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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1283060119' post='2434515']
Personally, I'd hate to fight Nordreich.

Then again, I suspect I'll never have to.
Coups, paranoia about coups, spies, paranoia about spies ... trust me, Ashoka, Nordreich's leadership already has you on their target lists. I bet one of the former Reichskaisers personally signed your death warrant; better hunt down that 'King Zog' guy and get an explanation.


Honestly, Mushroom Kingdom seems to make the most noise around here, M and its crowd tend to get attention, the Siberian Tiger Alliance still seems to have the appeal to the masses here, but whose anniversary threads generate heated debate on whether they should still exist? (And Vox Populi doesn't count, they don't exist anymore.)

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1283063800' post='2434547']
Top 10 alliance contest.

Numbers: There is power in numbers, there can be no question of that

Infra: Sure largely determined by the numbers, but still a key factor

Tech: Always a key factor

Nukes: How much damage can they do

I believe based on the points above, the following are listed as the top 10 most powerful alliances. This does not take into account wonders/warchest/treaties
End result:

1)[color="#48D1CC"]MHA[/color]- 35
2)[color="#FF0000"]NPO[/color]- 33
3)[color="#0000FF"]NpO[/color]- 27
4)[color="#000000"]Sparta[/color]- 25
5)[color="#006400"]GPA[/color]- 17
6)[color="#00FFFF"]Fark[/color]- 15
7)[color="#00FFFF"]MK[/color]- 14
8)[color="#800080"]Legion[/color]- 12
9)[color="#006400"]VE[/color]- 12
10)[color="#FFA500"]ODN[/color]- 9

FAN- 4
Iron- 1
TDO- 1
WTF- 0
TOP- 0

shiny but it ignores the most of the true key features such as average NS, previous military performances, treaties, and if they are neutral or not.

Edit: Also ignores the loudness factor which of vital importance as we all know the louder the alliance on the OWF the more powerful it is.

Edited by anenu
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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1283063800' post='2434547']
End result:

1)[color="#48D1CC"]MHA[/color]- 35
2)[color="#FF0000"]NPO[/color]- 33
3)[color="#0000FF"]NpO[/color]- 27
4)[color="#000000"]Sparta[/color]- 25
5)[color="#006400"]GPA[/color]- 17
6)[color="#00FFFF"]Fark[/color]- 15
7)[color="#00FFFF"]MK[/color]- 14
8)[color="#800080"]Legion[/color]- 12
9)[color="#006400"]VE[/color]- 12
10)[color="#FFA500"]ODN[/color]- 9

FAN- 4
Iron- 1
TDO- 1
WTF- 0
TOP- 0
You put GPA ahead of TOP? Wow.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1283064593' post='2434553']
You put GPA ahead of TOP? Wow.

My favorite part was where he ranked solely on nuke count, completely ignoring how WRCs increase nuke damage massively and MPs/SDIs dictate your staying power in a nuclear war.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1283064593' post='2434553']
You put GPA ahead of TOP? Wow.

In this case, I thinks its more of an idea on how to score things. Its obviously not polished, and as always if you try to rank things numerically, its going to be a bit flawed. That doesn't mean he shouldn't try it though.

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[quote name='anenu' timestamp='1283064407' post='2434552']
shiny but it ignores the most of the true key features such as average NS, previous military performances, treaties, and if they are neutral or not.

Edit: Also ignores the loudness factor which of vital importance as we all know the louder the alliance on the OWF the more powerful it is.

Treaties came in later, high NS average would not have played into this as the alliances listed would not have made it into the top 10. Yes its not a perfect system, but you can throw a wrench into anything, personal choice is always unpredictable.

I do not believe in the loudness factor, its easy to talk the talk, very few alliances can really, walk the walk one on one.

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[quote name='CRex of Gulo Gulo' timestamp='1283066059' post='2434566']
My favorite part was where he ranked solely on nuke count, completely ignoring how WRCs increase nuke damage massively and MPs/SDIs dictate your staying power in a nuclear war.

WRC's would not have changed the outcome of the over all, but it was figured into the top 10 challenge

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1283066527' post='2434570']
WRC's would not have changed the outcome of the over all, but it was figured into the top 10 challenge

Considering how with a WRC and Navy you can throw a nuke that does about 1k infra damage (the current record), compared to the base damage of a nuke, WRCs play a major role in projecting nuclear power. A nation can eat 1 nuke per day, period. If Liquid Mercury or EB is landing a nuke for 1k a shot on you for 7 days, that a lot different than eating a nuke that is doing say 300 infra damage a day.

Pure numbers are secondary to damage and ability to reload. SDIs will sponge up nukes and as I said you only get 1 strike per day. So he who lands the biggest strike, wins.

Same goes for pure numbers nations, another metric you used. Lots of sanctioned alliances with 300+ members have ended up doing jack in a war because they had no internal coordination, etc. It's a cute little system, but to badly paraphrase Archon's Karma era sig: "Power isn't what you control, it is what you can unleash." If the stats screens alone decided war things would be a lot different around here. We'd be enjoying Pax Legio based on the fact The Legion used to have >1,200 members (with about 300 of those active and willing to fight, making the 900 useless as any GWIII vet can tell you).

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[quote name='CRex of Gulo Gulo' timestamp='1283059315' post='2434510']
~words before this part~[b]The other members of SF and CnG likely have to call up Hoo or Archon and ask for permission to DoW someone.[/b] So they have power, but Hoo and Archon have the ultimate power since they can determine if the war launches or not.

This is not true. In regards to C&G anyways.

Edited by Jgoods45
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[quote name='Rebounder' timestamp='1283056264' post='2434485']
1. MK
2. NPO

That's my list of all the relevant and independent major alliances

On a list of relevant and independent alliances you have NPO?

Psst, it's 2010.

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I will agree with an earlier poster to some extent.

1) Ragnarok - Proven history of military fortitude, strong and stable treaties, and good leaders.
2) Mushroom Kingdom - There allies really let them down often having to carry certain alliances. They are tough and are very deserving of the #2 position.
3) Umbrella - I've always liked them they are a bit of a silent wrecking ball in the sense they don't look for a fight they just say prayers for those they have to fight.
4) New Pacific Order - Solid #4 due to the fact that they have a strong nuke count, a membership that doesn't flake in the middle of a war, and generally are pretty well organized. Easily a #1 alliance in the future if any alliance would ever be willing to take a chance on them when it comes to treaties.
5) New Polar Order - Relatively stable, not afraid of a fight, and good treaty connections. Our tech numbers are the only thing that prevents us from moving a bit higher up on this list.
99) Mostly Harmless Alliance - Meh? Who cares? An alliance that has the backbone of an invertebrate. Untested, and realistically have the look of a GWIII Legion Paper Tiger.

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And MHA are your former alliance, JR. How very classy.

My own list:

1. MK - the most powerful alliance in C&G, diplomatically and militarily. By extension they also have influence with SF, who they are connected to through GOD.
2. STA - have excellent political capital, plus everyone wants them on their side (see: Polar, Pacifica, C&G, SF.)
3. GOD - politically dominant alliance in SF. I may dislike Xiphosis but he's clever enough to realise SF and C&G need to stick together.
4. TOP - while ex-Hegemony still exists, they are probably the dominant alliance in it, both IRON and NPO want good relations with them, and statistically they are also quite powerful.
5. ODN - diplomatically, we're in a good position. Statistically, we're the second most powerful alliance in C&G. Our PR and political capital has naturally increased given the length of time since we screwed up in No-CB.
6. Fark - I almost made them #5, they have an excellent position in SF, and they're awesome in terms of stats. They don't have any stains on their record either, giving them good political capital.
7. Umbrella - their stats are !@#$@#$ insane, and they have an excellent relationship with MK.
8. VE - permanent MADP with GOD, well connected with SF, good stats, have a reputation as an 'honourable' alliance (despite the fact that I wouldn't touch Goldielax with a ten-foot pole.)
9. Polaris - excellent stats, but lost much of their PR and political capital with their shenanigans in the last war.
10. Sparta- have good treaty connections, don't have a good reputation (I think that's unwarranted, because they're good people, but still), militarily quite a decent alliance.

Honourable mentions to FOK, NV, IRON and RoK.

Pacifica would be on here but their political situation is horrible.
MHA would be on here if they didn't suck.
GATO would be on here, because they have excellent treaty connections, but their cancellation on NSO lost them significant political capital.
FAN would be on here, in fact they'd probably receive an honourable mention, if they weren't seen as irrelevant by many people. I think it's hard on them, though, because they've had to recover from a long war.

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283059566' post='2434513']
Top 5 I never want to fight:
1) Umbrella
2) TOP
3) MK
4) FOK
5) NSO

First 4 are beasts at war, NSO is up there because I don't want to have to deal with the whining and terrible propaganda.

I assume you base it off ability to deal damage plus actual fighting ability. Not to disparage anyone in your list... but to not include PC in that list... seems... a major shortsight.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1283079785' post='2434626']
I assume you base it off ability to deal damage plus actual fighting ability. Not to disparage anyone in your list... but to not include PC in that list... seems... a major shortsight.
I just saw Jens' post. I can't believe I forgot them. They're easily in the top 5 for damage output and ability.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1283085271' post='2434645']
What's fun about these is that there are people who always wind up telling us who the politically dominant alliance/person in SF is, but they can't agree on which it actually is.

Well most people probably just go: CnG, SF, NPO, etc. for any blocs they think are legit; plus maybe one other if they feel like it.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1283085271' post='2434645']
What's fun about these is that there are people who always wind up telling us who the politically dominant alliance/person in SF is, but they can't agree on which it actually is.

I'm seeing a lot of Hoo/RoK in this thread actually.

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