man alliance GOONS raids doesn't have any treaties/friends.

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